I still love you, dear brother-in-law

116 chapter 116 : kiss me every time we mee

at the same time, the figure on the dark floor began to move. the gun in the lily's hand started shooting bullets at the figure, the lily aimed at that head but nothing happened.

the figure kept moving, then lily targeted something else in the dark. lily eyeing the hydrant attached to the wall, after releasing two rounds of bullets, the hydrant explodes and spreads the smog around.

the figure continued to move to the elevator. but, when figure arrived at the elevator there was no one there.

the four of them had left the movable elevator. lily and others do not see anyone on this floor, even security guards and nurses who should guard no one.

"lily," Lan-lan asked, in a very small voice, still hiding behind the lily. lily at the front, behind her lan-lan, kai and randy.

"where is your sister?" Lily asked suddenly to Kai.

"It's on the top floor" said Kai, their floor is now on the 6th floor, while the top floor is 30th floor. His sister should be safe above.

"go away, I'm afraid something's going on with your sister, you sister can danger,you must go" said Lily to mose and randy to immediately go upstairs.

Kai and Randy looked indecisive, should they leave the Lily, it seemed that the dark figure was very varied, and the woman named Lan-lan could not help.

"Who is the danger? The most person is here, most fanger is you!" asked Lala confused, did not understand the lily's intent so the two men left here.

Randy and Kai understood at once, Lily wanted them to leave there and leave her. Lily looked at Lala irritably. "who knows" said Lily, half whispering trying to get the two men to go away.

"Don't worry about the security of my sister up there, it's very safe," said Kai finally, smile to Lily.

Kai is quite happy that Lily is worried about him. even though Lily is angry with him.and wants to break up, but Lily was still paying attention to him

Randy nodded in agreement.

"Now tell us how the figure disappeared" said Kai looks cool.

lan -lan instead said "are these humans stupid? they hope to beat that?" Lara said as she whispered to Lily. Kai and Randy could hear it, but Lily immediately said something they didn't expect.

"I believe they can, we just need to know their weaknesses" said Lily while video call someone.

the dark figure seemed to be moving in search of something, looking for lily.

after a few rings, a man answers Lily's phone. "are you looking for me?" asked the man looking distrustful, Lily made a videocall call.

Sean's face was lying in bed looking lazy looking at the cellphone screen, but still showing he good looks.

"how to beat that?" Lily asked, pointing her camera at the dark creature that slowly moved towards Lily.

sean didn't answer lily "what's the benefit of me telling you?" said Sean asking back.

"What do you want?" Lily asked, moving backward, the figure had found her.

Randy pulls the lily running out of the room while Kai opens the door for the two of them. the dark figure began to chase lily, but when we closed the door from outside.

the three of them hurried away, they knew the door couldn't hold the creature. the creature crawled between the doors like black smoke.

The lala left in the room looked dazed and breathed a sigh of relief, because the creature left without watching after lily.

while lily stared at her cellphone screen waiting for Sean's answer, she knew that he knew the weakness of the creature.

"I want every time we meet, you kiss me," Sean said with a sly smile. Lily really wanted to strangle he.

"just kissing? ok deal" said Lily while running, lucky there were two men pulling lily to run.

Kai and Randy looked at Lily, they didn't know Lily was making an appointment with whom. but, they could not understand why Lily agreed with that man.

"kissing my lips for minutes, wherever and whenever it is, every time I meet," said Sean, reminding of a deeper agreement.

Lily paused and said coldly.

"Not deal, before I think I can fool you by kissing your hand every time we meet." Lily said as she hung up the phone.

Kai and Randy who heard that, seemed to have a thin smile on their faces, it was proper that Lily would agree to it earlier.

then the phone lily rang again. "I agree, you may kiss my hand, every time we meet" said Sean, Lily smiled and agreed and Sean knew Lily would keep their agreement.

"Just take him to a shine place, and the creature will disappear" Sean said lightly, then hung up.


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