I still love you, dear brother-in-law

130 chapter 130 : Kai was more talented

"leo's hand began to explore the most intimate part of the girl, the girl's eyes looked frightened, but leo gently touched deeper that could be inputted, until it touched a wall, the girl's virginity felt. leo felt his hands pinned on the throbbing wall, but leo moved his fingers inside with a smooth and soft in and out direction, making the girl grip the sheets on the bed and moan from his small mouth. "

Lily felt what was said was interesting and quite erotic, because of that Lily continued typing what Kai said.

"after a while, the fanny trembled, and wet the fingers of Leo who was inside the girl, the wet felt warm on Leo's finger, Leo licked he finger it then pulled the girl's thighs without notice and thrust the stem that had been stuck in the hole the virgin girl, not like inserting he finger, inserting the trunk and breaking through the walls of the virginity, he needed a harder push, leo kissed the girl, diverted her attention and nervousness when she virginity was taken by leo, leo kissed deeply as deep as he put the trunk inside the virgin of the girl who had just been redeemed by him "

Lily felt that Kai was more talented than her, Lily kept typing her story up to one chapter, and it was full of erotic scenes from Kai's mouth.

"Do you want to continue?" Kai looked at the 1280 chapter that was finished at the end of the page.

the man looked calm, even though him mouth continued to release sex stories from earlier. it seems that the words and thoughts don't become one.

Lily shook her head "This is enough for this day," Lily said, checking her forehead again. Lily's face looked confused, "why is it hotter than before, should we go to the hospital?" said Lilly, closing her iPad and putting it in her bag, preparing to take Kai to the hospital.

"It's okay after taking a shower with cold water. I'll be fine," Kai said, smiling a little to Lily.

"You're having a fever, isn't there hot water in your house?" Lily asked, if I really didn't, I would prepare it, because kai helped Lily 'blue' novel.

Lily prepares to roll up her sleeves, to prepare hot water.

"It's only effective cold water to calm this," said Kai, pointing to how tightly he pants were pulled up, there was something standing on the man's groin, from looking outside, Lily knew how big and long it had an erect kai.

Lily did not expect the story of Kai to make herself erect like that, and from that point nothing showed anything strange.

then lily goes into the bathroom and takes a clean, rolled up towel in an empty can, and smears the towel with lotion.

"Just use this, you have a fever, I'm afraid you'll get sick if you take a cold shower" he didn't reach for the can with a towel provided by Lily, lily put it on the table right in front of the man sitting with legs wide open.

"Just relax, I'll go home first." Lily said quickly before Kai could say anything, Lily had come out of the hotel room with her jacket and bag in her hand as he stood from the sofa.

Kai didn't chase the girl, but grabbed the tin that Lily provided on the table, he hand threw the can in the trash.

then go to the bathroom, take off all his clothes and turn on the shower filled with cold water.

Kai's hands stroked the trunk that didn't shrink in the swift cold water.

finally kai eyes fell while imagining the story he made earlier, and changed himself and lily in a scene in the story. he imagined red lily face on both her cheeks and the lily's mouth did not stop giving a groan every time he stabbed into the lily many times.

after bathing in cold water, he felt that he was healthier and better, the man measured his body temperature and the temometer pointed to his normal body temperature.

Kai imagined again how red the cheeks were lily when she came out of he residence, he smiled, 'I didn't think the girl was cute too', thought Kai.


while the lily had just been prevented from mose, the man's hand wanted to touch Lily's forehead, but Lily avoided it.

"I'm fine," Lily said, but Mose could see how red the cheeks were from the outside.

"Beyond the heat," Lily said while fanning.

mose eyebrows rose one up, from where they could be seen, outside was cloudy even thunder began to be heard. mose let go of lily, the girl went straight into her room.

lily washed her face with cold water hoping the red of her face disappeared.

while mose still stood still looking out the dark window. the man knew where lily had gone before, him heart felt an unpleasant feeling when he saw the girl's face so blushed red after returning from the man's place?

'What have kai done with Lily in he hotel room?'

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