I still love you, dear brother-in-law

135 chapter 135 : we go to the grave

"hi, kai" said Lily greeting the handsome man who picked her up outside the gate of the residence of mose.

because Lily asked Kai to accompany her to look for a house, Lily joined kai with he car.

"What kind of house do you want ?" asked Kai while running the car.

"There's a house I want, help me get" said Lily, Kai glanced at the lily, there was a sadness in the girl's eyes.

"Are you sad because mose let you buy a house?" asked kai.

lily remained silent looking not listening but Lily told the home address they were headed for.

"It's his house, help me buy it," said Lily.

"whose house is this?" asked, it seemed like Lily knew about this house. kai looked at a house that seemed big but ordinary and old. sure Lily can easy to buy it.

"You enter first and ask the price. I'll wait here," said Lily.

Kai obeyed and entered the house. Kai is the CEO of the famous property, for him it is an easy thing to do it. even though the residents don't intend to sell their houses, we can work around this so that they sell the house at a low price.

about half an hour, Kai comes out and returns to the car where Lily is waiting for him.

"how?" asked Lily when he just entered and sat in the car.

"They want to sell it, you really want to buy it?" Kai also didn't think the house was sold cheaper than he imagined.

but this home is just so-so.

from the location, the building of the house, nothing interesting. Kai can provide a better home for lily select in documents in the back seat.

"So, please help me process it, just write it on your namebehalf, I will transfer it into your account," Lily said grimly.

"did you buy a house for me?" said Kai while smiling at Lily. Kai knew it wasn't possible, kai just wanted to know the reason why Lily really wanted the house.

"After you process it on your behalf, turn it into my name again," said Lily, clarifying her words.

"May I know now, why you wanna buy this house?" asked Kai looking at the gloomy lily.

"This is my mother's house, where I grew up from a small age." the word liy implies sadness. "Then something happened, I was expelled from this place. If there is a house that I want to buy and occupy, then this house is what I want," said Lily clearly, so kai could see how sad Lily told he.

Kai paused, then said. "If you buy this house and live in it, isn't it only sadness that you get?" Kai understands the lily heart and mind the most.

" but you want it, right?"said Kai while stroking the girl's head, Kai looked at him gently as if he knew the girl was crying in her heart.

"You're right, but I still want it," said Lily, smiling bitterly at Kai. Kai didn't talk anything again and started running the car again.

"Who did you talk to about buying and selling a house?" Lily asked breaking the silence. Lily thought her mother would not sell the house, so she asked Kai to come forward to help her as his dealer.

"with a man in his 30s" said Kai. Lily turned and immediately looked angry.

"Why did he sell the house?" Lily asked loudly as if she was snapping at kai, so surprised, even though Lily was often angry at Kai, Lily never snapped like this.

almost kai have a heart attack because of it! Kai took a quick breath before answering the surprising lily question

"Because the house is in its name now, I saw the certificate of the house myself," Kai said, trying to calm Lily. "Why are you so angry?"

"Did you see a middle-aged woman in the house?" Lily asked.

Kai tried to remember, then said "old woman with curly hair? It seems like she just died I saw her picture in front of her altar." said Kai without turning to lily.

then not long after hearing the sound of crying from the bench next to him, Kai turned and found Lily was crying while covering her face with both hands.

Kai stopped the car in a nearby parking lot, and grabbed Lily's body who was crying trembling.

Kai gently hugged, the man knew it seemed he had said something wrong. the possibility that the old woman he said just died was lily's mother.

"Even though she has sent me away and wants to kill me, but I still want to meet her ..." Lily said between her tears.

Kai felt the shirt of the shirt had been wet with the swift lily tears. "There are lots of things I want to say to mama ..." Lily said with heavy tears running down her cheeks and clothes

guess kai is right, the woman is a lily mother, kai didn't say anything, but he hand stroked the lily's back gently so the girl calmed down.

"I didn't think she would leave this soon" Lily said with a sob. "I didn't even come to his funeral ... I don't even know when her died" said Lily feeling her chest very tight.

actually besides the abundant tears wet the shirt, there was runny water from the nose of the lily which also dripped out because of this sobbing girl. Kai didn't care about the wetness of he shirt because of that, he patiently calmed Lily to say everything in her mind.

some time later, Lily was calm. Lily eyes were very swollen and her nose was red, while kai shirt was wet from it.

"want to eat?" asked Kai, usually when sad or happy Lily will eat a lot.Lily shook her head, kai expected it.

"can you take me away?" Lily asked Kai.

"Where are we going?" Kai asked, smiling softly towards the girl's glazed eyes next to her.

"the lighthouse?" advises Kai, he also wants to go there again. just right together with lily, without mose and marie.

Kai waits for the girl to answer, kai will be very happy if the girl's head is nodded.

'happy~ :) '

"No, we go to the grave," said Lily, her eyes still shedding tears. Kai paused for a moment..

"Grave? why? Oh, it is okay.. wherever you want" said Kai quickly, while running the car.

'going to the cemetery is better than seeing a girl crying'

thought Kai in his head.


it's just in kai heart.

'not happy... :') '

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