I still love you, dear brother-in-law

140 chapter 140 : Record me

Kai and mose returned to the hotel room, they had succeeded in buying the legend of the demon killer sword, Tammy and Mario had gone missing because their task of escorting boss was over.

the two men found the lily had just arrived with a rather large dog. and of course the smell of fresh blood, the two men could hear howls of wolves from inside sometimes.

"You buy a wolf?" asked Kai looking closer. where can lily buy it? This wolf looks wild yet tame.

"I kidnapped him" said Lily, while washing her hands, her hand had just been torn apart while feeding the wolf.

"Carefully, the bite hurts." Lily said remindingly. mose and Kai saw the lily's hand hurt until the bone was visible. just seeing it really hurts, but it seems liky doesn't feel the pain in his arm.

Lily dried her hands with a towel and asked Kai to repair her hands. kai are better at treating because he is a doctor. and he wears gloves, he doesn't want lily get poisoned anymore, even if it only causes high fever.

Lily's eyes looked at the black display box covered in a golden dragon, which they carried. "What is that?" Lily asked curiously, what could make them go together to carry the item.

"Ah, this is a demon killer sword, if a demon named Sean comes, we can kill him" said Kai looks happy, no matter the price they spend to buy it.

Lily paused for a moment, looking to say something. but then his face changed, apparently he got another idea in her mind. Kai had a chance to look badly at Lily's face for a moment.

"OK, let's try" said Lily "I'll tell Sean to come" after lily's hands were finished bandaged, lily called sean to come to their place, like inviting friends to play.

"What are you calling me here?" asked Sean "why is your hand?" asked Sean, seeing the lily hands bandaged. Sean can smell fresh blood lily from the bandage.

"This is a small wound, than that, may we test a sword to you" Lily asked Sean for permission.

before that, Sean didn't forget to extend his hand to Lily, Lily couldn't help kissing Sean's hand again. this week she had kissed Sean's hand for the third time, why could that demon always appear before her now?

"What sword?" Sean asked seeing the black sword, which Kai had just released.

"Demon killer sword" said Kai while pointing to Sean. Sean eyebrows, looked scornful Kai saw the sword in his hand.

"let me try it," said Lily, reaching for the sword in her hand, "I've been killed by him many times, even though that sword is fake, at least I can pierce he heart once," said Lily.

"You already know that the sword is just a useless sword" said Sean while folding hands on his chest. "But you still call me and say you want to try the sword?"

"I said at least I wanted to stab your heart once" said Lily, "may I?" Lily asked. when will this opportunity come for the second time! piercing the devil's heart, Lily really wanted to do it.

Sean remembered the last time he did, it seemed like Lily was angry because of that.

Sean nodded in agreement, and stretched his arms, as if telling Lily to stab him with the sword.

Kai and Mose who heard their conversation from before, felt weak. they go all the way to the T country to spend millions of dollars to buy fake swords?

then lily stabs slowly and slowly to the heart of Sean.

"why are you stabbing like this?" said Sean looking annoyed, the lily stabbed very slowly and twisted around like she wanted to drill rather than stab Sean with a sword.

"I really want to enjoy this pleasure. kai help me keep these unforgettable moment and beautiful memories. Record me, please," said Lily, looking very very happy.

Kai immediately recorded the lily with he phone.

after ten minutes, the sword pierced Sean's back, and Sean seemed unaffected even his blood did not come out, the two men who bought the sword looked disappointed too, but Lily did not.

the girl was very happy to succeed in piercing Sean's heart, even though Sean didn't feel anything.

"Ah, right this is fake" said Lily, then pulled the sword while kicking Sean's chest. Sean looked more devastated because of the lily kick than the stabbed sword.

before Sean gets angry, Lily rushes to help Sean stand up and tidy up his clothes. "I'm sorry, you won't be angry with my light kick, right?" said Lily, smiling sarcastically.

Sean wants to be angry but not so, and only replies to Lily's smile. "Have you been satisfied with revenge?" Sean asked llily, this is your revenge.

"What revenge? Thinking about it, I haven't had the chance" said Lily with a innocent face. "I just tried the dragon slayer sword earlier." Lily said with a happy smile. demon killer sword, not a dragon slayer sword!

"It's up to me to wait for your sweet revenge," said Sean. It seemed that it was impossible to revenge this small lily.

"than that, from what is howling?" Sean asked as he walked closer to the cage.

Sean crouched down to see the contents, right at that moment, Lily opened the door of the wolf cage, suddenly . "oh, this is my revenge," Lily said with a big smile.

the white wolf immediately pounced on Sean. Kai and Mose can see how evil the face of lily sees the wolf jumping to Sean.

Sean stared at the wolf who was jumping at him. seeing Sean's gaze, the wolf looked surprised and returned to his cage.


Lily who saw it looked no less disappointed with the disappointed face of mose and Kai earlier.

"Damn, I have gone all the way to find a wild wolf, and my hands have been bitten many times. But once you see him, this wolf returns to the cage while urinating," said Lily, covering her face with both hands.

annoyed, the wolf is no more useful than the demon killer sword.

"Are you bitten by him? I'll kill him," said Sean, looking angry at the hands of the lily from the useless wolf.

"Don't kill, I intend to take care of him" said Lily quickly hugging Sean, and pushed he away from wolf cage.

"Even though it's useless, having a wolf is one of my dreams from childhood" said Lily, encouraging Sean to sit quietly on the sofa.

the three men fell silent, Lily wanted to look after the wolf? hasn't the girl been severely bitten by the animal? in three days, maybe the lily will die bite by him.

that's a bad idea!

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