I still love you, dear brother-in-law

165 chapter 165 : wolf special edition

Remember the white wolf that Lily brought to revenge Sean?

the white wolf is now on the sean, kai send the wolf to sean's place. because Kai was afraid of the wolf, and the wolf was only obedient to Sean. Sean now like the owner of the wolf who takes care and gives her food.

Lily who wants to look after the wolf has disappeared somewhere for week. in fact, as long as in another world, Lily doesn't remember the wolf at all.

sean doesn't name the wolf, or invites her to play. but Sean let the wolf freely roam the spacious residence. the servants and guards at Sean's place, seemed afraid of the wolf too. the wolf has a large body and is always incubating if anyone approaches other than sean.

once upon a time sean went out of town, for three days. the wolf did not want to eat his food and fell ill. Sean, who just came home, saw that the wolf was weakening with strength and he immediately healed him.

The wolf was immediately healthy and was very happy to see Sean before his eyes.

Sean chuckles, and thinks if just lily is as sweet as this wolf but that is not possible.

The wolf only wants to eat from the food that Sean gives and always follows Sean in the house except when the bedroom, this wolf knows she can't come in, because Sean has thrown her out of there.

the wolf was like knowing the smell of someone in Sean's bed in his bedroom, the smell of the scent of a woman she had met before. but, Sean forbade the wolf to enter or approach his room. and the wolf can only obey not to enter Sean's room.

sean was working on the task on his laptop without realizing it was already very late, he felt his feet warm. the wolf fell asleep above Sean's feet, his hand extended to the sleeping wolf and bought the wolf. the wolf looks like it's like having a good dream.

one day Sean came home late at night, after drinking with other high-ranking companies and accompanied by beautiful female hosts. Sean is not interested in the host or drink, he only has to appear occasionally in public as a human. the wolf immediately welcomed Sean and sniffed the fragrance of the woman in his body. the wolf bites Sean's arm in anger.

"What are you doing?" Sean doesn't feel hurt even though his arm is bitten and bleeding because of it.

but the one who was surprised was the wolf, it seemed like she realized she had made a mistake and regretted having bitten Sean's arm. Sean looked at the wolf looking sad but didn't say anything and went to his room above leaving the wolf who didn't follow him again this time.

after taking a shower and changing clothes, Sean looked at his arm, there were no more injuries to that arm. it's just that everyone is confused about why the always obedient and docile wolf bites it suddenly.

does the wolf feel she is confined to his residence, should the wolf return it to its origin? Sean thought for a moment then took one of his thick coats from the closet and wore it.

then Sean goes downstairs and looks for the wolf, the wolf looks scared of him. Sean reached out and touched the wolf and carried the wolf where the lily kidnapped him in just one flick.

from Sean's residence, the place turned into a very cold snowy area. the wolf looked confused and sniffed the place. this was his hometown when the wolf turned towards Sean, he had lost his death.

Sean has decided to release him and bring the wolf back to its origin.

the wolf was silent, like he understood the meaning of Sean. then ran into the forest. in the tree, Sean's eyes followed where the wolf went until it was no longer visible to Sean.

before Sean could get away from there, Sean could hear howls from inside the forest.

when Sean heard howling it was like a farewell to the wolf.

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