I still love you, dear brother-in-law

167 chapter 167 : Sorry, I can'st control i

Lily remembered the last illustration of the decree, then began to understand what the illustration meant. Lily then got up, and walked toward the raven. karen looks scared llily will intend to kill the raven. but Lily says that you have to believe it.

"You said you two can't defeat the last boss king?" Lily asked.

yes, but I managed to absorb his strength and turned into king boss monster 'said raven repeating the story.

"That happened when the previous boss's king wanted to attack Karen right?" Lily said. the raven nodded.

"Then you have to attack me like the previous boss did." Lily said. Raven and Karen were silent hearing Lily.

"killing the boss boss king is not the contents of the last commandment, but being boss of monsters is a clue to break the curse in this world.

That's what I saw from the illustration on the last sheet." Lily said with a smile.

"You two believe and believe me right?" Lily said to Raven and Karen. they then nod, they believe in the words lily.

karen retreated away from the two of them, lily stood ready to receive the attack that the raven would give as king of monster boss.

Raven's hands are teulur and touching Lily's two chests, Lily feels annoyed, do you want me to kill really?

Lily thought staring angrily at the raven.

but lily felt a very heavy flow channeling into her very strong and felt very painful, lily she felt she was not breathing and moving, her body felt cramped all, all the muscles and blood vessels felt throbbing, this was very painful.

karen who saw it, looked trembling. he could feel the lily slowly slowly changing. the raven just channeled a small portion of his energy, he saw lily barely breathing. 'lily can you accept it? should I stop it? ' asked Raven.

"Don't believe me, I can do it. Lily said as she forced a smile on her face, while the flow of Lily's blood turned blackish, and her skin also slowly darkened. The longer Lily absorbed the power of Raven, Lily turned into a black creature.

Lily's eyes and hair are no longer brown but dark in color. Karen approached them, Lily stopping with a little force pushing because she was thrown into the wall, making the girl as strong as she didn't wake up.

"Sorry, I can't control it" said Lily.

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