I still love you, dear brother-in-law

187 chapter 187 : you crying?

then Lily changed to mode speaker on.

"I will burn your men"Lily said.

"it seems like our hobby is like burning people huh?" said the man with nickname Leo.

"No, we're not the same. I burn people who bother me. You burn people for pleasure." Lily said, apparently did not want to have anything in common with the man being called.

"General Hideo is the one who bothered you?" Leo calmly chatted with Lily.

Lily paused for a moment, "I just want to burn it," Lily said, after finding out her father was still alive and leaving him and his family behind. Lily wants to kill him, but wants Hideo life too.

"Can I know what the difference is, with me and you?" Leo asking a voice wanted to laugh at Lily's answer.

"I might be crazy, but you are a psychopath. We are different," Lily said looking for a difference.

Leo is on the phone with Lily is actually taking a break enjoying quietly waiting for the news of his men, while drinking wine. hearing the lily say that Lily was crazy and she was a psychopath making him choke on his wine.

"Look, you just choked, Leo?" Lily said, hearing the man's coughing, which barely sounded because he was holding back so it wouldn't be heard.

"You are a psychopathic jerk, waiting for someone else to get the thing you are looking for, and killing your opponents without dirtying your own hands. Even waiting, news while drinking wine calmly, damn it!" Lily said at length.

Leo heard the lily babbling at length about him, there seemed to be something strange. then he saw the notification on the new cellphone just the wish to hack his cellphone trying to find its location. Leo smiled, it was appropriate for the woman to chatter at length.

"are youjust told the hacker to tap this phone?" asked the Leo

"Yes, how come you can know? shit, you are great villain," said Lily, curse and praising the man.

"You may try it, but it won't work, I'm really sorry to disappoint you," said leo, seemingly holding back laughter.

"There are things I want to ask you," said Lily, looking unconcerned that the hacker succeeded or not.

"what is that? program a13" asked Leo shooting the question.

"That's not it, it doesn't matter" said Lily quickly. "I want to ask if you know where your men keep matches?"

everyone was silent, did not believe what they heard. Lily just said that the a13 program was not important? a program that can change her life is not important? and more importantly matches.

"Are you calling to ask that?" leo asked, not believing too.

"That's so important, because without it it seems like I can't burn your men." said Lily, glancing at the sunlight refracted by her glasses, not yet burning the sofa.

"I can't wait to see them burn alive," said Lily, looking like a demon queen.

ten people shouted, asking for help. Lily listens to all their yells, including curse to her. Lily didn't care, after five minutes Lily heard what she wanted to hear, then hung up.

kei and others have checked where they are, they can return to land use to headquarters. even though this place is remote, there is a gps in the car.

their cellphones and their weapons had been thrown away, and in addition to knives and wooden beams their kidnappers did not use firearms.

then Lily walked to the window to take her glasses and put them back on her face. somehow kei, and three other soldiers feel relieved if Lily wears glasses rather than not wearing glasses. Lily like devil without her eyeglass

they came out of their place of detention, then took an existing car. the car key was on the table, and Lily threw it to the starki who then sat in the driver's seat.

"You all go back to the base." Lily said.

"I can't let you alone" said Kei. once see lily knew the man would not leave lily, not until lily returned to nolan residence or returned with him to the base.

"Yes yes I know, you come with me." Lily said.

Starki and the other two also wanted to join Lily, but Kei also assigned them to return to headquarters. like it or not they obey. after seeing the starki car leave, Lily told Kei to bring the car one more way away from this place and wait there.

"This is an order," said Lily.

"Sorry, but I can't obey your orders," said Kei, who could order only him, General Hideo.

"Is that so?" Lily asked,

"I beg you to wait for me there," Lily said, replacing the order with a request. after kei heard that, the man paused for a moment and then turned on the engine.

"If you don't come back in five minutes, I'll catch up with you," he said.

Lily agreed, the thing she would do was not five minutes. kei runs a car about 500 meters. in a minute he could return to the lily place if something happened.  but Kei did not expect, that what happened was a big explosion that was there.

kei saw the wooden house burnt quickly entirely. Kei knew it was an explosion, coming from a gas explosion, and the person who lit the fire was Lily, by turning the stove.

Kei thought Lily didn't kill the ten men, and let them live. kei will return or tell his men to take them to the headquarters for interrogation. but who would have thought Lily blew herself up, kei body vibrating thinking about it.

lily dead?

What should he do? kei eyes down, his head fell on the steering wheel of the car. his heart ached imagine lily burning in that place.

Lily ...

then kei heard someone was opening the car door, and sat in the car. his eyes turned, to the next bench and seeing Lily sitting, there was a burning and burning smell from Lily's body.

but from her body there didn't appear to be a fire, his eyes moved up and down, was he hallucinating?

then turned to the building that was still burning. kei looked at Lily, which Lily's eyes stared at too, then looked twisted looking surprised to see Kei's face.

"You, are you crying?" Lily asked, seeing Kei eyes just streaming tears to he cheeks.

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