I still love you, dear brother-in-law

220 chapter 220 : price as a man

mose calmed lily's heart, whether because of her baby's body, Lily fell asleep in a mose sling.

mose felt Lily had fallen asleep, mose still holding the little lily. seeing how calm there seemed to be peace in the look on her small face, mose gently kissed his cheek.

"Good night sleep" whispered softly and then put the little baby in bed and lay next to her while covering the three of them.

mose feels like he has two daughters. mose smiled to himself then fell asleep. in the morning mose woke up, looking at his child marie sleeping.

today is her big day. Marie birthday!

mose grabs her child and kisses her cheek gently. made Marie wake up in still sleepy eyes. "happy birthday, my dear daughter." his daughter's mose word is now five years old. Marie nodded with sleepy eyes, but suddenly her eyes opened wide and looked at the bed.

"where is irisyana?" asked Marie, looking for the little baby. mose momentarily forgot Lily. also looking for Lily not in the room. Marie immediately went down and ran out, when mose wanted to follow Marie. Marie shouted happily.

"mama" shouted Marie when she saw Lily in the living room.

mose heard that, lily has returned to its original state? mose could see Lily hugging her with a big smile. "Let's go now," said Lily.

"Where?" asked Marie, looking surprised and happy.

"Preparing to celebrate your birthday, my dear," Lily said, then came out without saying a word to mose and others.

Mario and Markus just woke up too and opened the door just as Lily brought Marie away.

"Miss Lily is back?" Markus asked, looking at that.

"Where are they boss?" asked Mario to see the mose who just stood there in front of the door.

"I don't know either, they left me," Mose said with a sad face. why did lily not invite him too?

while it seems Sean is still asleep in his room, mose and others are bathing and changing clothes.

the three of them sat down, looked at the tv that asked for Japanese drama. Marie and Lily left, the three of them could only wait for the two to return.

there is a knock on the door. the three of them turned to the door. Mark, the closest to the door, opened it quickly hoping it was Lily and Marie.

"Good morning," Randy said, bringing them a loaf of bread with an aroma that made hungry. behind randy there is ijuin, mose and others don't really know ijuin and randy, but they know the two people are lily friends. like it or not, they let the two people enter.

"I brought breakfast, please take what you like" said Randy kindly, while Ijuin didn't say anything but her eyes looked for lily.

"Lily just left with Marie," said Mose without being asked by ijuin.

"Where?" ijuin a little annoyed he was a little late.

"do not know" said mose without looking at the ijuin, mise eyes seemed to focus watching. even though in his heart also asked where they both went.

then a knock was heard, and Marie's voice came from outside looking cheerful. Markus hurried to the door and opened the two people they had been waiting for.

Marie and Lily brought a few shopping bags, Lily saw there was ijuin and randy in the living room, seen saying "why are they here?"

"I want to join in celebrating this little girl's birthday," Ijuin said, smiling glad to see Lily back. apparently lily was only shopping for a while.

"Really? Then where's my uncle's present for me?" Marie asked, smiling sweetly.

randy knows, ijuin doesn't prepare gifts. Randy is curious Ijuin will answer what it looks like. may if the adult male opponent ijuin will tremble but this is a five-year-old girl who is his opponent.

"I have given it to your mama, far away days" Ijuin said with a smile.

Ha? When? Lily did not feel entrusted with a gift by ijuin.

"The necklace that you used yesterday" said ijuun reminded that. Marie knew the necklace, even though it was still worn yesterday and suddenly disappeared. Marie liked the necklace not because of its beauty but because Lily gave it to her. where did this uncle know, the necklace he used yesterday?

"I thought that was for me" Lily asked as she folded her hands to hear that.

"for you pink diamond that is genuine" said ijuin reminding Lily.

Lily didn't know what to say. after a moment's silence, "we go after changing clothes" said Lily while removing all the pink t-shirts to all that was, including one shirt left for Sean who was still sleeping and just woke Lily.

"all who participated in celebrating my beloved daughter's birthday must wear it." Lily said. big smile to everyone.

mose saw the pink shirt with marie written in kanji style and draw marie with a her pony finished, nice and cute but should he wear this shirt?

Markus, Mario and Randy didn't seem to matter.

mose and ijuin seemed conscious of looking at each other seemed to ask without speaking, did they dare to wear that pink shirt?

mose finally took off his collared shirt and replaced it with a pink shirt, then smiled broadly at ijuin.

"Don't you have a price as a man?" ask ijuin to mose.

"Because as a man and father, I wear this pink shirt," said mose. "A courageous man is fighting for the sake of his child's happiness," said Mose, looking proud of his shirt.

hearing that ijuin also changed his clothes with that soft pink shirt. ijuin looked in the mirror, not as bad as he thought. the starch on the front and the marie on the back look like a cool shirt when he wears it. handsome people wear anything still handsome.

Sean, who just finished coming out after taking a shower, was quickly wearing the pink shirt. like Sean seems to ignore him wearing what clothes. but then he wore a cardigan, making him look like he was only wearing a pink shirt and gray cardigan looked casual.

mose and ijuin see that and immediately look for their outer, and wear it.

good idea, why they not think about it?

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