I still love you, dear brother-in-law

223 chapter 223 : The pig mascot doll

after being satisfied to play at Disneyland, they took the time to stop by the shop there, some of the most shopping marie, the cute and sweet she pointed, Markus and Mario took for her then mose who paid for it.

Lily only bought a pair of donald duck and dessy duck keychain. if the two keychain are combined it will become a heart.

"Who is mama for?" asked Marie, the mose next to him also glanced at the hanger.

"one for kai" Lily's answer, making Randy, ijuin, sean, and mose turned to lily.

"Why did you give it to him?" asked Marie, staring at to keychain.

"for souvernir" said Lily with a smile, "and another one for mama's friend "asked Lily. Randy and the green-haired woman ijuin again, was the friend she meant was that?

"oh for mama's friend" said Marie. "I also want to have friends." Marie said slowly.

"Honey, why do you think you don't have friends?" Lily said," everyone who wears this pink shirt is your friend too. aren't they accompanying you to celebrate your birthday? "Lily said, showing the pink shirt she was wearing.

"aren't they participating because they don't have work?" Marie asked lazily, glancing at Randy, Sean especially to Ijuin.

"Of course not, I'll invite you to play even if you're not busy or lily isn't there. We're friends, Marie." said randy a gentle smile to Marie looked sincere with his words.

"Yes, I will also invite you to play then tell your mother to pick you up later" said Ijuin also with an evil smile, the lily who heard that said.

"You invited to play or want to kidnap her?" Lily asked feeling an unpleasant feeling.

"both" said ijuin.

then Marie turned to Sean. looking like expecting something from Sean, and that must be Irisyana.

"I will let you play with Irisyana if she has time," said Sean.

"Really? You promised Uncle Sean" asked Marie as she looked at her age. Sean glanced at Lily, Lily nodded in agreement.

"Of course" Sean said as he turned and smiled at Marie. he felt Lily loved Marie so much that she was willing to be a baby many times. when this morning Lily woke up Sean, Sean was surprised to see Lily had returned.

Sean asked and Lily also didn't know how she was back. this morning when he woke up, the lily had returned to its original state.

then Marie wants to play haunted masion. they went there and found that they were boarded by two people per unit.

after deciding quickly, first Lily and Sean in the unit, Marie and mario the second unit, Mario and Markus in the third and final there ijuin with randy in the fourth unit. the four units moved to sound, not out of fear but because there was no voice all thought of something in each of their heads.

Marie: Why aren't you riding with him?

mose: why did lily choose to sit with him?

Mario: The boss must be disappointed, Miss Lily chose the man.

markus: scary ... don't be afraid ... don't be afraid ... scary ... I don't want to ride thisbut Miss Marie wants to come here ... i so scared

randy: next to me it's scary, I really don't want to ride with him.

ijuin: I want to kill Sean.

Sean: Is this haunted? why am I in a history museum?

Lily: I'm afraid, but I can't make Marie afraid, at least I'm sitting with the real devil. nothing is more frightening than that...

Lily did not know there was something more frightening than a ghost, namely jealousy from her child, um, her beloved niece.

for the guards and crew from the haunted crowd it looked confused. why don't those four units, nobody has speak and scream or smile.

after leaving the haunted, Marie continued to stick like a stamp on Lily. she didn't want Lily to only together with Sean again. not as long as she is by their side.

then they go to the nighttime, because Marie is attached to the lily, mose walks beside him. Mario and Markus behind them. then behind there are sean and ijuin, randy has disappeared somewhere, he does not want to be with the devil and humans who are like the devil.

sean and ijuin stepped together but not minded. while Marie looked very happy, half because of the fun activity and secondly because daddy and mom were with him.

in Marie's mind, she prayed that after every day they were always with her, living happily like this. without disturbing.

then they returned to the hotel, Marie had fallen asleep on her shoulder.

based on the last lottery they did to take a taxi with whom.

the first taxi was filled with a flat face: marie, mose, ijuin, and sean again and filled with silence.

the second taxi was filled with happy passengers just as they were leaving, and they talked about the ride they had been riding happily.

they changed the lottery model to number 1-4 for the first taxi and 5-8 for the second taxi for the new ijuin and marie regulations.

Marie wanted to throw her handphone at first, but she remembered it was her mother's cellphone. she didn't throw it, so her face frowned while in the car.

because mose saddled while calming Marie's heart, Marie became fast asleep. mose saw Marie like Lily yesterday, making the mose remember the little lily back. so cute!

when they arrived at the randy hotel and ijuin parted ways with them and returned to they room. to get a gift, they have ordered and sent to the hotel room, Sean also ordered and left at the hotel reception.

Mario, Markus, and Mose have also taken him and will take him out of his hiding place.

they gave gifts in the evening because Lily changed the event for the gift tonight.

after an hour of randy and ijuin came to the mose hotel room. the first time they saw was seeing a human-sized piggy doll using a ribbon in his right ear, very funny.

then there is a miniature house that is very beautiful and it looks like it is music box. then there is a beautiful pink dress and crown. there are also beautiful Japanese cakes with tea party sets.

Randy and ijiun who saw the big pig doll were mascot filled with people. and it must be lily. ijiun immediately approached and took a photo with the pig, and said 'you were very sweet'. Randy also wants to take pictures with the pig mascot and the three of them together taking pictures, randy and ijiun hugging the pig mascot doll.

sean, mose, and mario just fell silent see at that.

while there was a knock on the door, Mario immediately opened the door, then Lily stepped in with a large plastic food and drink.

the first time lily saw the two men were engrossed in taking pictures with a pig doll that actually was a mascot filled with people.

"You are so happy with mascot," Lily said, looking happy, randy and ijuin immediately stopped taking pictures. lily there, who's in here then?

"Markus, do you want to take off the costume first?" asked Mario, smiling.

Immediately ijuin and randy away from Markus. that personthey hug and take photos together before.

Markus, who was only able to surrender, was hugged here and there and felt goosebumps wanted to run away from here. Markus almost felt that ijuin and randy were gay because of it.

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