I still love you, dear brother-in-law

229 chapter 229 : lucky, i am a devil

ight what is said mose, lily shopping at the department store, buying molds and decorations as well as supplies for the two children and food items that lily will use to make lunch tomorrow. Lily needed besides rice and eggs, some vegetables and bought lily fruit, then Lily go home with Kai.

"Kai, do you want to help me?" Lily asked Kai.

"Of course what is that?" asked kai.

"Don't go home tonight," said Lily, dancing to the groceries on the kitchen table.

Kai was stunned to hear that, seriously?

"I want you to taste my cuisine for tomorrow, wait in the guest room," said Lily.

Kai nodded even though he had previously imagined what else he was here for, but it's okay. tasting wife's food ishusband's duty.

then when kai suddenly remembered the chocolate made by Lily mixed with the perfume of the fridge, Kai's face turned pale and it felt like running away.

Kai waited while watching TV, seeing a drama that tells her that a husband was killed by his wife because he was caught cheating through poison in the food his wife made.

What this, right once the story goes with my future? will i die?

while, kai think about that. someone is sitting next to him. Kai turned and saw that Sean suddenly was by his side with the laptop on his lap.

"why are you here?" asked Kai surprised.

"Lily called me, for dinner" said Sean without looking at Kai. Sean's eyes look at the TV screen watching the dying husband after eating his wife's ambiguous cuisine.

"What's this film?" asked Sean.

"oh, it's about a husband who cheats and his wife poisoned him with her food" answer Kai while seeing finally the husband dies also on the screen.

"Do you think you will die after eating lily?" Sean asked smiling sarcastically to Kai.

"You eat too, right?" said Kai while smiling sarcastically too.

"Yes, but I'm immune," said Sean. "Lucky, I am a devil" while smiling at Kai.

Kai doesn't know what to reply to Sean, if he can kill Sean, or strangle him. kai want that.

finally they both watched the tv drama until it was finished, after her husband died, that wife only found out that her husband was not cheating and finally wife regretted her actions. after that she raised they child until her son got married and lived happily, she finally committed suicide and followed he husband in the another world.

the story is like that and almost makes kai cry, it turns out the story is very sad. Kai turned to Sean, Sean fell asleep watching the film. Kai wants to scream how can she sleep after watching a movie drama that touches that heart?

then Lily called them, from the kitchen. it looks like Lily cuisine is finished. Sean who was awake and Kai who had wiped his tears quietly because the film looked at the table.

there are three dishes with the exact same dish.

the contents of the plate are rice printed like a panda, it seems that rice and nori are decorated and shaped into a cute panda. there is an octopus-shaped sausage with eight circular legs perfectly decorated next to the panda. there are apple shaped rabbits, and chicken katsu in the shape of a cat, don't forget the vegetable salad and fruit formed also decorate on the plate. and drink it is sweet apple tea.

Kai looked at it, and took out he cellphone to take a picture. Kai almost wrote 'the last meal I ate before I died' and replaced it with 'my sweet wife's dinner' then uploaded it.

sosmed kai only know a few, some family and close friends. like sister, randy, kei, lily and mose. hahaha, kai want to know if mose saw that post. He want Mose jealousy about it.

yes, mose saw it accidentally.

after he saw Social Media Lily updating her lunch trial. it seemed kawaii to think mose, but when he found out that Kai would taste the lunch, it was not jealousy in the heart of mose but compassion for Kai. Kawai and cute lily cuisine is a danger, and mose almost feels what is called food poisoning in his life, because he tasted of lily-made cakes.

mose hopes that kai will be fine, so he doesn't need to worry about the safety of the two little children tomorrow while eating lily-made bento.

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