I still love you, dear brother-in-law

247 chapter 247 : the way is a little romantic

[Lily where are you?]

the short message was heard and it was a mose voice. mose was silent hearing the voice mail voice recording, mose sent it very long time ago.

Lily is listening to her voice mail recordings? Why? mose wondered.

not only mose, the three men in the room were also confused. why is the voice recording a mose voice, who is asking where is the lily?

mose felt a look from them, then took a deep breath before answering. "That's the voice mail I sent when he and my daughter, Marie, was kidnapped" said mose.

Randy remembered that, because he came to help him.

Kai also remembered that, because Randy told her about Lily that she could come back to life because of that she approached Lily to take her heart to her younger sister.

"But, why does her play this voice mail ??" Randy asked, staring at Lily's cellphone.

"because he was the culprit," said Kai pointing to mose, and then pulling back his finger after seeing the cold glance from his mose eyes.

Mario knows the reason, 'because Miss Lily wants to hear the voice of mose again and again' answered Mario in his heart.

Mario feels sorry for the love that is unrequited between Miss Lily and Mr. mose, if only Miss Lily is not the sister-in-law of Mose, fate might say something else.

"is there any other evidence that can be seen?" asked mose to change the subject.

randy shook his head, "I've told people to check and cctv records around the lily house have been deleted during the event."

"and we have also examined the types of bullets and bombs used by the perpetrators, both of which are special types used by ..." Randy paused before saying again.

"It is a special type of military owned by the state that is used" said Randy completing his sentence.

"What is the killer?" said Kai, with furrowed brows. "Which army has revenge to kill lily!" Kai said irritably.

Kai may not know, but in the minds of Mose, Mario and Randy there is one they think of as the culprit.

"It's impossible for him, he's not that cruel," said Randy, sweating coldly, actually in his heart he cheated the man as the culprit.

"who?" asked Kai in surprise, Randy knows the culprit?

"There are no actors other than him, surely he" said Mario convincing his opinion. "Milter, vile, and know Miss Lily's house," Mario said angrily.

"Who? Who?" asked Kai who was surprised that Mario also recognized the culprit.

mose eyes look cold and dark but Mose says "not him, he's lying sick, he got typhus" mario and randy sigh, if not who is he?

"May I know who is having typhus?" Kai had never met ijuin, so he didn't know who they were talking about.

"However, shooting at the lily like that if he is not a madman he is a demon" said Kai feeling angry, he saw how the gunshot wound was lily's body. Kai, who is a doctor of experience, trembled to carry out the operation to remove the bullets.

if it's not a madman it's a demon ...

when they heard Kai's words. Sean's face appeared inside. their minds, the only devil who had been together and had known them during their vacation in Japan.

"Is the demon the culprit?" asked Mario, imagining Sean firing at Lily who was listening to voice mail from a mose made an imaginary imagination on the head of Mario.

"Not him, the culprit uses military equipment. Why does he bother using weapons and even destroy the lily house, if he finds out Lily will come back to life?" said Randy, all agreed to that.


"Then we need help," Kai said as she took out her phone and made a call. after several times the person finally answered.

mose, mario and randy stare at kai, who is he calling?

"Hello, can you come here, Mr. Sean?" Kai said casually.

mose covered his face, after hearing Kai's voice calling Sean.

Randy also hugs the table, weak after hearing that Sean is calling for help.

Mario is thinking that he should beat up a man who is a skilled doctor and ceo? why is he so stupid to call Sean?

"Lily has just been killed by someone" I finished saying the sentence, a cold black mist appeared before them and turned into a sean form with a scary and angry look.

"who killed her?" asked Sean, looking full of anger, his pupils turning into bright red pieces.

"That's what we want to...find out," said Kai, walking back three steps from Sean.

"You don't know who did it? It's useless!" said Sean, snorting with bright red eyes.

in fact the four people wanted to reply to Sean's words, but because they knew the four of them could not defeat him and they needed him to know the culprit the four of them could only be silent together.

"can you find out who did it?" asked mose while folding his legs, he wanted to know how the demon knew the culprit.

"That's an easy matter" answered Sean while looking around. "Where is Lily?" asked Sean.

then the five of them went to Lily's room, the guards came out of the room and guarded the outside with the others.

Sean looked at all the faces, the lily head was bandaged all and not yet alive, they saw Lily like a real mummy. after being silent for a long time, Sean put his hand on the mummy lily's head

while the other four men just stood in line beside the bed another one.

"Her brain is still broken, I can't see her memory" said Sean.

"recovery is too slow, I'll help lily recovery," Sean said, holding out his hand to Lily's hand.

then stopped, Sean's eyes glanced at mose, only Mose then sean smiled wickedly on his face. "the way is a little romantic," Sean said, soaking his lips with lightning licks.

while mose watching Sean glance at him, mose feels an unpleasant feeling. what do these demons do?

sean said that one finger had a sharp elongated nail, using the nail to partially open the lily bandage, just touching a glimpse of the bandage fully opened into two, making the broken lily's face look back.

Mario turned his head, he had seen before the lily's head was more broken than this when they found it. Mario could not see Miss Lily's face slowly moving towards the outside of the room.

mose and Kai remain calm, their hearts feel angry and sad to see the wound on the lily's head.

randy almost cried seeing Lily's wound, Lily must have been in great pain when shot at. Randy remembered when Lily was hit in front of her eyes, when it was randy crying seeing lily not breathing.

Randy shifted towards the window, looking out not out of the room. Randy needs a little distance so she doesn't cry seeing Lily like that.

then sean leaned over as he reached out to the lily's face and approached his head then kissed her lips. both eyes mose and Kai looked at Sean in surprise, is this what he said 'how to be a little romantic?'

both mose and kai restore their jaws and hands, holding back while seeing the demon heal lily by doing a romantic way.

after feeling his heart strong, randy turned to lily's bed. seeing the two men standing tense holding back angry and annoyed to the devil who was kissing Lily's lips deep and long and like not stopping.

what? why, Sean kissing her? but Randy didn't dare ask the two men to stand next to him.

randy and the two men just stood still looking slowly at the lily wound closed and faded, even the pale dark skin like a corpse began to glow and pink again.

after feeling Lily again breathing, sean released he kiss from her lips. Randy looked at it and smiled relieved, and saw the two men beside him still looking right.

Lily was still asleep, but everyone could see that Lily was breathing and her face was back to normal as before. 'a little romantic way' is incredible. thought the two men whose jaws were still stiff.

Sean put his hand on the lily's head trying to see her memories again.

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