I still love you, dear brother-in-law

261 chapter 261 : You look handsome

Lily confused why Kai was angry with him. Lily rushed out and chased Kai.

"Kai, wait Kai" asked Lily running out and immediately chasing Kai.

"I'll pay for it ..." Lily thought she didn't want it because she wasn't paid, but saw how sharp our eyes looked at the lily.

Lily knew she was mistaken, not because of money.

Kai is rich, so rich that he can build a house with 24 carat gold. Lily sometimes forgets about it.

"I ... I just want to pay someone's kindness" said Lily with sparkling eyes. Kai stopped his steps, and looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him.

Then Kai pulled him into a meeting room, and took two cups of tea for himself and lily.

"Who do you want to repay your kindness? Until you have to take your heart? "Asked Kai with a face that wanted to be angry and irritated and also eager to crack the girl's head.

Want to return the favor can not be with money? Why must take her heart eh liver.

Lily was silent for a moment, she confused where to tell. From she met Mose William, the cellar, the purple chest, the dragon? No it's too long, Lily is lazy to tell all that.

Lily told kai from her meeting madam red, and the lady treated her and treated her for two days, then her husband, an old man who fell asleep in the patient's bed, asked Madam Red to donate a heart to his mistress.

And Lily decided to help her to give heart to replace Madam Red.

Kai was silent listening to Lily finish telling her story, her eyebrows were still furrowed and seemed to want to be angry.

Yes, Kai is angry with Lily.

Why would she help someone who only treated his wound for two days, the one who paid for it was to give her liver organs!

"Lily, you know, you're not that good. What is the reason until you want to give your heart? "Kai asked, still not believing.

Lily looked at Kai, Kai knew herself well.

Lily retreated to the chair leaning her heavy shoulders into the soft foam seat and placing her hands on the back of the chair.

"One more thing I haven't told you," said Lily, looking at the ceiling of the conference room, staring at the white light that illuminated the room. "Madam Red is similar to my mother," said Lily, closing her eyes.

Kai was silent, he remembered Lily knowing the death of his mother from him when Lily wanted to buy the house, and now the house had been burned.

Even though Lily looks hard from the outside but we know how gentle the girl's heart is. Very gentle and even forgiving, Lily did not bring up the heart problems that he took at that time, When they will get married.

Sometimes Kai regretted why he had to hurt Lily.

"I miss her," said Lily painfully, kai could see her eyes were red with pain and tears in her eyes. Kai was silent for a long time, lily did not cry but the longer his eyes looked runny.

Kai closed his eyes, seemed to be struggling with his heart and mind. After a long time open our eyes, and the first time Lily had seen tears in her eyes.

Kai relented, after seeing Lily crying.

"Okay, you don't cry ... We do the operation now," Kai said reluctantly and sighed at the lily immediately smiled at him while removing tears on her cheeks. Only settle down.

"Before that, you first make sure this old man promises one thing before he brings my liver to his bicth woman !!" said Lily, pulling a paper and pen. Lily wrote a few paragraphs on the paper.

"You make sure the match this agreement is protected by law and he cannot break it. "said Lily.

Kai caught a glimpse of Lily's chicken claws, luckily a doctor could understand the chicken claw writing.

Kai nodded slowly, even though it seemed he needed to change a few sentences to make this possible to bring under the protection of the law.

Kai calls the special team of doctors he made while taking Lily's heart, to keep the lily secret. The team in particular are people who work long hours with Kai and can keep their mouths. And the operation will be done in an hour..

"One more," said Lily, turning her face away from Kai. Kai is delivering Lily to the locker room to wear her operating clothes.

"?" kai looked confused, moreover?

"You look handsome if you wear your white coat," Lily said honestly, smiling back and forth, so that kai couldn't see Lily's red face.

Kai heard that, just fell silent and immediately entered the doctor's dressing room too.

Kai cleared his hands and looked at the mirror that reflected him.

He was handsome, looking tired from the long operation he had finished a few hours ago, he hadn't bathed, his hair wasn't neat, but said Lily he looked handsome now?

Kai smiled in front of the glass, I already said I would take your love back, Lily.

Even though I have to wear this white coat every day.

and after a hour, Kai lead the liver surgery briefly.

Kai is very used to organ harvesting operations. it's just that the heart feels sliced ​​when he has to slice the lily skin back a second time. if only it was not Lily's request, kai would not lead this operation again.

kai put the lily organ in the organ container and immediately woke up the old man, and immediately told him to approve the existing agreement that had been remade by the secretary and also a very strong legal team to produce the agreement.

Mr. Shao looked angry at the letter and almost did not want to sign the letter but after remembering the beloved woman dying and needing a liver, finally the letter was signed by him.

mr. Shao was immediately sent back with a private jet Kai to immediately bring the liver back to his country so that he could immediately be transferred to the bitch eh mr. shao mistress.

Kai just didn't want to, the old man asked for the second lily organ because it was late in transportation.

Kai looked at the lily's face that wasn't breathing like she was sleeping.

Suppose you know lily, seeing you die many times, makes my heart feel in slices don't you know? said kai in he mind.

"I really love you" said Kai softly beside ear Lily.

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