I still love you, dear brother-in-law

287 chapter 287 : take us to the afterlife

It was only 8 pm that day but the weather was so cold, a thin mist hit over the lake. a lamp above they boat became lighting in the middle of the lake. On the boat there were four people, Lily, Boss, Andy and Butler who helped drive the boat.

[you read : i still love you my dear brother in law, from stevenkai 13/8/2019]

Lily remembered she had watched a film where the actor passed the river of death into the afterlife. The atmosphere is like this, dark, foggy, and feels cold.

"Grandmother did not take us to the afterlife, right?" Lily asked, breaking the silence. What kind of question is that? andy wants to cry to hear that, i'm not married don't take me to another realm.

"Did you talk to my grandmother?" Asked the boss to Lily.

"Are you the grandmother?" Lily asked, throwing a question from her boss, Lily didn't know that the grandmother they couldn't see was the boss's grandmother or not.

For a moment there was no other voice, waiting for Lily to speak. Because no one but Lily can see and hear the grandmother in question.

"She is not your grandmother, she is your ancestor. Looks like she's the girl who married the handsome prince "said Lily saying relaxed and laughing dryly.

Everyone was silent, boss and Andy and Butler raised their eyes, as if asking they were not hear wrong?

then lily seemed to wake up, after seeing the look on their faces they looked at her. Lily looked back at the empty space next to her.

"Seriously?" Lily asked rather loudly.

"How do you stop this curse?" Asked Lily to do point. Lily wants to go home soon, she doesn't want a group of spirits to attack or surround her again.

Lily chuckled, "what's the difference between saying here and in rosetea madame private?" Lily asked. But afterwards Lily was silent waiting for them to cross over. No one spoke only the sound of the flow of water that hit the gandola.

Arriving at the mainland, Lily saw a small old-fashioned house, but it seemed clean enough. Butler and Andy immediately quickly cleaned and removed the cloth that covered the sofa and table.

The drains were well lit, and there was some wood aside which was enough for a few hours to light the fireplace.

The contents of the house use old equipment, there is no electric heater, not even an electric cable, everything looks old. They turned on the light with a lamp filled with oil.

Lily seems to have seen this lamp like that in a museum?

But there is no food and drink there, butler said he would soon return to bring food and drinks. Like tea or warm chocolate and cake snacks.

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Lily raised her eyebrows one and pouted. "Grandma wants Andy to join the butler again and bring freshgoat milk and cheese."

Andy and Butler 'Where are you looking for fresh goat milk at this time of night?'

"If there is no goat milk, grandma will not say anything to break the curse." Lily said even more grim after hearing the words of the great-grandmother.

"I'm coming too, I don't want to be here," said Lily feeling uncomfortable, and following Andy and Butler.

Andy and Butler have their eyes on each other, then the boss is left here alone?

Andy and the butler were outside, lily near the door and the boss was sitting by the fireplace.


The wooden door clamped shut, almost crashing into the wooden door lily.

"What's this?" Lily shouted from inside the wooden house.

Andy and Butler want to come back, but there is something pulling them away from the house and taking them to the gandola. The boat drive alone carrying the two in the opposite direction to the wooden house.

Lily stared angrily at the grandmother who sat across from her boss.

"Sit down, I will tell you, while waiting for the two to bring back milk and cheese," said the grandmother, smiling at Lily.

Lily sat next to her boss with a sour and bad face. Somehow the hunch is not good, it seems that the grandmother is up to something.

"This story is quite different from the one told by the butler," said Lily, because the boss could not hear the voice of his ancestors.

Lily is like an intermediary between ghosts and humans. Lily stared at the soft sofa adorned with beautiful embroidered fabrics. The sound of the wind outside and the sound of sparks

Become backsound Lily story.

The ancestor of the boss named Grace, she was not an angel she was just an ordinary girl at the time. she fell in love with an ordinary young man not a prince.

Grace and the young man loved each other and were about to get married, at the time of the war era all men were required to be soldiers and women to be nurses.

Lily thinks this is just a story that makes sense.

Then the young man whom Grace loved died on the battlefield, at that time Grace did not want to lose the man she loved. Grace prayed for the young man to be revived. The prayer was heard by the devil, the young man was resurrected on condition.

In the 13th descendant of Grace and the resurrected youth, all the women near the 13th descendant will die and their spirits will be taken to be the devil. At that time Grace only thought of loved ones and themselves so they agreed to the agreement.

After that grace married the young man after the war was over and gave birth to the first offspring. At the end of his life, the young man had left Grace first. And Grace still lives in this world, waiting for her descendants to fulfill their covenants in this world.

Grace regretted the agreement, making her grandson (boss) sad and suffered all his life. Three lives have been lost because of the grace agreement with the devil.

Lily thinks this is starting to make no sense.

"And those three treasures?" Lily asked.

[you read : i still love you my dear brother in law, from stevenkai 13/8/2019]

Grace said it was just an ordinary mirror, a rope from her hair during her girlhood which she gave to the young man as a good luck charm and just plain dried plums.(why she put that in purple box?)

Lily had expected it, but Lily didn't say this to the boss.

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