the girl glanced at the man who was still wearing the black gold helmet, she felt the eyes behind the black glass of the black gold helmet also glancing at him. she heard a sigh from him. the man got up, holding his left shoulder.

After he finished his life, he was injured! the girl cried silently.

"is ok" came a heavy and firm voice from the black and gold helmet.

when the girl heard the answer, her shoulders felt light, like releasing a 50 kg sack from her shoulders. he's fine, then it's time to leave.

before the girl left, some roar of the motorbike arrived, unlike the motorbike that had been here before. their appearance is very ugly even though their motorbike seems expensive. the sound of their motorbike is very noisy to the ears.

"Black D, what are you doing?" shouted one of the noisy motorbike riders.

"Seems like you had an accident ??" the urgeer's asking sentence sounded disparaging, the sound of laughter was very disgusting in the ears.

"My BB, that's just the reason for cowardice so as not to compete for fear of fighting you," said the urakan friend who had a piercing on his lips.

how does he eat with lips like that ...

"What a coward !! No match he ran away"

" ... hu ... my arm hurts, so it can't be matched ..." a whining sound mocked the black gold helmet.

the sound of cheating was louder and made emotions, the girl did not know the black and gold helmet.

"of course not" said black D while approaching his colleague, someone went down and let black D ride his motorbike.

"Why don't we go straight to the race, do you want me to go there?" Black D asked, looking sure without showing any pain on his shoulder.

"What do you say, son of a bitch !!!" the urakan boss called my BB shouted ..

the girl moved quietly, the atmosphere began to heat up around her. She'd better run away for his safety.

"wait" the voice of the man wearing the helmet next to the girl was heard.

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