I still love you, dear brother-in-law

61 chapter 61 : want to exchange

"Do you want to trade your butler with me?" mose said suddenly, all glancing at mose except sean. his eyes still facing forward did not look at the mose standing behind him.

after a while.

"Do you want to exchange?" instead answer to mose, but Sean asks Lily.

Lily nodded with enthusiasm while smiling happily, ah, wishful thinking worked while vacationing back to the girl's wish.

Sean smiled when he saw Lily smile at him and nodded his head with enthusiasm.

"but I don't want to exchange," Sean said firmly as he stepped out of the elevator, right after he said it was an open elevator, why could it be so precise!

lily pouted, mose also looked annoyed.

mose knows he can't force Lily to stop working, or force Alex or Sean to exchange Lily to become his butler during a cruise ship event. Lily will definitely be angry with her mose if she forces her to stop working, or give her the money so he doesn't need to work.

Sean and Alex can't be forced either, because that mose can only go to their room.

"As a butler, where will you stay?" asked Mose suddenly, in front of them there were still Seans and Lily who stepped into their room which happened to be one floor.

"Of course, room with you, Mr. Nolan. I will accompany you 24 hours for the days until you leave your ship." said the handsome young man from behind his mask smiling at the mose nolan. Mario shuddered at the answer, meaning Miss Lily also accompanied Sean in their room for the next 4 days.

mose glanced at Lily, are you sure?

"There are rules, take it easy" said Lily as if she understood the meaning of the mose glance and walked following Sean who was standing at the door of their room.

just calm down, mose can't calm down.

he knew that he was alone on the cruise ship without guards or servants. now she was alone with her alone for 4 full days.

Mario felt the temperature of the corridor was down drastically, after Miss Lily entered with Sean to the room.


after Sean and Lily entered, Sean turned toward Lily approaching quickly, their eyes met, and stared. the man is so tall that he bends his body so that their faces are level.

"You are too close," Lily said flatly, not surprised to see Sean arriving close to his face.

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