I still love you, dear brother-in-law

71 chapter 71 : not answering

about half an hour later the results are obtained:

in half an hour the results have been obtained:

VVIP number 1: 90

VVIP number 2: 84

VVIP number 3: 65

VVIP number 4: 88

VVIP number 5: 83

VVIP number 6: 83

VVIP number 7: 98

only lily gets a score of 65, and the lowest.

the winner of the second game was butler mose, the handsome butler got a cheerful song that matched his looks, the love song was very good and he brought butterflies and beetles in this hall.

no wonder he won this second game!

the butler gave the diamond ring to mose, mose told the butler to save it.

mose seemed not to care about winning losing the game, so his eyes kept looking at Lily and now Lily was walking out with Sean.

the man immediately left as well, with the butler and mario behind him. Marie and Markus no join in party, and are already in the mose room.

like last night, the five of them were in the same elevator again. this time it was no accident because mose deliberately chased after them to ride the same elevator.

now mose, mario and butler handsome feel on the front, while lily and sean on the back.

suddenly Sean said something quite loud in the elevator.

"Are you still thinking of your brother-in-law when singing that song?" everyone in the elevator fell silent.

Mario glanced at Lily he knew Sean's question was to lily, the handsome butler also rolled eyes to the lily.

he didn't know anything, but he knew Lily had finished singing the love song 'brother in law, i still love you', while mose didn't glance at all.

Lily just paused not answering, Lily's eyes just looked at the elevator monitor. soon they will get to their floor, Lily wants to run away from this elevator.

but, suddenly there was a sudden shock that was quite loud and the elevator lights flashed briefly and died and then turned on again, only the elevator stopped not running.

when everyone is aware and calm, they see the mose's hand holding Lily's shoulder, while Sean is holding his lily's waist, the two men protect the lily from the impact.

mose looked at sean

sean looked at mose

Lily looked at herself on shoulder and she waist

Mario and Butler looked at the three people in front of them.

( ....)

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