I still love you, dear brother-in-law

82 chapter 82 : we just go home

That was before, before your mom met me" answered Sean while looking at his laptop again. Lily didn't say anything and continued eating fried rice. Markus and Mario also ate quietly saying nothing.

mose looked away from the lily and marie and looked at the cup in his hand seemed to think something and Marie ate the sandwich in his hand annoyed until it ran out.

["Do you still think of your sister-in-law when singing that song?"] Sean's question reappeared in the head of mose, in other words does Lily still love her? in his heart, he wanted to hear the real answer from lily.

"Mama, you can't like him" said Marie after drinking the juice, her small hand pointed at Sean. Lily raised an eyebrow looking surprised and wanted to laugh.

Sean turned to hear that, others were the same. a little smile mose on his face his eyes softly looked at marie.

Lily nodded softly as she agreed with a smile, her hand stuck to the empty juice cup from Marie's hand and placed it on the table.

"Mama, you also shouldn't like him," said Sean, pointing to mose. sean follows marie's words.

"who is your mama," said Lily replied, sullen. Sean stared sharply as if he was aware of something.

Lily sighed, and after nodding slowly as if to say yes. mose saw that, the smile on his face disappeared completely.

"Say you won't love him anymore" command Sean.

"If I say that, don't I need to be your butler again?" Lily asked as she laying her face lazily with her hand, smiling sarcastically.

"The deal" said Sean quickly.

"I will not love mose nolan, sir," Lily said quickly, after hearing the word deal from Sean. the lily said quickly and decisively as if there were no obstacles from her heart saying those words.

Markus and Mario were shocked to hear that, Marie who was in Lily's lap was also surprised! mose was just silent, his eyes turned back to the cup of black coffee.

meanwhile sean smiled at the words lily.

Lily also smiled happily, no longer being Sean's butler.

"Mama, you don't like daddy anymore?" asked Marie, not believing softly.

"Mom likes someone else now," said Lily, gently looking at Marie. "and the other person is not you" Lily replied before sean could act. Lily whispered something to Marie, Marie paused for a moment but then Marie smiled smugly at her.

"Don't tell anyone this is our promise ok!" Lily said while making a pinkie appointment to Marie. Marie nodded happily.

then Lily's and Sean's eyes collided, and there seemed to be war flares and fire between them.

Markus and Mario just fell silent to see the two men in a matter of view. mose stood up and stepped toward the lily, his arms wrapped around the lily. Lily looked surprised, but her hand did not touch the lily but her daughter was sitting in her lap.

"we just go home" said mose.

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