Looking at the person, Bi Hao’s brow frowned, and it was this nasty face again.

The person who came was called Gong Jiang, and before the crossing, this product was not on the same plate as himself, and he did not expect that it would still be the same here.

Seeing that Bi Hao only had disgust in his eyes and did not take care of himself.

Gong Jiang was a little annoyed in his heart, his admission to the Martial Arts Academy this time could be regarded as ten to nine stable, and his source strength and physique had reached 120.

Even so, he did not dare to apply for the Nanjiang Wu Academy, but chose the second-class Zhejiang Nanwu College.

If you want to advance to Nanjiang Martial Academy, the passing line is not 100 in source strength and physique.

Their admissions line is 150, which means that they must at least reach the point of compression cyclone before they can be admitted.

The Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy has always held an attitude of Ning Que rather than indiscriminately, and only recruited geniuses.

Not to mention that reaching 150 is the admission line, many of the admitted are martial artists who have compressed after a cyclone.

Even more those genius students who had compressed the two cyclones, naturally their source power and physique had reached 200.

One more cyclone is naturally more powerful, not only is the later stage cultivation faster, but the source power stored by itself is also even greater.

When fighting at the same level, the light ratio consumption is twice that of the other party, and it is naturally easy to distinguish between which is strong and which is weak.

It is said that in the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, there are also demon students with three cyclones.

Within four years of the university of the martial arts academy, some people broke through to the five-star martial artist when they graduated.

As for those students who graduated after graduation, many of them were promoted to masters and became the best on the earth.

Only in the Four Great Martial Arts Colleges can there be such a hope.

As for the other martial arts academies, it is not that there are no masters, but only that they are very few.

It is said that the qualifications of the tutors of such a college are also very different.

Bi Hao didn’t care what Gong Jiang thought, he glanced at it and passed by, there was still a week to go, but he had to cultivate well.

“Ahem!” Seeing the situation, Gong Jiang raised his body full of source power and wanted to give Bi Hao a dismount.

“Roll!” However, he only then exploded his own source power, and Bi Hao directly drank in a low voice.

A momentum more powerful than Gong Jiang came out through his body and crushed Gong Jiang in an instant.

“Ah!” With an exclamation, Gong Jiang’s face turned pale, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps back, revealing a trace of fear and shock in his eyes.

“You… How come! He looked at Bi Hao with some horror, completely unaware that this boy had such a strong breath.

That weak can’t help the wind, every test is almost the tail of the crane Bi Hao, when is it so strong?

The teacher in charge of the registration on the side was in vain, and the one who could be responsible for this registration work had naturally reached the realm of the warrior, but he was only a one-star warrior.

However, this did not prevent them from being able to see the strength of Bi Hao’s source power, and their hearts were also flooded with waves.

“This boy has at least reached 150 source power points, no wonder he dares to enroll in the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy, it seems that there may not be no hope!”

Thinking of this, there was a hint of relief on his face, and he did not care about the dispute between the two of them, but quickly reported the matter to the principal of Yokobayashi Ichichu High School.

For No.1 Middle School, it is definitely a gratifying event for some students to be admitted to Nanjiang Wu College.

Yokobayashi No. 1 Middle School has not yet been able to admit to the four major colleges, if there are students admitted this year, then the school can have face in the future, and this follow-up enrollment is easier.

In today’s society, who doesn’t want their children to become dragons and phoenixes? Then you must become a warrior.

Then, the stronger the martial arts academy you can enter, the greater the chance of becoming a martial artist.

Bi Hao didn’t care about them, and suddenly shocked Gong Jiang back, and Wu Zi left, not even looking at him.

Such a small role is completely a clown, and the top priority is to quickly improve their strength, as well as find ways to make money and increase their own more opportunities to strengthen.

“What to see? Roll for labor! Gong Jiang, who was ignored, blushed at this time, and looked at the guidance of those classmates around him and drank heavily.

“Yard, Bi Hao, you are waiting for labor!” Gong Jiang’s eyes were full of malice, he had never been so humiliated, and this time the field must be recovered.

Thinking of this, he hurried away.

Bi Hao returned to the familiar rental house, which was exactly the same as it could be said before the crossing.

His family was originally from a small town in Changzhou City, Nanjiang Province, and both parents were ordinary workers and did not have much income.

In order to let him study well, he spent his savings to come to Henglin No.1 Middle School in Choshu City.

I also rented him a room of about thirty square meters here, hoping to make him a little more comfortable.

Although this room is not large, it is a little stronger than the school’s multi-person dormitory.

This couldn’t help but remind Bi Hao of his parents, “Are you okay?” ”

Shaking his head, Bi Hao began to enter the main topic, before crossing he did not have any achievements, but this time was different!

He wants to be stronger, to be the strongest, to make his parents live a comfortable life.

The next moment, he removed his distractions and began to cultivate.

How to compress a cyclone, the teacher also talked about in class, and he naturally understood it in his memory.

Following the steps, he slowly began to condense the cyclone.

1 minute… 5 minutes… 10 minutes,

“Boom!” At this time, there was a roar in the body, and a small dot appeared in the position of the navel in the body.

Immediately, this small dot slowly expanded, forming a white vortex that continued to rotate and expand.

After about a few more minutes, the vortex stopped expanding, about the size of a fist.

“Hey! The cyclone is here! ”

Just as he was about to receive his rewards, a small white dot appeared next to the cyclone just now.

“Sleeper! This, this is a double cyclone? ”

However, as soon as the words fell, several flashes in the body of the “rubbing” appeared, and several small white dots appeared again and again.

“Ten, ten cyclones? This is going against the heavens!! ”

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