They guessed correctly, these four masters had indeed fought together because of Bi Hao.

For no other reason, after the boy entered the test chamber, he directly broke out.

During these three days of cultivation, his attributes did not stop there.

His source power has reached 1000, and his spiritual strength is relatively slow, reaching 750.

And just now, he directly broke out 700 attributes, which can frighten the people who tested.

You must know that even if the non-martial artists of the three cyclones only have a stat of 300, they will only have 600 after being promoted to a martial artist.

700? Or is it a non-martial artist, if this is not directly reached 1400 after promotion?

Normally, a one-star warrior of a cyclone has an initial attribute of 300, mid-term 500, late 700, and peak 1000.

Two-cyclone one-star warrior, the initial is 400, the middle is 800, the late 1200, the peak is 1600.

The one-star warrior of the three cyclones, the initial is 600, the middle is 1200, the late 1800, and the peak is 2400.

That is to say, Bi Hao had not yet been promoted to a martial artist, and had already surpassed the one-star early stage martial artist promoted by the three cyclones, which was equivalent to most of the one-star late stage martial artists of the first cyclone.

This was simply against the sky, so this examiner did not dare to report this data and went directly to the masters of the four major colleges.

At this moment, the four great masters were also surprised, they were also the first time to encounter such a thing, so they hurried to see.

As a result, this look, not only the data is true, but what shocked them even more was that this boy was actually ten cyclones.

Ten cyclones, what does this mean?

Once this boy is promoted to a martial artist, it will be 1400 in the early stage, 2400 in the middle period, and 4800 in the later stage, and it can reach nearly 10,000 at its peak.

You know, the attributes of the martial artists in the early days of the Samsung have just reached 10,000 points, and the more cyclones there are, the more perverse this data will be.

Otherwise, why are those three cyclones demonized? But compared with this Bi Hao, farts are not.

As a result, it triggered the next four great masters to scramble.

Such a student, as long as he does not die prematurely, will certainly be able to enter the realm of the Sect Master, which will naturally cause robbery!

At this time, the whole audience had forgotten the examination, and all of them would look up at the battle of the four great masters, and the other would look down at Bi Hao, who had an innocent face.

The shock in my heart was self-evident, especially those in the Qingtan II, who were full of fiery burning faces, eager to find the hole drill.

“I said, four teachers, do you have to ask me first if I want to go to that college?”

Looking at the battle in the air that would not be able to distinguish between victory and defeat for a moment and a half, Bi Hao yawned and shouted.

How can these four old guys tell the difference between winning and losing, just like the show, they don’t make a trick, and they can’t play the results until next year.

Simply give them a step down, after all, there are so many people watching here, and there is no excuse and they are embarrassed to stop.

As soon as the words fell, the four of them seemed to have made an appointment in advance, and they instantly closed their hands and landed directly on Bi Hao’s side, with a gentle smile.

If it weren’t for the fact that those examiners knew that these four were not fuel-saving lamps, they would have mistakenly thought that they were very kind!

“Hey, Bi Hao, we’re the number one martial arts academy in Kyoto, so it’s bound to be right to choose us!”

At this time, Liu Long, the person in charge of the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy this time, walked over with a big grin.

“What about the first? Choose the most suitable is, Bi Hao, I can tell you, our Chuannan Academy is a well-known beautiful female student, how many male martial artists are yearning for the holy place, come here to ensure that you will not regret. ”

At this time, Huo Zixiong, the person in charge of Chuannan, laughed.

It is said that Bi Hao’s whole person is not good, this is all using the beauty meter?

“It is a shame to be a teacher and to say such a thing.” At this time, Yang Shuo, the head of the magic capital, snorted coldly.

“But then again, our female students at the Magic City Martial Arts Academy are not only beautiful, but also particularly tasteful, so it’s better to come here!” Hey hey hey! ”

Hearing this, several other teachers almost fell.

Do you want a face? Just now he was still pretending to be a serious person who said that people in Chuannan, why did he not have a face so much?

Just when Chen Hao, the head of the Nanjiang Wu Academy, wanted to speak, Bi Hao directly waved his hand to interrupt.

Seeing the situation, Chen Hao frowned, so that he was a grand master, and this boy actually interrupted him, and his heart was a little unhappy.

But the next words made him suddenly open his eyes and smile, and all the unhappiness disappeared.

“Grandmasters, the boy is incompetent and doesn’t want to go far, I plan to enter the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy!”

Bi Hao glanced around at the four of them and said slowly, but from his determined eyes, it could be seen that his decision would not change!

Immediately, the other three all sighed darkly, shook their heads and laughed bitterly.

“Hahaha, thanks to your concessions, I’m not welcome, hahaha!”

Chen Haole was broken, and if he could find such a wicked student, the reward for going back would not be less.

Although their tutors’ salaries in school are not low, some precious resources still have a certain share.

Certain contribution and achievement values are required in exchange for them.

And can the reward for a student who has recruited such a demon and will become a master without dying a young life be less rewarded? It’s fun to think about!

At this moment, the more Chen Hao looked at Bi Hao, the more he felt pleasing to his eyes, this was a future master.

He is just a seven-star master, this boy’s qualifications will definitely exceed his own in the future, well, just now the two old men of Chuannan and Modu have used beautiful women to seduce Bi Hao, they seem to have a niece, who looks good, is it time to introduce them to know?

At this time, Chen Hao actually began to use this brain, if he let Bi Hao know, he didn’t know how he would feel!

Immediately, Bi Hao was directly taken into the Grandmaster Lounge by Chen Hao, and as for the subsequent physical examination, he was directly exempted.

Just kidding, the non-martial artist of the source force 700 has already condensed ten cyclones, do you still need to take the test?

And announced on the spot that this assessment, Bi Hao is the first in the country!

At this moment, the whole Henglin Yizhong boiled, which was the first in the country!

Since the establishment of the school, Henglin No. 1 Middle School has not even taken the first place in the city, and this time it is the first in the country?

When this news reached the ears of the principal of Henglin No.1 Middle School, he was completely sluggish and laughed for half a day.

Scared the aunts who cleaned outside the door, thinking that the headmaster had lost his heart!

In the same way, Bi Hao’s situation was also directly informed.

** For such outstanding talents, they will be registered as a whole and their safety will be guaranteed, which are the pillars of the country.

Naturally, when the national government and the military department saw Bi Hao’s information, they were all shocked!

At the age of 18, the non-martial artist with a source force of 700 condensed ten cyclones!

They all understood what it meant, that a demon was about to rise!

(Kneel and ask for collection, ask for flowers to evaluate, ask for flowers to evaluate, ask for important things three times!) Thanks! )

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