“Hello, is anyone here?” At this time, a sweet voice sounded outside the door.

Bi Hao opened the door in surprise and saw a little girl dressed in pure dress standing at her door.

Seeing him open the door, the little girl’s face suddenly showed blush on both sides.

“Hello, I’m your neighbor, Wang Sisi!” Me, I’m here to say hello to you, please take care of me in the future! ”

Immediately afterward, the little girl announced her name and greeted her with a very polite look.

“Uh, hello, my name is Bi Hao!” Are you also a freshman? Bi Haomu replied with a sigh, and then asked a little unexpectedly.

This Wang Sisi has a pure look, can he also enter the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy?

In his video, when he took the college entrance examination, he had seen those female candidates who passed the passing line of the martial arts examination, almost all of them were five years and three thick, and even the muscles were more developed than their own, and they had never seen such a thing.

Not only was she pure in appearance, her appearance was also outstanding among the girls he had seen, the key was that shy look, and she really couldn’t see that she was also practicing martial arts.

Hearing Bi Hao’s question, Wang Sisi’s head lowered even deeper, and he was about to bury it in the fierce mouth.

“Hmmm!” And with a low mosquito voice, the two small hands kept twisting the corners of their clothes, looking overwhelmed.

This scene actually made Bi Hao a little embarrassed!

“That, glad to know you, or not?” Sit inside? Bi Hao said stiffly.

“Ah! No, no! I’ll go first, bye-bye! ”

At this moment, Wang Sisi suddenly screamed, a trace of panic appeared on his face, and he hurriedly said hello and ran.

“Boo!” Then I heard the door next door being closed, and then I heard the sound of something being knocked over inside.

“Oh, am I that terrible?”

An inexplicable scene made Bi Hao full of black lines.

What kind of plane is this girl doing? Run to say hello, now see yourself like seeing a ghost, brother is not ugly, right?

How could such a strange creature enter Nanjiang Wu Academy? It made Bi Hao a little depressed.

Then he shook his head, closed the door, and continued to study the forum.

In the evening, according to the instructions written, he went to the school canteen to get a meal card, ate a dinner, not to mention the third in the country martial arts college, this meal is really delicious, the price is much cheaper than outside, almost all the cost price.

I also met other freshmen in the middle, some of them seemed very kind, some said and laughed and went around greeting and making friends.

There are also some who seem to be very arrogant, not very willing to take care of people, and Wu Zi buried his head in food and left.

Naturally, some people found him, exchanged contact information, people were polite, and Bi Hao naturally greeted him with a smile.

However, on the way, she saw Wang Sisi again, and she also saw herself.

Originally, he still wanted to go up and say hello, but when he approached, this guy didn’t know what kind of illness he was in, and he ran away directly carrying the lunch box, causing everyone around him to look sideways, making him full of black lines again.

“, what’s this?” Sick, right? ”

Sullen and unhappy, he went directly back to the dormitory, and he was not in the mood to watch the forum anymore, and he fell asleep upside down.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to cultivate, but that after he tried to cultivate, he found that he seemed to have reached a bottleneck and could no longer improve.

At this time, his source power and physique had reached 1500, and his spiritual strength had not grown at all.

Although he didn’t yet know what the current use of this spiritual power was, the increase in spiritual power made him feel that his current memory had improved significantly, and it could almost be said that he could never forget it.

But this is also his current limit, it seems that only after being promoted to a warrior can he be promoted again.

A night without words was also the first time that Bi Hao had slept peacefully since he crossed.

Early the next morning, the school horn rang.

“Dear students, please note that in half an hour, all new students are invited to come to the playground to assemble and hold the opening ceremony!”

The radio broadcast three times in a row, at this time all the new students were also awakened, hurriedly sorted out, and then walked to the playground one after another.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, 2,000 new students had gathered on the playground at this time.

On the wide podium in front, there were already ten mentors standing on the stage, and hundreds of mentors stood offstage.

Bi Hao glanced at it, and was shocked to find that Lao Bai of the Logistics Department yesterday and the male mentor he met before entering the dormitory were all standing on that stage, of course, including the Chen Hao Sect Master who had recruited him in the first place.

Lao Bai and Chen Hao were masters, and he knew that the original teacher was also a master!

I didn’t expect that as soon as I came to this academy, I had met three masters, and as an ordinary person, I might not be able to see a master in my lifetime, and I couldn’t help but feel a little more emotion.

At this time, there was another person on the stage, although the person who looked about 60 years old, but the temperament was extraordinary.

The straight joystick, the strong body, if it were not for the wrinkles that sometimes appeared on that face, it would really look like the physique of a young man.

“Hello new students, I am Wang Xuan, vice president of Nanjiang Wu College, and the principal has an important matter and has not returned, so this new student opening ceremony is presided over by me!”

When the words fell, there was applause and exclamation below.

Because Wang Xuan was the 11th person on the stage, and there was a principal above him, that is to say, there were more than ten masters in the Nanjiang Martial Academy?

(Today’s five more sent, ask for a wave of flowers to evaluate the monthly pass, thank you!) In addition, welcome all the way to the Feilu author group blacklist of trolls including the author trumpet to spray, originally could not write a perfect work, flaws are also more, cute new I continue to work hard to code word saving! You are idle and panicking, and you can spray more, and you are grateful! Spray death will not be a eunuch, not angry? )

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