At this time, the new students came to the playground again and stood still.

Wang Xuan glanced at it, most of the people’s faces were blue and purple, and some even couldn’t stand up straight when they covered their stomachs, obviously the injuries were not light.

However, he did not let the medical staff on the side come forward for treatment, coughed and said:

“Warriors, injuries are commonplace, and you will often experience injuries and even deaths in the future!”

“What! Death? ”

“What’s going on?”

Hearing this, all the students exclaimed, how did they say that they were going to face death?

A bunch of 18-year-olds wouldn’t have thought that far.

In ordinary times, what they are indoctrinated is to become warriors, who will be noticed by thousands of people and get special rights.

However, I have never heard that a warrior will face death, after all, the video of the warrior fighting outside can sometimes be seen.

In the end, it is just a high and low ranking, the most injured is just a little injured, and I have not heard of who died!

Isn’t this a harmonious society?

“Ahem! Naive, before, you were the flowers in the greenhouse. Now that you have come here and are about to become a warrior, there are some things that you must know. ”

“If a warrior can obtain special rights and huge wealth, and be admired by all people, does it depend on you to play tricks?” If you want to get, you need to pay, and now the stable life of the people is what the warriors have exchanged for their lives! Put away your childish thoughts, warriors who do not experience life and death are not worthy of being called warriors at all, if you think that being called warriors is just for pleasure, then sorry, you can go now! ”

“Don’t look at me, the words have been made very clear, if you are afraid of death, now you can leave, the school will open a recommendation book, let you go to an ordinary university!” 」

After saying that, Wang Xuan stopped talking and looked down.

A bunch of freshmen you look at me, I look at you, a little confused.

Although there was hesitation, no one chose to leave.

At this time, a few freshmen suddenly shouted, “We are not afraid, as long as we become stronger!” ”

“That’s right! Well said! If you want to avoid death, then give me a hard time to become stronger, you only have to be the strongest, then no one will hurt you! Warriors must fight! Warriors are self-reliant! If you don’t even have this courage, get out of the egg early! ”

Wang Xuan said loudly.

“Since none of you have chosen to leave, start sorting now!” Just now the top 50 people are out of line! ”

As soon as the words fell, 50 people came out of the playground, the same people who had been on the top floor of the Tower before.

And the ten masters and masters on the stage also took a step forward and stood up.

The 1592 people behind them threw envious eyes, and they knew that these 50 people were going to take off!

With the teachings of the masters, and it is still 1 to 5, it will certainly make them grow quickly and soar to the sky!

“The Seven Stars Initial Mentor, Liu Yidao, is good at dark weapons!”

“The Seven Stars Initial Mentor, Chen Hao, is good at leg techniques!”

“The Seven-Star Intermediate Mentor, Huo Dong, is good at boxing!”

“The Seven-Star Intermediate Mentor, Zhang We, is good at whipping!”

“The Late Seven Stars Mentor, Zeng Rou, is good at sword skills!”

“Seven Star Peak Mentor, Mad Bull, good at physical skills!”

“Seven Star Peak Mentor, Bai Hesheng, is good at sword skills!”

“The Eight-Star Initial Mentor, Wang Yu, is good at marksmanship!”

“The eight-star middle section instructor, Gu Zhenxuan, is good at sticks!”

“The Eight-Star Late Mentor, Li Mo, is good at swordplay!”

At this time, the ten tutors reported their rank names and their expertise.

Next, I stood aside and waited for the students to choose.

The selection of master-level tutors is a two-way street, with students choosing mentors first, and each is limited to 5 places.

If there are more than one, the selected tutor will select 5 of them who are satisfied, and those who are eliminated can only choose others.

Hearing them report to their homes, those new students were shocked and envious, and once again lamented the strength of the school.

There were actually three eight-star masters among the 10 masters, and that was not counting the two principals.

But they also hesitated, which one do they want to choose?

(In the early hours of the morning, a chapter to sleep, ask for a wave of flowers to evaluate, grateful!) )

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