[Detection of inexplicable substances, system increase attributes, root bone +1, the host is blessed with a hundred times strengthening? 】

“Huh? Root bone? Bi Hao was stunned, but then he said a hundred times stronger.

[Ding, root bone 100 times strengthen the blessing success, root bone +100].

Through the introduction of the system, in fact, it is similar to what he thinks, and this bone is actually a natural understanding.

This pool of blood is said to be a solid essence washing pulp, in order to improve the forging body and the speed of tuna, in fact, the biggest benefit is to enhance a person’s natural understanding.

Only when the root bone is high, then it will be easier to participate in the enlightenment practice and break through the barrier of the level.

For example, if Bi Hao currently has the ability to strengthen the Gong Fa a hundred times, the cultivation speed will be very fast, but the premise is that he must first understand this Gong Fa thoroughly.

The deeper the enlightenment, the faster the natural ascension!

Before that, the basic forging body and the basic tuna were the simplest exercises, and he naturally understood it in his mind, and there was no enlightenment, so the effect of direct hundredfold strengthening came out.

However, after becoming a martial artist, those exercises need to be enlightened, although with a hundred times strengthening, you can’t understand it thoroughly, or you can’t achieve maximum power, you can only say that it is a hundred times faster than people with the same talent.

And now, if the root bone is raised, then a hundred times the understanding of others, plus a hundred times the speed of the practice, is absolutely against the sky!

Therefore, Bi Hao directly closed his eyes and enjoyed the joy of the surge of roots.

[Ding, due to the root bone 100 times stronger blessing, the root bone +100.] 】

[Ding, due to the root bone 100 times stronger blessing, the root bone +100.] 】

[Ding, due to the root bone 100 times stronger blessing, the root bone +100.] 】


Every ten minutes, a systematic sound comes to mind.

People are 1 point a plus, but he is 100 plus a plus, saying that he is afraid that he is not going to scare people to death.

This is the systematic difference, just like everyone else knows, even if it is ten cyclones normally, the cap attribute is only 650 when non-martial artists.

But this is only their theoretical guessing data, after all, the source force and physique can reach 150 to start condensing cyclones, and each additional cyclone condensation can directly increase the full attribute 50, ten is 500.

However, at present, only Bi Hao could reach ten cyclones, and having ten cyclones was completely different from what they had guessed, which greatly improved his peak value, so he could reach the attribute of 1500.

Of course, only Bi Hao himself knows about this matter, and naturally he will not say it, let them guess!

Sometimes exposing their strength can win more resources, but sometimes they hide points, and the key time is their own hole card.

In this way, time passed little by little, nearly 2 hours had passed, and at this time, most of the new students had sat in a shallow place and began to break through.

“Meow and meh” came in a constant whisper, and these people trembled slightly, and successfully broke through to the warrior, and their faces were full of joy.

And because the Grandmaster was around, they all stopped their cheering in a timely manner, directly brought them ashore, let them change their clothes, and waited by the pool of blood, so as not to make noise and affect others to break through!

After another hour, the rest of the men also broke through, changed their clothes and stood aside.

At this time, there were only three people left in the blood pool, Bi Hao, Wang Sisi and Meng Qing, who was the first to choose Li Mo.

The 47 people who were watching looked at the three of them with envy in their eyes, they didn’t know that just now the Sect Master had used the magic technique of a barrier to cut off their conversations, telling them that the longer they could stay in the pool of blood, the higher their talents, the greater the momentum of breakthrough at that time.

Therefore, around the remaining Bi Hao and the three people, the Grandmaster added a noise barrier.

And the dozen or so people who broke through first did not have the original joy, but instead smiled bitterly.

It turned out that among these 50 people, these people were the bottom of the existence.

Then they witnessed Meng Qing’s breakthrough, which was indeed much more powerful than theirs, and when they broke through, the pool water around him seemed to boil, otherwise the bubbles were tumbling.

The next thing is Wang Sisi’s breakthrough, which makes their eyes light up, only to see that the blood-colored fog around her instantly wrapped her, and the pool water also rippled, and the blending of fog and water directly reflected a rainbow, which was very conspicuous.

With a roar, the blood mist instantly exploded, and the pool water also scattered, looking at Wang Sisi who stepped out of the water, like a goddess descending.

After sighing, everyone looked at the only person left in the pool of blood at this time.

But looking at him like an old monk, without a sound, everyone, including the teachers, frowned.

“So long? It’s five hours, right? ”

“Yes, no wonder they all say that he is a demon, and the highest record in our school is only 5 hours and 5 minutes, right?” Or was it Lin Xuan who set the record, was this boy going to break this record? ”

“After all, it’s ten cyclones, I look like it!”

“It doesn’t matter how many cyclones there are, it seems that this boy’s root bone is also a demon level!”

All the Sect Masters secretly praised, a look of expectation, at the beginning of that Lin Xuan’s breakthrough was amazing to the whole school, I don’t know what will happen to this boy when the breakthrough comes?

(Went to the medical examination this morning, that is called a lot of people, the queue is dead.) I didn’t eat breakfast until almost two o’clock in the afternoon, and I was all done, and I drew a lot of blood, and I was dizzy! Although the physical examination queue is tiring, the author also recommends that readers can do a physical examination on time every year and develop this awareness, the body is the revolutionary cost! I also wish you all good health! Well, send today’s fifth more, I’m going to go to the whistle, make up for it, and get some blood! Continue tomorrow! In addition, ask for a wave of flowers to evaluate the monthly pass, and it is of course better to have a tip! Thank you! )

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