[Host: Bi Hao

Level: Two-Star Peak Martial Artist

Wealth: 4,5263,6785 (Get a hundredfold blessing state of wealth) (next level: billion!) )

Source Force: 150,000/150,000 (100 times faster blessing cultivation state).

Physique: 150,000/150,000 (100 times faster blessing cultivation state).

Spiritual Power: 3800/3800 (100 times faster blessed cultivation state).

Root Bone: 9999 (Not upgradeable!) )

Forged bones: 29 skull bones (0), 51 trunk bones (0), 64 upper limb bones (500%), lower limb bones 62 pieces (500%).

Exercises: Basic Forging Body LV100, Basic Tuna LV100, Forging Bone Summary LV100, Heaven Destroying (Knife Method) LV100, Cloud Detector (Dark Weapon) LV100, Shenglong (Fist Technique) LV100, Tianquan (Leg Method) LV100, Hegemonic (Gymnastic) LV100.

Storage space: 30 cubic meters + (wealth value can increase space, 50,000/1 cubic meter).

Enhancement Status: Wealth 100x Enhancement (activated), Attribute Bless State 100x Enhancement (activated), Exercise 100x Enhancement (activated), Elixir 100x Enhancement (activated), Equipment 100x Enhancement (activated).

Note: All enhancements are only available to the host himself, others are invalid! 】

Because the refining of the upper limb bone was completed, Bi Hao naturally reached the level of the two-star peak at this time.

From the time he came to this world, it only took about three months for him to directly reach the two-star peak martial artist from an ordinary person.

Moreover, his actual combat strength was already comparable to the ordinary five-star peak combat strength at this time, and the difference was only the refining of internal organs, meridians and cyclones.

As for the martial arts practice, now he is not worse than the five-star peak, and even a few points stronger.

After reaching the three stars, you can learn higher-level forging and tuna exercises, so that your cultivation speed will increase.

Thinking of this, Bi Hao decided to simply break through to the three stars and upgrade the forging body and the Tuna Gong Fa.

He said hello to the masters, sat down cross-legged, and began to break through.

Those masters had already numbed this boy’s demons for three months, and when they heard him say that they were going to break through, their faces did not change much.

I don’t know what they have experienced in the past three months.

The five great masters, all the martial arts and martial arts, have been trained to the current extreme for this boy, and if they want to grow again, they can only improve their own level and have more source power and spiritual power in order to exert a stronger attack.

In addition, the four Liu Yidao, except for Bai Hesheng, also personally experienced the horror of this boy’s forging bones.

It is said that it is three months, in fact, the previous 2 months have been practicing martial arts and battle training, and the masters have taken turns to feed him, so that he has also made great progress in the unloading of the word decision.

And the real forging of bones, Bi Hao only took more than 1 month.

In such a short period of time, it is already a miracle that a normal person can refine 64 pieces of upper limb bones once, and this boy has actually quenched it five times.

At that time, the expressions of those masters were how strange and eccentric they were, and they were deeply shocked.

Coupled with that Bi Hao’s face was light and breezy, as if this was a natural expression.

It also made them see that their teeth were itchy, and they were eager to study this little boy.

The most infuriating thing is that before forging bones, this boy deceived a lot of elixirs on them.

Seeing that he was progressing rapidly, the masters were not stingy, and these elixirs were still within their range for them.

In addition, in order to quench the upper limb bones, it is indeed necessary to have some elixir support.

Coupled with the fact that this boy showed a look of fear of death, he insisted on asking for five two-pin elixirs, saying that this was how he would be able to sprint forward with peace of mind.

Seeing his diligence in practicing before, the masters also accepted it!

These two pindans can be much more difficult to refine than one pint, and even the masters will not store much.

However, this boy took so many elixirs and only ate 2 pills from beginning to end, which was still the most common potion.

The other elixirs did not move, so the bone forging was completed without risk, or the special five times of forging the bone.

The key is this goods, you have become it, not to mention that those few masters will not think that he is forging bones five times, after all, Bai Hesheng did not say that he had been refining his lower limb bones five times before.

However, Bi Hao was screaming with a big face, and several great masters all knew.

And seeing Wang Sisi, who had a look of adoration on the side, they suddenly understood that this boy was deliberately pretending to be forced in front of a beautiful woman?

In the past three months, this cargo has not deliberately hooked up with Wang Sisi, but it has consciously or unconsciously often pretended to be forced when she was with her, so that this little girl now worships Bi Hao and throws herself on the ground, obeying her orders.

They believed that now as long as Bi Hao said a word, this young man was bound to fall.

Thinking of this, the masters were shocked to realize that they seemed to have been deceived by this cargo pit with a lot of elixirs.

Obviously, they only used 2 pills, and they actually cheated so much from themselves, and then they thought about why Bai Hesheng heard that this product wanted Dan medicine before and left directly.

It is not stingy, it turns out that it is known that this product does not need many elixirs.

At this moment, the other four great masters even hated Bai Hesheng, but Lao Bai couldn’t do it.

Then, Bi Hao naturally became the object of their venting, and the beautiful young people needed to temper more.

Just kidding, they are all grandmasters, and this cargo even dares to pit the grandmaster.

Therefore, this cargo naturally cannot escape a fat beating!

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