Hearing the exclamations of the two people, everyone around them was stunned.

“Do you know?” Liu Long asked doubtfully, and in the team behind Bi Hao, Wang Sisi’s eyes were also condensed, carefully looking at this little Lolita.

“I don’t know!” Without waiting for Bi Hao to speak, the little Lori said directly.

Then, as if knowing his gaffe just now, he coughed dryly, tilted his head, and stopped looking at him.

And Bi Hao, who was ready to speak, also laughed bitterly and shook his head.

Since this guy said he didn’t know, why did he want to get together? Just don’t know.

However, this made everyone more confused, and the expressions of the two people just now were obviously recognized, and now they pretended not to know.

“Well, these two men must have an ulterior secret!” That’s what everyone thought.

Even Wang Sisi, at this time, his eyes were full of danger, and he stared at this little Lolita deadly.

As if feeling something, Xiao Luoli glanced at Wang Sisi, and a trace of doubt crossed her eyes, and then she glanced at Bi Hao, as if in a trance, and directly avoided the line of sight and ignored it!

“Cough, if you don’t know, let me introduce you.”

This is Chen Xi, the granddaughter of our principal Chen and a member of the team of this competition, she is the captain of the first grade group! Samsung Early!

He is also the captain of the ceremonial team responsible for receiving your academy students! ”

“What!!!” Just now, Nanjiang’s students were just attracted by the cuteness of this little Lolita and the seemingly gossip between her and Bi Hao.

Now hearing Liu Long’s introduction, everyone exclaimed.

This little Lori is actually a first-year student in the early days of Samsung? Isn’t that the same perverted as Bi Hao?

Before they came, they hadn’t heard that there was such a master in the first year of Kyoto Martial Arts Academy.

At present, the information they have obtained shows that the strongest is the two-star peak, and the four major colleges have it.

But then it was also relieved that on the list they reported in Nanjiang this time, although Bi Hao’s name was included, the strength was written in the early stage of the two-star period, and it was not written that he was the early stage of the three-star period.

After all, when he registered, Bi Hao had not yet reached the early stage of three stars, and indeed only the early stage of two stars.

In addition, the competition is only divided into groups according to age, and the first-grade group is the first-grade group, but you will not be divided into the second-grade or even third-grade group because you are the early Samsung.

Seeing their surprise, Liu Long naturally looked proud, although the four colleges were very harmonious on the surface, but this secret competition has always existed, and he likes to see others eat and be surprised.

This time deliberately letting Chen Xi come out to receive him was actually to give the other colleges a dismount.

As for Chen Xi, there was indeed no change on his face, and he still had a facial expression, but even if that Lori face was expressionless, it made people look very cute.

Of course, careful people can also see a trace of pride in her eyes at this time.

At such an age, if you can reach the early days of Samsung, you can only be proud and have the right to be proud!

Bi Hao also beat a drum in his heart, “System, do you have any brothers and sisters who are also bound to others?” ”

Uh, what are you talking about? This system does not understand! 】

“This earth has strengthened me a hundred times, and only I can enjoy it alone, plus other kinds of enhancements, I am only in the early days of Samsung, not to mention Wang Sisi, a mutant, how to go out and touch a little Lolita is also the early days of Samsung?” Could it be that your brothers and sisters are possessed by her? ”

Bi Hao said depressedly, although the speed of his cultivation could definitely be said to be extremely fast, and indeed N times faster than those of his peers around him, this time except for Wang Sisi, a skeletal full mutant, who had reached a two-star peak, the others were only one-star peaks.

But how does this little Lori explain? Could it be the mutants again? But does it mean that Wang Sisi is already the best among the mutants? Could this little Lori be better than her?

[Host, this system can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that this system is unique in the universe above and below the heavens.] That Chen Xi was definitely not a host with a system, after scanning, her whole body bones were also quenched, and her spiritual strength was somewhat abnormal, reaching 3000! It should be what people here call bipolar variation! Also, her root bone is as high as 200! 】

The system said honestly.

“What!” Hearing the system’s reply, Bi Hao was shocked.

“Lean!” Then I couldn’t help but sigh.

I have met these two beautiful women of the same age, both mutants? Is it such a coincidence?

And this one is more outrageous, biphasic variation? This spiritual power is higher than Lao Bai’s, doesn’t it mean that this lady’s promotion to the Sect Master is also a matter of certainty? More secure than Wang Sisi!

This Wang Sisi’s spiritual power is not so high, only 800, of course, at the peak of the star can reach 800 is already very high!

The biggest problem is that this little Lolita has 200 root bones? However, he later asked the system, the root bone value below four stars, generally only a dozens, reaching 100 is high.

And this guy actually doubled, although he was a hundred and eighteen thousand miles away from himself, but he was also very perverted.

In the eyes of others, this little Lolita Chen Xi is definitely the existence of the hanging explosion sky!

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