The person who came was a guy from a school with Liu Ming.

As for why there is a vendetta, it is nothing more than jealousy.

The conditions of this goods family are superior, his father is a six-star martial artist, and there is an older brother on it, who is actually a mutant, so he was naturally admitted to the martial arts academy, and entered the second ranked Modu martial arts academy.

Unfortunately, he himself did not have the talent to cultivate martial arts, but fortunately, he had excellent grades in the liberal arts and was admitted to Qinghua University by himself.

Good villains are told by outsiders that they are blessed with a willow family, and they are literate and martial.

Kua is so boastful, but his father is still not very satisfied with himself.

After all, in a world where martial arts are respected, what can you do with your liberal arts?

When you encounter a warrior, are you not tortured and killed in minutes?

Moreover, the results of this goods entering the literary college were also suppressed by a Liu Ming whose name was almost pronounced almost the same as his own.

This made his father even more dissatisfied, and even the face he gave himself was not so good-looking.

His father only lost one sentence, “Even if you are a liberal artist, you must get the first place in the liberal arts!” ”

Therefore, this cargo regarded Liu Ming as his imaginary enemy and competed against him everywhere.

But helplessly, several times into the school to take the test, this goods have not tested him, making him resentful.

Moreover, because of the similar pronunciation of the name, he was recognized many times, which made his face even more lightless.

Therefore, as soon as he has the opportunity, he will look for Liu Ming’s fault.

Although Liu Ming studied well, he did not have any background, and his parents were also ordinary employees, so naturally he could not compare with this guy.

So knowing that Liu Ming was not accustomed to him, he tolerated and avoided everywhere, not wanting to bring trouble to the family.

Especially this time, the school gives first-year students with excellent grades a free place to watch the martial arts school season league, and the whole cost is reimbursed.

This product is even more on the stage to say that the Faculty of Letters is not very rich in resources, as an excellent student can not increase the burden on the school, by his full sponsorship of the cost of the first-year students.

The principal and teacher of the school are naturally happy, and the Liu Ming family will naturally not lack this money, and it is naturally best to have such sponsorship.

Moreover, this sponsorship, which was personally sent by his father, the Six Star Martial Artist, made the school leaders flattered.

In fact, this is also his parents creating momentum for Liu Ming, even if he is studying literature, he must achieve something.

The warrior originally cared a lot about face, especially Liu Ming’s father, and he was a person who especially cared about weak face.

After that, Liu Ming was even more sarcastic, thinking that this Liu Ming was thin and would not accept his sponsorship.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming considered coming to meet with his two good friends this time, so he accepted it without even thinking about it.

At that time, he was upset for several days, and Liu Ming’s original intention was that he did not want to let this fight come over.

But since he came over, then here he naturally has to find fault and not let him feel good!

No, it’s uncomfortable to come together without encountering an opportunity!

“What’s going on?” Wang Haoran also saw that the atmosphere was not right, and asked with a frown.

Bi Hao narrowed his eyes and didn’t say a word, but wanted to see what this guy was going to do.

“Nothing! Let’s go! Liu Ming thought about it, but he still didn’t say anything, but he knew that this guy’s father was a six-star martial artist, and he was particularly short-guarded, but he didn’t want to cause trouble for the two brothers because of himself.

“Want to go? Okay, pay me back this time and you’re good to go! At this time, Liu Ming waved a big hand, and several people behind him instantly surrounded them.

“Liu Ming, what are you doing here?” The cost of coming here was originally said by the school to give, you yourself rushed to sponsor, I just used the quota I should use, why should I pay you back? Didn’t everyone else come? ”

Seeing the situation, Liu Ming drank.

“You also know I sponsored it?” Others can come, you can’t, because my money is not ready for you to spend this poor! ”

“You’re unreasonable!” Liu Ming hated the voice.

“Get out! Yard, looking for death is it? This is still, Wang Haoran also heard a reason, and immediately became angry, and the momentum on his body spread out at once.

“Warrior!!!” At this time, Liu Ming was shocked and noticed the two people next to Liu Ming.

Just now, when he saw Liu Ming, he thought of coming to find the stubble, but he didn’t find that these two people were actually martial artists.

These few people around Liu Ming were not warriors, at best they were just stronger, so at this time they all had some fear on their faces.

However, Liu Ming had seen the world after all, and glanced at Bi Hao, at this time he was wearing casual clothes and did not wear a school uniform, but the saber around his waist made him stunned, feeling that this knife was a good thing.

However, when he saw Wang Haoran, there was no trace of solemnity just now, and this cargo was wearing the uniform of the Tianxiong Martial Arts Academy.

Although Tianxiongwu College is the first school in the city and the third in the province.

However, with his brother’s Modu Martial Academy, there is no comparison at all, and it can even be said to be scum.

Therefore, he also thought that Bi Hao was also from the Tianxiong Martial Academy, so he became arrogant again.

“A martial artist of the Tianxiong Martial Academy is so arrogant?” I can tell you that my eldest brother is from the Modu Martial Arts Academy, this is my affair with Liu Ming, I don’t want to die! ”

“Is the Magic Martial Arts Academy amazing?” As soon as the words fell, I saw a black shadow flickering.

There was a muffled sound, and several people brought by Liu Ming flew out one after another, directly falling to the ground and passing out, without even screaming.

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