“Bastard, Hugh is going crazy!” At this moment, Liu Hao directly pulled out his saber.

He didn’t expect that this Bi Hao would be so powerful, and at this time, he would not use his weapon at all, and he would not have to fight at all.

Judging from Bi Hao’s fist and foot kung fu just now, he had definitely already reached the level of specialization or above, and as for what realm it was, he couldn’t feel it at this level.

With a knife in his hand, Liu Hao’s entire momentum changed, and his body emitted a chill that was piercing to the bone.

In such competitions, weapons are generally not used, although many first-year students will choose the instructor of cold weapons such as sword techniques and sword techniques.

However, I will still practice basic boxing and leg techniques, and physical skills.

After all, when they are not martial artists, some of the fighting skills they can access are fist and foot.

As for the cold weapon, it is not that they can master too much in just a few months, so in the first-year competition, even if you see a lot of players wearing weapons, it is basically a decoration.

But Liu Hao is different, he is a skeletal mutant, but he is only an upper limb bone mutation.

However, his root bones were extremely good, twice as high as ordinary people, which also made him understand the Fa much faster than others.

In addition, his father himself was a six-star martial artist with a sword, and he was taught basic sword techniques from an early age, so he could quickly master the sword techniques given to him by his mentors, and soon he would get started, and he was about to reach the realm of specialization.

Seeing him draw his sword, the originally somewhat anxious Demon Capital Martial Arts Academy instructor, the instructor’s brow loosened a lot.

This Liu Hao’s sword technique comprehension was indeed the best in their school’s class.

In the same way, they also concluded that even if they met Zhao Lei of the Kyoto Martial Arts Academy, Liu Hao would have a battle with his sword skills.

“Sizzle! In the end, it was the genius of the Magic Capital Martial Arts Academy, who could only practice the sword technique to this extent in the first year, and was almost reaching the level of specialization, right? ”

“But no, hey, how come we can’t recruit such students.”


Some of the student instructors in the guest seat shook their heads one after another, taking one step at a time.

The reason why the school season league has been so prosperous every year is because this ranking is related to the amount of money allocated to them by the National Education Bureau in the next year.

The higher the ranking, the more you naturally get.

The more resources you get, the better your students and stronger mentors will naturally lead to better students.

And those geniuses, naturally, will prefer the top-ranked, resource-rich colleges.

Only in this way can they get better guidance and sufficient resources to develop.

Looking at the two celestial beings on the stage, they were all extremely envious.

One random shot, one pick ten, can solve nine people in an instant, or the second ranked Modu Martial Arts Academy player in the four famous schools.

A person who can refine the Grandmaster Sword Technique to the beginning in the first grade is only one foot away from entering the realm of specialization.

Look at your own students again, shaking their heads unceasingly.

Warriors must fight, and this is not wrong at all.

At the beginning, they didn’t fight, they didn’t fight, so they fell behind step by step, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger!

Seeing Liu Hao draw his sword, the players of the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy also looked nervous.

Before, Bi Hao instantly solved 9 people, which really shocked them and also lamented his strength.

They thought they were going to win this time, but when Liu Hao drew his sword, their hearts were tugged.

They could also feel that Liu Hao was in a trance before and after drawing his sword, and the momentum was completely different, and they even worried about Bi Hao.

“Can Bi Hao win?”

“I don’t know, it’s hard to say, if you don’t use weapons, you can win, but now…”

Everyone began to get worried, except for just now, they had never seen Bi Hao strike with their own eyes.

After all, for those three months, Bi Hao was cultivating in that separate cultivation room.

I also heard that Master Liu Qingyun seemed to have suffered a loss in his hands and was beaten.

At that time, they were also confused when they heard the news.

This is also only Bi Hao and Liu Qingyun two people know, Bi Hao did not say, do they go to ask Liu Qingyun? Isn’t that looking for abuse?

So there is no answer to how this matter is.

“Worry about something, Bi Hao will definitely be able to do it, cheer him up!” At this time, Wang Sisi was very firm.

She had seen Bi Hao cultivate the Sword Technique once, and this Liu Hao was completely incomparable to him.

“Ugh! This…” The crowd hesitated.

“What is this? Cheer on Bi Hao! Can’t lose momentum! Seeing that everyone hesitated, Wang Sisi stared.

At this moment, the crowd obediently shouted, “Bigo come on! Bigo mighty, defeat the Magic Academy, Nanjiang will win! ”

“What do they call him?” Brother B? ”

“Looks like it is!”

“I’ll go, this is called a cow!” At this moment, the audience outside the venue was also attracted by this shout.

Brother B, aren’t they all homophones?

However, Bi Hao on the stage was shocked by this sudden shouting and almost choked.

“Oh, call me brother B again?” Won’t you shout Brother Hao? “I can’t help but feel a swear in my heart.

However, at this time, Liu Hao’s momentum on his body was even more surging and the kung fu of this meeting could make people feel as if his strength had been doubled!

“Bi Hao, today I will let you learn the sword technique of the next master, and if you can defeat under my sword, it can also be regarded as your glory!” This knife was originally meant to be reserved for Zhao Lei! Liu Hao, who was already full of momentum, looked at Bi Hao and shouted loudly.

“Oh, playing with a knife in front of me?” Show amateur skills in front of an expert! Today brother let you see what is called knife technique! ”

As soon as the words fell, Bi Hao also instantly pulled out the saber from his waist and casually shook it to his side, the tip of the knife pointing to the ground.

There was no pose, and no posture was made.

“Hahaha, are you still playing with knives like this?” Think that a knife on the waist is going to make? ”

He had already paid attention to the saber around Bi Hao’s waist, but he didn’t care, just as an ornament.

Under his father’s teachings, he had long known that it was not so easy to practice the sword.

His roots are extremely high, and the basic skills of practicing knife skills since he was a child are only mastered in the second year of high school, but they are not yet complete.

The sword technique is broad and exquisite, but it cannot be practiced in three years and five years.

But he didn’t know these truths only for normal people, Bi Hao was not a normal person.

He thought so, but the master on the stage didn’t think so.

When Bi Hao drew his sword and shook it sideways, although the movement was very random, it made them feel natural.

What surprised them even more was that Bi Hao at this time was actually like one with the sword.

This was the state that only a strong person in the Sect Master Realm could only have when he had perfected his sword technique, and he had to cooperate with a certain amount of Spirit Qi.

And this Bi Hao was able to reach such a realm, instantly making them all change color.

“Die! Furious Thunder Chop! Liu Hao couldn’t see this, and directly gave a sharp sigh and slashed it out.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, a force invisible to the naked eye slashed towards Bi Hao, and the corners of his mouth raised a trace of cruelty!

“Oh, too weak! Let you see what is called knife art! Destroy the sky! ”

A soft laugh of contempt rang out, and the saber that Bi Hao was holding on his side was raised, and it was cut straight away.

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