Long Bo and Lin Hong quickly arrived at Heze Town Okayama, immediately observed the terrain, and found the most favorable geographical location, favorable for ambushes and attacks, a round of attacks, we must break the defensive line.

“Lin Li has seen the old ancestor.”

Oh, yes! Lin Hong nodded and said, “Do you see the shape clearly?” ”

“The observation is clear.” Lin Li pointed to the mountains and hugged him, “On the left is the Xianxian Bay North River area, I have set up a dark guard at the entrance of the Hekou District, completely blocking the escape route.” “On the right is the top of the mountain, there are many cliffs, rugged and difficult to walk, it is not conducive to many people to break through, I have set up a dark guard on the cliff passage, as long as you are not a martial arts master, it is difficult to break through from here.” There is only one cliff waist road in the middle, forming a canyon about five meters wide and about one meter long. I set up a defensive line in the canyon, and multiple dark guards set up ambushes. No fast horse can rush over. “

Oh, yes! Lin Hong nodded, satisfied with the arrangement of the ambush.

“Uncle, with the dark guard power of his family, He Jiang’s shrewdness, if he finds an ambush in the canyon, he will retreat to Xuanhuan Bay for a while, and two hundred dark guards will have a hard time stopping it.” I think at least five hundred secret guards should be stepped up north of Whirlpool Bay. Long Bo said: “If there is a family trying to break through the canyon, the width is not enough, and there are ten lines of defense and undercover, they need at least an hour to break out of the canyon.” By then, the dark guards of Whirlpool Bay had already arrived at the canyon, and the avant-garde of the Jiangzhou route had also rushed in. On such a large scale, the number of casualties in Ho’s family should be almost the same. ”

“That makes sense!” Lin Li smiled and said, “Bo’er, how did your head grow?” “Why are you so smart?”

“Uncle! Is it because you don’t use your brain, okay? Long Bo said: “All these things and time, manpower, terrain, and movement can be calculated, and almost all of them can be known.” ”

Lin Li touched her head and melon seeds a little embarrassed. Thinking of these things, he was the most annoyed. He always put something in a dangerous position. She hadn’t studied it at all, and he was prone to loopholes.

According to Lombo’s train of thought, the Dark Guard first took ambush action, with a Dark Guard ambushed in the north of Whirlpool Bay, and the canyon passage was ambushed by a Dark Guard. As long as these two ambushes stood for an hour, he had no chance to step into the Hezhou border.

The Zheng family was also busy, gathering a large number of troops. Their direction has two directions: one is Whirlpool Bay and the other is Jiangzhou. As for the Lin family’s route, the Zheng family also deployed hundreds of guards to set up an ambush, which was unexpected.

His family was ready and had never been out of Zezhou County, because they had not yet come up with a complete plan, and if they acted boldly, the consequences would be unimaginable.

According to the return of the detectives, the Zheng family and the Lin family have deployed the avant-garde, internal guard and dark guards respectively, guarding the three main routes of Hezhou, Jiangzhou and Linzhou. Zheng had entered Xuanwan, with the inner guard on the Jiangzhou route and the outer guard stationed on the Linzhou route. The Lin family’s inner guard is located on the Jiangzhou route, and the outer guard is located on the Linzhou route, but the dark guard is missing and does not seem to have moved. He Jianxian said: “What do you think of Jeremy Lin’s black guard?” ”

“Daddy! The Lin family was bent on destroying my home, so how could they not move the Black Guard? He pointed to the map and said, “I think Lin Jiawei is either in Whirlpool Bay or on the Linzhou route, but the Linzhou route is too difficult to retreat, the movement speed is too slow, I am sure Lin Jiawei is not on the Linzhou route, it is likely to be in Xuanhuan Bay.” ”

“I agree with what it means!”

His family executives all agreed that the Lin family’s dark guard was not on the Lin state’s route.

He Jiang nodded silently: “There are too many mountains and dense jungles on the Linzhou route, it is not suitable for rapid retreat, once you encounter the Zheng family, the Lin family guards are ambushed, the Jiangzhou line troops will immediately arrest the Linzhou line, the guards have five thousand or six thousand people, and they can immediately break through the hidden defense line of the Hejia family, this road is not feasible.” “Both the Zheng family and the Lin family believe that the Whirlpool Bay route is the easiest to break through, but I don’t know if this is a dead end.” I can’t go to Whirlpool Bay. “

“The Jiangzhou route is the lower reaches of the Tajize River, with wide roads and flat channels, which is the best choice for retreat.” He Jiang sighed and said, “But we are all fast, the Zheng family, the Lin family is not slow, once from Zezhou to Jiangzhou, which family lost a lot of money, if you enter the border line of Jiangzhou, the Zheng family and the Lin family are also dead, which family can not fight back at all, this road is not feasible.” “All three roads are blocked, and we have to find the fourth way, that is, don’t hurt too much, and be faster.”

“Daddy! After I went to Hezhou to do business, I found a shortcut. He pointed to Okayama Road in Heze Town and said, “There is a hillside canyon about five meters wide and about two thousand five hundred meters long, as long as our horse team shuttles through this canyon.”

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