In the cultivation room, Bi Hao took out a new forging body and the Tuna Gong Fa.

The original basic forging body only talked about the strengthening of the body and the initial limb bone quenching, and with the summary of the forging bone given to him by Lao Bai, there was no problem for the quenching of his early limb bones and trunk bones.

However, for the later refining of the internal organs, the meridians and cyclones and even the skull are not described in detail.

After all, Lao Bai’s summary of the forging bone given to him is also the first half, and the hardening of the skull has not been specifically introduced.

So this time, he also asked Lao Bai to come to the second half before entering the cultivation room.

The new practice is called the Origin Forging Body Determination, which includes the essentials of forging the body and Tuna cultivation.

Through this, the human body can be completely quenched and become a more suitable body for carrying the source force.

And also strengthen and improve the efficiency of Tuna, so that their own absorption of source power faster.

“System, give me the next part to strengthen the Origin Forging Body Decision and the Bone Forging Summary!” Bi Hao communicated directly with the system.

[Ding, meet the host requirements, reinforcement begins!] 】

[Ding, the 100-fold enhancement of the “Origin Forging Body Decision” was completed, and the “Origin Forging Body Decision” LV100 was obtained! 】

[Ding, Bone Forging Summary.] Next” hundred times the completion of the “Bone Forging Summary”. Next》LV100! 】

[Ding, scanned to the “Origin Forging Body Determination” LV100, “Forging Bone Summary.] Previous, LV100, Bone Forging Summary. Next》LV100 Three Exercises can be fused, is it fused? 】

“Huh? Fusion! Hearing the prompt of the system’s sound, Bi Hao was stunned, can this practice still be fused?

Just a little hesitation, immediately chose the fusion!

[Ding, the fusion of exercises, please wait…]

[Ding, the fusion is successful, congratulations to the host for winning the Immortal Decision! 》】

Bi Hao couldn’t wait to look at the fusion practice, just a quick glance at it, and his face was full of joy.

This “Immortal Decision” is too powerful, not only more detailed than before the refinement methods for bones, meridians, internal organs, etc., but also contains the method of spiritual power refining, but also the method of perception meditation of elemental power.

In the original Origin Forging Body, there was no cultivation method of spiritual power or elemental power.

The most crucial thing is that the speed of the enhanced Gong Fa cultivation has also increased by a hundredfold.

Therefore, without delay, Bi Hao looked directly and seriously, although with his root bone and spiritual strength at this time, he could already achieve a point of understanding and never forget.

However, he was still patient, suppressed his excitement, and seriously read it three times, until he understood it in his chest and turned his back like a stream before he closed his eyes and entered cultivation.

The five viscera refer to: liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys.

The six intestines refer to: stomach, large intestine, small intestine, trifocal area, bladder, and gall.

For the current Bi Hao, the next step is to refine these.

Time was passing, but his cultivation effect was also very amazing.

From the moment he entered cultivation, the sound of the system in his head had not been broken.

[Ding, quenching the liver, 100 times the effect increase, has been completed 1%. 】

[Ding, quenching the liver, 100 times the effect increases, 2% has been completed.] 】


[Ding, quenching the liver, a hundred times the effect of holding, 100% has been completed.] 】

[Ding, quench the heart, 100 times the effect increases, 1% has been completed.] 】


[Ding, quench the heart, 100 times the effect increase, 100% has been completed.] 】


Cultivation did not know the year, month, and day, and in the blink of an eye, twenty days had passed, and at this time, Bi Hao had already completed all the refining of his internal organs.

This actually made him a little surprised, and he originally thought that the time for these internal organs to be refined would be longer.

However, after quenching, he found that after refining these five internal organs three times, he had already reached the limit and could not be refined.

This result made him feel some regret and dissatisfaction, but he did not know that if this was known to others, he was afraid that he would not be scared to pee.

Even if they are reincarnated, the quenching of bones can reach two or even three times, but these five internal organs, even they can only be refined.

It is also a system like Bi Hao, which is a different kind of strange thing, and can actually complete 3 times of refining.

Of course, after a systematic explanation, in fact, this is also because after the earth was strengthened a hundred times, this abundant source force washed over his body all the time, and it would be so different.

Although the scour does not bring him a level increase, it can constantly improve and evolve his body.

At this time, he reached the peak of three stars, he did not stop, directly took a hundred times enhanced body Dan, and began to break through the four stars.

The whole breakthrough was very smooth, with a hundred times enhanced Protective Body Dan, which was safer than having the peak grand master on the spot.

Without any pain or discomfort at all, he easily broke through, and this time his attributes soared.

However, he did not waste the elixir he swallowed, nor did he bother to slowly restore the source power and spiritual power consumed by refining and promotion, directly consuming more than 500,000 wealth points, supplementing the consumption, and once again entering the refining of the meridians.

The meridian refers to the passage of qi and blood in the human body, and the meridian can be divided into two categories: the right meridian and the Qi Jing.

There are twelve canonical sutras, namely the three yin meridians of hands and feet and the three yang sutras of hands and feet, collectively known as the “twelve meridians”, which are the main channels for the operation of qi and blood source forces.

The Qijing has eight articles, namely Dou, Ren, Chong, Belt, Yin Stilt, Yang Stilt, Yin Dimension, and Yang Wei, collectively known as the “Eight Pulses of the Qi Jing”, which have the functions of commanding, contacting and regulating the twelve meridians.

After refining the Qijing, you can make your own source force and blood form an internal circulation, making your battle more durable.

The names of the twelve meridians are: Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, Hand Yin Pericardial Meridian, Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, Hand Yang Ming Colon Meridian, Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, Hand Sun Small Intestine Meridian, Foot Taiyin Spleen Meridian, Foot Yin Liver Meridian, Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian, Foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian, Foot Shaoyang Bile Meridian, Foot Sun Bladder Meridian.

After the first six meridians are quenched, they can break through to the middle of the four-star period, and the last six meridians can reach the four-star late stage after the completion of the quenching.

After the eight Qijing are refined, they can reach the four-star peak realm, a total of 20!

After sorting out the position of the meridians and the key points of quenching, Bi Hao entered the refinement again.

[Ding, quenching the first six meridians of the twelve meridians, a hundred times the effect of increasing holdings, has completed 1%. 】

[Ding, quenching the first six meridians of the twelve meridians, a hundred times the effect of holding, has been completed by 2%. 】


[Ding, quenching the first six meridians of the twelve meridians, a hundred times the effect of holdings, 100% has been completed.] 】


With Bi Hao’s refining, the meridians in his body were constantly expanding, and the meridian walls were more tough and elastic.

On the surface of his skin, more and more black materials were constantly being discharged, and a foul smell was emitted.

There are many magazines on the internal organs of the human body, but they are usually not seen.

Even if you are an ordinary person, after going to the hospital to wash your stomach and intestines, you can find that your weight will be much lighter, in fact, you will eliminate a lot of impurities.

This refining is actually the same, but on this basis, it is a deeper cleanup, making the warrior’s body more pure, infinitely closer to the energy body.

Of course, his exclusion of impurities will not make him lighter, but on the contrary, it will increase slightly.

Because at this time, his body can absorb more source power reserves.

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