Before, he had also learned some information about the Demon Sect, so when he heard the word Demon Lord, he could naturally quickly lock in to the fact that he was killed this time because of this Demon Sect.

The Devil Cult, which is opposed to the government, is a cult extremist organization that propagates some crooked and evil theories and demagogues people’s minds.

However, there is no shortage of radical people in the world, so the church is multitude, even all over the world.

However, after all, it is not a glorious organization, so it has been hiding in the shadows, often assassinating the evil talents of some countries.

It seems that this time, he was locked in by them, became a target, and still looked up to himself very much, and directly dispatched a nine-star and two eight-star masters to surround and suppress him.

Bi Hao didn’t have much to worry about himself, after all, he had a golden finger, and now his strength was not weak, and there was no problem with self-preservation.

However, the only thing he was worried about was his parents, so he directly called Bai Hesheng and briefly told the matter again.

They are asked to take care of their parents during this period.

Receiving Bi Hao’s call, Lao Bai was also very angry, and he didn’t expect these Demon Sect disciples to strike so quickly.

It was also promised that he would personally pick up his parents and live in the school for the time being.

Although the Demon Sect had dozens of Nine Star Grand Masters, they did not dare to go crazy enough to enter the academy at will, after all, when it came to the Nine Star Grand Master, there were also several worshippers in the Nanjiang Martial Academy, but they had been in the school’s secret room for many years and did not come forward.

If those people really killed, they would naturally not stand idly by!

After saying a few more words, Lao Bai explained that he should be careful with himself, and then went directly to pick up Bi Hao’s parents.

Bi Hao had no worries and set out for Kyoto again.

Two days later, at the entrance of the Kyoto Takeshi Academy, several people met.

And Lin Xiaoxiao also looked a little messy, after inquiry, it turned out that she had also encountered the assassination halfway, fortunately, her grandfather had already known the news, so he secretly followed in advance and shot out to destroy the two nine-star strongmen.

Because it was intercepted in the middle of the way, that side also did not exclude the peak strong, and did not want to meet Lin Xiaoxiao’s grandfather and father.

Unexpectedly, he miscalculated again, this time just by dealing with Bi Hao and Lin Xiaoxiao, the Demon Sect lost three Nine Star Strongmen at once.

This naturally made the demon lord furious, but Lin Xiaoxiao’s grandfather and father were in the military department, and he couldn’t kill it to settle the account.

“Pass on the order to me, Bi Hao and Lin Xiaoxiao are about to enter the Suolongjing, and order the Nine Star Instructors inside to shoot and kill them when they encounter them!”

The demon lord gave the order in anger, and the cup in his hand was shattered in response, which showed that his anger was abnormal.


At the other end, Chen Xi and the others also heard about what happened to Bi Hao and Lin Xiaoxiao, and they were all shocked.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao’s side is thrilling, fortunately, her grandfather has shot, but it is nothing!

The Nine Stars Peak Strength is not covered, and at their level, although it is still Nine Stars, it is completely two levels with those Nine Star Primary, Middle, and Late Stage Strongmen, and the gap is so large that it is comparable to the distance between heaven and earth.

However, what happened to Bi Hao’s side shocked them again, but he was all on his own, and he killed a Nine Star Initial Stage and two Eight Star Sect Masters.

Although I don’t know if he was opportunistic, but the result is to kill the other three people, which is very remarkable.

The specific results, Bi Hao will not tell them in detail.

After chatting for a while, several people set off for the lock dragon well.

Suolongjing, also known as Suojiaojing, is a physical content in the mythological story, reflecting people’s ideals of water control for thousands of years, and is an important phenomenon in Chinese culture.

The earliest myth and legend is Yuwang Suojiaolong, related to Yuzhou’s Yuwang Suojiaojing, Jinan Shunjing, Huaiyin Guishan Zhiqijing, Chongqing Wushan County Suolong Village Suolong Pillar and other cultural legends.

In addition, Beijing’s Beixinqiao, Tanzhu Temple and other provinces also have the legend of Suolongjing (Suojiaojing).

However, in this world, it is only the same name, but there is no such legend, that is, a dry well in Kyoto’s Kita-Shinbashi.

The area around this dry well has long become a military stronghold, and military facilities have been built in every circle.

Those who want to enter there need to go through strict interrogation and confirm their identity information before they can enter.

Here, only government departments, the army and warriors can enter, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

Chen Xi took the pass he had prepared earlier, and led several people to enter the room smoothly.

Watching a person and a half reach the wellhead, Bi Hao’s probe looked down, and a piece of the black hole hole inside was not bottomless.

“Just go down from here? Not even a ladder! ”

“There is a space link port below, what ladder do you want, just jump down!” Chen Xi said.

“Jump down?” Bi Hao was stunned? Before, when I read novels, I said that the entrance to space did not have a vortex like an impulse?

But it’s only pitch black here, is it really okay to jump?

He seemed to see his doubts, “I’ll go down first, and you will follow down!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xi took the lead in jumping.

Then Zhang Zhi and Zhao Lei also jumped down, and Lin Xiaoxiao looked at him and smiled:

“How? The Nine Star Grand Masters all dare to kill, are you afraid of the dark or the heights? ”

He said, chuckled, and jumped down.

“Who is afraid of whom?” Bi Hao rolled his eyes and jumped straight down.

But this jump happened strangely.

Only after jumping into the two or three woods, he found that his whole body floated up, and there seemed to be a gas underneath it to support the weight, slowly floating down.

In about thirty minutes, his feet guessed the real thing, and the place suddenly lit up.

Looking up, the light was coming from a hole not far away.

Chen Xi and the others were already waiting for him over there.

“Come here!” Chen Xi beckoned to him and immediately walked towards the cave.

Once you pass the mouth of the cave, it is actually a huge square, and it is completely impossible to see that this is the bottom of the well.

There are also some shops selling food and tools here.

Especially those tools, there are small shovels for mining, hanging ropes and some cloth bags, small scythes and other things, including solar energy storage lighting equipment and some strange clothing.

“Huh? How can I still sell these? Is there anyone mining? Bi Hao asked with some doubt.

In addition to Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao, Zhao Lei and Zhang Zhi also looked at the two girls doubtfully at the same time.

It is estimated that only the two of them know this place best, although Bai Hesheng also told Bi Hao about some of the situations inside, but they are all about the distribution of strength and some precautions, but they don’t say that there is still mining inside.

“These things are necessary, but there are many rich veins and elixirs in them, as long as you find some excellent veins and elixirs, then you will send them!” Let’s buy one for one person! Specific go in and walk while talking. And buy a set of that dress, which is the clothes worn by the predators of the other space, and sometimes you can take a look. ”

Chen Xi didn’t explain much, simply said it, and went forward to buy some things.

The others didn’t rush to ask either, and followed suit.

After that, the people bought some more food and went to the innermost part of the square.

There are two gates that clearly exceed the strength of S-class alloys hundreds of times, reaching a height of 10 meters, which is extremely spectacular.

At this time, the gate was closed, only under the door on the left, a small door that could accommodate two people to enter and exit at a time, and there were two rows of guards here to strictly check the people entering and leaving.

This is the entrance to the other space!

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