“Well, there’s the sun in there, too?” At this time, Bi Hao suddenly saw the sun hanging high in the sky and wondered.

“Who is this?” Liu Zhen, who was about to boast wildly, was interrupted, raised an eyebrow, and looked at Chen Xi doubtfully.

“This is Bi Hao of the Nanjiang Martial Academy, that is Lin Xiaoxiao of Nanchuan and Zhang Weaving of Tianxiang, this is Zhao Lei you should have seen.” They were invited by me, and this time we are ready to practice together! Chen Xi introduced.

“Oh!” Hearing that it was students from other colleges, Liu Zhen’s face was silent, and he responded lightly, but the trace of disdain in his eyes was captured by Bi Hao and others, and everyone frowned, somewhat unhappy.

However, when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao, he couldn’t help but show a hint of surprise.

“It turned out to be Master Lin of Nanchuan, who has been famous for a long time, and it is a great fortune to be able to see it today!”

The temperament of this Lin Xiaoxiao iceberg goddess was naturally extraordinary, and it attracted him at once.

However, in exchange, Lin Xiaoxiao did not pay any attention to her, and did not even look at her, but explained to Bi Hao with a smile:

“This is not the sun, they are made from the origin ore, and the lights used to illuminate here at night are also energy ores.”

“What? Is that the original ore? How big is that? Bi Hao was a little stunned.

So big origin ore? If you get it for yourself, isn’t this wealth value going to explode? Thinking about it, I couldn’t help but look at the “sun” of the sky and show a hint of greed.

“Ahem! You don’t look for death, there are too many things that can’t be done in other spaces, this sun is one of them, don’t be delusional, then you don’t know how to die when you die! Remember, resources are unlimited here, even everywhere, but you can’t be greedy, otherwise it will implicate the whole team.

In this world, where all resources appear, there will be strong enemies! ”

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxiao actually ignored himself, but greeted a boy from Nanjiang College with a smile, Liu Zhen was extremely upset.

Seeing Bi Hao’s feeling of being a countryman entering the city again, and watching the sun in the sky show greed, he immediately hummed coldly.

“Sister Master, how do you bring such a person with you?” Aren’t you afraid of danger? He said and looked at Chen Xi and said dissatisfiedly.

Chen Xi heard the words and frowned just to say something, but Bi Hao’s voice rang out.

“Oh, someone like me? What kind of person am I? ”

“Ahem! What kind of person are you, don’t you have a little pressure in your heart? You…… Yes! ”

Liu Zhen still wanted to say something, but he directly faced the door in pain, and flew out with a cry of misery.

Bi Hao didn’t know when, he had already shot and punched him away.

“You, do you dare to hit me?” Find Death! Touching a twisted nose, his tears flowed out of his sour eyes, and Liu Zhen was furious.

“Enough! Liu Zhen, Bi Hao is my friend! Seeing that Liu Zhen was about to rush out when he drew his sword, Chen Xi drank angrily.

“Ahem! Boy, count your luck, there is a master sister to protect you! However, I would like to advise you that outside, warriors cannot kill people indiscriminately, otherwise they will be interrogated and punished by the government. But this is a different space, don’t offend the people you shouldn’t offend, otherwise you deserve to be killed! Killing people here, but not so exquisite! ”

After glancing at Chen Xi, Liu Zhen stopped his steps and stared at Bi Hao fiercely.

“Oh? Is it okay to kill people here? Bi Hao heard this and did not look at him, but looked at Lin Xiaoxiao and Chen Xi.

“As long as it doesn’t affect the safety of the city, it’s fine!” Lin Xiaoxiao nodded.

Chen Xi suddenly had a bad premonition, because after listening to Lin Xiaoxiao’s words, he actually looked directly at Liu Zhen with bad intentions.

However, as soon as her thoughts started, she saw Bi Hao’s figure blur.

The next second, before Liu Zhen could react, he was kicked to the ground by Bi Hao, and he also rode up.

“Bang bang bang bang~” The fist fell like a raindrop, and in an instant, Liu Zhen’s scream of killing a pig was heard.

“Ah, bastard, you dare to do it!”

“Bang!” There was no reply, and it was another punch.

“Ah, you have a way of getting me up!” Liu Zhen’s heart was shocked, this bastard pressed himself, and he couldn’t get up.

“Bang!” Another punch fell without hesitation.

“Chen Xi, will you watch him hit me?” Oops~~”

“Bang!” He was punched in the face again, and this time, the teeth in his mouth fell out a lot.

“Don’t fight! I was wrong! Ah ~ “At this time, Liu Zhen found that something was wrong, his strength in the late stage of the Six Stars, actually faced this boy, there was no resistance at all, not even the ability to let the other party come down from his body.

At this time, he realized that this time he had kicked the iron plate!

A small white face that was originally handsome was now beaten to a piece of purple and swollen a lot.

At this time, Bi Hao’s scolding voice came out slowly.

“Now you know how to ask for forgiveness? It’s late! ”

“As soon as you come up, you will be crooked and crooked, and your mouth will be broken!” Said a punch slammed into his mouth again.

“The eyes are not honest, is it possible for you to peep at this hot chicken?” Then another punch hit him in the right eye.

Hearing this, several people couldn’t help but look at Lin Xiaoxiao, and her face was a crimson after she was stunned, but there was a trace of inexplicable sweetness in her heart.

“It turns out that Bi Hao is very concerned about Liu Zhen looking at himself?” She couldn’t help but think.

“Pretending to be forced in front of labor and capital, don’t you have a little pressure in your heart?” Well? Bi Hao scolded angrily again.

“Bang!” Two more punches down.

“Okay! Bi Hao, he is this virtue, and he will ask him to show us the way later! At this time, Chen Xi also came forward to advise.

“Can’t I do without him?” Bi Hao asked sideways.

Chen Xi nodded with a bitter smile, feeling that if others knew that there was no need for Liu Zhen to lead the way, you really wanted to kill him?

“Ahem! Count your luck and show the way for the laborers, slip! Remember, don’t offend someone you shouldn’t offend, or you deserve to kill you! Get it? ”

Seeing the situation, Bi Hao directly stared at Liu Zhen, who had been beaten into a pig’s head, and said solemnly.

“Poof!” At this moment, Chen Xi and the others all laughed, and even Zhao Lei couldn’t stop laughing.

This remark seems to be what Liu Zhengang said before, and in the blink of an eye, it was perfectly applied!

At this time, Liu Zhen, even if he still cares about this, has long been blinded by this Bi Hao and is afraid.

This kid is only a first-year student, how can he be so powerful? But he was a six-star late strength, and he actually pressed this boy to fight, and he didn’t have any strength to fight back, it was terrible!

As a result, the look in his eyes at Bi Hao changed, full of fear.

“Boo!” Just thinking, the ass was kicked.

“What do you look at from the east to the west?” Lead the way! Bi Hao said fiercely.

“Yes, I’ll lead the way!” Liu Zhen did not dare to say more, swallowed two Dan medicines, and regardless of the injuries on his face, he directly led the way.

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