“Bi Hao!!!” The crowd roared in surprise, only to see him rush straight up with a knife.

“Don’t want to die?” Each end here has five-star strength! He…… Ga? ”

Liu Zhen saw that Bi Hao actually rushed directly to kill him, and suddenly there was a black line, which was simply pulling them to die together.

But the next second, he was stupid!

Bi Hao was like entering the no-man’s land, and with just such a moment’s effort, he cut down the three-headed beast.

And they were all slashed with one sword, and those beasts looked like weak sheep, vulnerable!

But are the beasts really that weak? Apparently not!

The last time Liu Zhen’s 15-man squad came, he had also accidentally provoked a group of beasts, which were only four meters long, but let them fall into a bitter battle, and finally 3 people died, 5 people were seriously injured, and several people were slightly injured before they barely ran out.

But now, how can everything in front of you be so unrealistic?

At the same time, Chen Xi, Lin Xiaoxiao, and Zhao Lei also rushed into the battle group, only to tell Zhang Zhi to pay attention to the surrounding realm.

After all, Zhang Wee’s attack power is not high, and it is not necessarily busy to fight.

As soon as Zhao Lei rushed into the herd of beasts, he was like an angry King Kong, with an alloy long stick in his hand, making the tiger and tiger powerful, and it was completely hard to resist.

The sharp claws and fangs of those beasts hit him, and apart from the torn clothes, there was not even a scratch on his flesh.

This defense is really not generally strong, no wonder Chen Xi asked him to join, it is indeed a very good humanoid meat shield.

Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao were also frantically slaughtering the beast on Zhao Lei’s side.

Comparatively speaking, their movements are very different, Lin Xiaoxiao makes the sword, the movement is flowing, rich in aura, like the fairy imperial sword, unspeakable beauty.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, is as moving as a cunning rabbit, very sensitive, and must be killed with one blow.

Often she followed Zhao Lei, and he resisted the attack of the beast, and once she seized the opportunity, she suddenly attacked and killed her with a knife!

Judging from the breath they burst out, this Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao had actually reached the late four-star stage.

As for Zhao Lei, he was not weak and reached the initial stage of four stars.

Of course, their actual combat strength was much worse than Bi Hao’s.

Killing the beasts, Bi Hao could fight alone in a group, and calmly, the atmosphere did not need to breathe.

And Lin Xiaoxiao, Chen Xi and Zhao Lei cooperated, although it was not very difficult to kill, but it was obviously a bit difficult.

Seeing that Bi Hao was so relaxed, Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiaodi’s eyes flashed a little color and were very shocked.

The two of them are very reincarnated, and the promotion speed can be described as superfluous, so they are not as fast as Bi Hao.

Moreover, from the perspective of combat strength, this Bi Hao’s improvement in the two-and-a-half-month period was not a star and a half.

This gap is getting bigger and bigger, if it is said that in the previous school season league, the two women can still fight with Bi Hao.

But now, they knew that they were not Bi Hao’s opponents at all, and it seemed that this cargo had not yet used its full strength.

Especially Liu Zhen on the side, this is completely stupid, he knows that Bi Hao is stronger than himself, but this strength is a bit outrageous, right?

Although he was able to retreat with his whole body under the attack of these beasts, he could even kill several heads.

But it is impossible not to pay a little price, but what about this Bi Hao? It was as if he was swinging his knife at will, but it was the knife that killed him, and those beasts could not even touch the corners of his clothes.

“Roar!!!” At this moment, the largest beast that had been watching the battle looked up and roared.

“Roar, roar!!!” Then there was a response from all over the jungle.

Within a few breaths, there was a clattering sound all around.

The next moment, countless black shadows appeared in all directions.

“Depend! This beast is eight stars! It’s over! ”

Just now, suddenly, they had not thought of fighting with this beast before, and they had not carefully observed.

At this time, I saw that this beast with the hair of the Master had actually reached a length of more than 8 meters, and was obviously the king of this field.

Eight stars, if you say that the previous group of beasts equivalent to five stars, they still have hope for their death.

But how to fight the eight-star king?

Moreover, at this time, because of its call, hundreds of beasts appeared around it, many of which reached a body length of 6,7 meters.

Liu Zhen’s whole person was not good, and a desperate shadow of death instantly enveloped him.

Even if he wanted to run now, it was impossible, the calf king was obviously furious, and he didn’t expect to randomly encounter a group of calf beasts, and there was a calf king inside, which was also too unlucky!

This is a big game!!!

Speaking of this king, he was also confused, originally he took his subordinates out to fight the tooth sacrifice, but when he was resting halfway, he actually encountered a human.

When he saw that Bi Hao was nothing more than a four- or five-star small martial artist, and the strongest one was only that Liu Zhen’s 6-star late stage, he didn’t bother to do anything, but just ordered his troops to go down and drive them away.

According to the usual situation, it thought that these human beings must have fled in a hurry, but they did not want a sudden black shadow to rush over and kill three of their own subordinates in an instant, while several others also joined the battle group.

His own guards were almost completely destroyed, and then it became angry and called out to its surrounding subordinates.

Human beings are so bold that they not only break into their own territory, but also kill their own subordinates, and they must all die here and become their own food.

“Roar!” So, it roared again and gave the order to encircle and suppress.

Suddenly, hundreds of beasts frantically rushed to kill them, not to mention that Liu Zhen was scared of the undead, and even Chen Xi and several people were solemn.

Before more than twenty heads, they still had hope of killing, and now hundreds of them, equivalent to the strength of six or seven stars, were besieged, which was difficult to handle, not to mention that there was also an eight-star calf king tiger staring at it, this was really going to be finished!

“Just said you can’t fight, you have to withdraw!” As far as you are arrogant, now is it okay! At this time, his life was short, and Liu Zhen had no so-called fear, and directly yelled at Bi Hao.

It is this boy who is strong, this is blocked, to become the plate of the beast, think about it and hold back.

Just take a road, I have come here no less than dozens of times, but I will be unlucky to bring this goods.

However, Bi Hao did not panic at all, and glanced at the group of beasts that had been slaughtered and slaughtered, and then glanced at the angry king of the calf.

Without saying a word, he rushed directly to the King of Qi.

As long as the so-called thief captures the king first, as long as he kills this king, those subordinates will naturally be deterred, and the crisis will naturally be solved.

Such is the case with the beasts of the cluster, the leader is dead, and the following is likely to flee without a fight.

“Sleeper! Is this kid crazy? Really think you’re awesome? That’s the Eight-Star King! ”

Seeing his intentions, although this was the most correct thing to do at present, but it was eight stars, could this Bi Hao kill him?

“Don’t talk nonsense, trust him! Help defend! Chen Xi sighed.

At this time, they must believe Bi Hao, and she sensed from Bi Hao’s calm expression that he had a chance to win.

“, die dead, kill one enough Ben, kill a pair to earn!” No matter what, at this time, you can only fight, and you can’t run.

Liu Zhenluo also showed a bloody side, and instantly fought.

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