The Source Energy Cannon is a weapon newly developed by the Marauders.

It is reasonable to use thermal weapons in this other space, so the cannons and other facilities that the human army carried down were all scrapped.

After many big battles, the two sides naturally lost and won, and these cannons and other thermal weapons were also partially scraped by the plunderers.

Although it cannot be used, the principle is obtained by them.

Predators are actually almost the same as humans, and there are also so-called scientists and other specialists.

After several years of research, they finally created a new weapon, the Source Energy Cannon.

This thing is not strictly speaking a heat weapon, but it has achieved some of the effects of a heat weapon.

To put it bluntly, in fact, just like those catapults, it is only bursting out with the formation of the cannon barrel, and the power is greater.

Moreover, these source stones have been transformed, and after being hit, they will “explode” when they touch the target.

As for this explosion, it is not like the impression of those grenades, bombs.

In fact, when it touches the target, it will change instantaneously and corrode the target, which is an energy change.

Even if a human being is hit, it will be instantly eroded by this force and exploded.

Of course, this is to consume those low-level warriors, the higher the star rating, the stronger the natural resistance.

However, the most helpless predator is the source stone, and under the uninterrupted bombardment of this source energy cannon, even the strong ones cannot resist for long.

This time, the Sawtooth City is ready to use this new weapon to solve the nail in their eyes – Hwaseong.

This time, there was no sign of it, and the distant Hwaseong City naturally knew nothing.

The troops of Sawtooth City moved quickly and crossed paths along the way.

This time, they also joined forces with the similar Yaoguang City to jointly capture Huacheng and prepare to annihilate it in one fell swoop.


“Lord Zhenshou, it’s not good! Our reconnaissance troops have discovered the outskirts of the jungle on both the east and the west, and a large number of marauders are coming to us! No less than hundreds of thousands”

“What?” Cui Qiang, the town guard of Huacheng, was shocked, and the city battle generally had a precursor, but this time it was a sudden.

Usually, the other party is directly attacking head-on, and it will not be so sneaky at all.

Moreover, there were a large number of marauders on both the east and the west, reaching hundreds of thousands, which was definitely not the strength of a city.

“Ask Lincheng for help, and report to the above to ask for support!”

“Everybody prepares for battle, Level 1 alert!!!” Cui Qiang quickly gave the order, and he himself also flashed his figure and ran directly towards the city wall.

Even if he was a strong person at the peak of the Nine Stars, he still had a dignified face at this time.

The troops who could let the other side have hundreds of thousands of people, without their own awareness, touched the outer edge of the jungle less than 3,000 meters away from Hwaseong City, and it is conceivable that their intentions are known.

There are human warriors practicing outside the road, and once they encounter such a large team, it is impossible to be unaware of it.

Obviously, the other side was preparing for a surprise attack, and there must be a strong person as the vanguard to solve those warriors.

Above the city walls, you can see the warriors who have fled back in the distance.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack!!!” Some of the warriors who had trained outside the city were still not too far away from the city, found the local large troops, and were desperately trying to escape back.

Behind them, they were seeing hundreds of pursuing figures, and even some of them could fly through the air, obviously reaching the point of seven stars or more.

Only by stepping into the realm of the Grandmaster can you walk in the air.

“The Grandmaster obeys the orders and meets the enemy!” Crossbowmen ready! Cui Qiang immediately ordered.

In an instant, dozens of figures emerged from the sky inside the city and flew towards the outside of the city.

“Boom!” In an instant, the powerful people of the two Sect Master Realms fought together.

But in this confrontation, it is obvious that humans are below, after all, there is a difference in numbers.

However, these human strong people were not afraid, and they blocked their attack with all their might, so that those warriors who had not returned outside the city had a gap to escape the battlefield.

“Attack!” At Cui Qiang’s order, the crossbowmen attacked directly at the approaching masters.

These crossbows are all modified and the attack is so strong that even the Sect Master does not dare to confront them head-on.

Seeing this, the Grandmaster Realm Strongmen on the Marauders’ side moved away from the attack range of the crossbow and retreated backwards.

At the same time, the human strong also returned to the city and began to garrison.

The purpose of their attack was only to welcome back those warriors who were outside.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the marauders had already come to a few hundred meters outside the city and stopped.

“Mankind, today is the day of your destruction!”

Hardeman personally led his men to attack the city this time, and after opening his mouth, he directly waved his hand.

Suddenly, the teams parted, and hundreds of energy cannons were pushed forward.

“What’s that?” Cannon? ”

“Isn’t it impossible to use thermal weapons here?” What are they going to do? ”

Seeing the situation outside the city, all the humans were puzzled, and the shape of the energy cannon was indeed very similar to those mortars.

“Attack!” This time, Hardeman drank it directly.

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of energy cannons opened fire at the same time.

“Bang bang bang ~~” One after another “shells” flashed with dazzling white light in an instant.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom The distance of several hundred meters arrived in an instant, and all of them bombarded the walls made of alloy.

There was not much roar and vibration after the loud noise, but the attacked city wall changed in vain.

The original golden alloy exterior wall changed color in an instant, like a reaction after oxidation, revealing a trace of bronze.

Then the color quickly expands outwards and spreads!

“This is… Corrode!!! At this moment, all the powerful people in Hwaseong were shocked.

Usually, when attacking the city, because the heat weapon cannot be used, the other side uses a catapult to attack the city wall.

However, under the strength of S-class alloys, it will not play a big role.

Therefore, as long as humans hold on to the city, the casualties will not be too large, and those strong people on the other side will not dare to rush to attack the city.

After all, there are many improved crossbows in the city, which can also cause them some damage.

But now, the alloy city wall on which they were resisting has actually had the effect of being corroded, and if they were to fire a few more shots, would the city wall not be destroyed?

Without the obstruction of the city wall, the enemy is outnumbered, and because the other side is a siege of the forces of the two cities, the high-end combat strength is completely out of proportion, and this battle may really be defeated.

Moreover, the range of this energy cannon was much farther than that of the crossbow, and the crossbow was completely unable to attack and destroy those cannons, and suddenly Cui Qiang and other powerful people all panicked.

“The Grandmaster is strong enough to resist the shells and not let them continue to attack the city walls!” After Cui Qiang issued the order of the division, he took the lead in rushing out and intercepted the “shell” that struck again!

Unfortunately, this time the other side was prepared, the “ammunition” was sufficient, and the energy cannon seemed to swallow the source stone as if it were not fatal, constantly attacking the city wall.

“Not bad!! The western wall had been corroded out of a large hole!!! No matter how hard the masters tried, they could not resist all the shells, and the western wall was finally pierced through a big hole.

“Siege!!!” Hardeman glanced at the lord of the Shining City, Katwen, and shouted with laughter.

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