According to Liu Zhen, this Bi Hao was just a first-year student of Nanjiang Wu Academy, and could he actually kill Hamande?

If I remember correctly, the principal of the Nanjiang Martial Arts Academy was only in the middle of the Nine Stars, but he was able to fight the Nine Stars Peak Strong and undefeated, and he was also a very famous person.

However, even he couldn’t kill the Nine Star Peak Strongman, and it was really unbelievable that Bi Hao could do it.

Without saying this, even Cui Qiang and a few people did not dare to say that he could easily kill the Nine Star Peak Strongman alone, let alone this boy.

Several people’s faces were shocked, and they were speechless for a long time!

“Lord Zhenshou, do you need to find someone to take over this jagged city?”

Although surprising, the facts are in front of us, and the result is still exciting.

After decades of conquest, this was the first time they had captured each other’s cities, and they were overjoyed to think of that source stone vein.

“Wait!” Just as Cui Qiang was about to speak, Bi Hao spoke.

“I built this city, and according to the regulations, it should be considered my booty, right?”

“Huh?” Cui Qiang was stunned, indeed, there were some rules in the different space.

All the goods obtained here are privately owned and do not need to be handed over, except for those obtained by the military department.

But this is a city, not a source stone, a strange flower and a divine soldier.

Is it all for this doll too? Several people frowned involuntarily.

“Little brother, after you take this city, no one can hold it, or will we report it to the government and the military department and give you corresponding rewards?” After thinking for a while, Cui Qiang said.

“No, I have my plans, I’ll take this city anyway!” Bi Hao directly smiled and refused.

“Boy, you just took this city by chance, you must know that this alien space is not only such a plunderer’s city, those fleeing plunderers will not stop here, will definitely bring other cities and pools of strength to attack here, how can you just rely on you to defend?”

“Yes, if it weren’t for the two cities of Sawtooth and Yaoguang City joining forces to sneak up on my Huacheng, and most of the forces were contained by us, how could you possibly take down this Sawtooth City?”

“That’s right, in order to restrain them, we have lost a lot of strong people, and this is not your credit alone!”


In an instant, the powerful people who followed opened their mouths one after another, very dissatisfied with Bi Hao’s desire to monopolize this city.

Just kidding, everyone knows that there is a very large source stone vein under this marauder’s city, and this vein is not an ordinary vein.

These veins can be chosen by the other side as the place to build the city, and these veins have the ability to recover themselves.

That is to say, the source stone mined here, even if the source force inside is absorbed, as long as it is buried in the vein, it can still recharge itself after a period of time.

This is also the place that makes these powerful people blush, and of course, it is also the purpose of Bi Hao’s desire to take this city.

Hearing their words, the smile on Bi Hao’s face disappeared, and he suddenly drank coldly.

“Ahem! This kind of grandiose words need not be said more, this city I want to decide! ”

“You…” Seeing Bi Hao suddenly like this, everyone was furious, even Cui Qiang frowned.

Seeing that those people still had more to say, Lin Xiaoxiao directly stood up.

“You just said that the two cities besieged you with heavy losses, and I wonder if Bi Hao led us here to make a big move, you people are afraid that many of you can’t stand here!”

“What do you mean?” Someone shouted angrily.

“What do you mean?” Can one city stand up to two cities? You also said that it was a sneak attack, in the case of a sneak attack, are you strong enough to counter the two cities? Just now Hamand hurried back with the power of a city. You have to be clear that he helped you share the pressure. Lin Xiaoxiao didn’t give them face at all, said in a cold voice.

“That’s right! If it weren’t for Bi Hao, Hwaseong City would still not have been breached, besides, I think you can rush over now, the danger of Hwaseong City has obviously been lifted, then the Yaoguang City seems to be more fierce and less auspicious, and it is only a matter of time before it is captured, and you have not enough of a Yaoguang City, and you still have to fight for the credit that belongs to Bi Hao? ”

At this time, Chen Xi also stood up, with an angry face.

“Fart, that bright city naturally belongs to us, but we sacrificed many strong people in exchange, you just picked up a ready-made one and attacked an empty city.” At this time, an old man in the early days of the Nine Stars drank.

“Ahem!” However, as soon as the words fell, Bi Hao directly snorted coldly, and the huge spiritual power instantly crushed the past.

“Poof!” This open-mouthed nine-star strong man was directly pressed to his knees, sweating profusely, his face was white, and he opened his mouth several times, but he did not shout a sound.

“Bi Hao, what are you doing?” Cui Qiang frowned and shouted.

“What am I doing?” I ask you what do you want to do? Am I picking cheap? Are you all blind? This is called an empty city? Hamad came back with hundreds of thousands of men, where were you then? Labor angrily beheaded Hamande, crushing hundreds of thousands of marauders into your mouths and becoming bargains? Today I put my words here, this city I want, this is not a discussion, nor an application, just to inform you! ”

Bi Hao was also angry, what kind of old immortal deliberately looking for stubble? Want to divide up your booty?

“Bi Hao, you calm down, such a big city, you take it is useless, you can’t stay in the city every day to defend the city, right?” They still need the help of the military department to defend the town, although what they said is wrong, but this battle did die a lot of old brothers, they exchanged their lives for it! ”

Cui Qiang slowly opened his mouth and persuaded.

“Needless to say, their sacrifice is admirable, but you ask yourselves, without the harassment from our side, don’t say that you can still take down a bright light city, can you hold on to Hwaseong City?” Wait for back-up? Ten thousand steps back and said, the elite of the Sawtooth City are all here just now, you did not give them much consumption, I killed them myself, took the city, why can’t I take it? ”

“As for defending the city? You don’t need to worry, I naturally have an arrangement, even if I lose it, it’s my business! You don’t have to worry about it! ”

Bi Hao said strongly.

“This…” At this moment, Cui Qiang and several people did not know what to say.

The spiritual power that Bi Hao had just displayed really made several of them shocked and jealous, even if Cui Qiang’s three people had reached the peak of the Nine Stars, they did not have such a condensed and majestic spiritual power.

Based on this alone, they believed that this boy could definitely stand up to the Nine Stars Peak Strong.

And Hamande’s body can still lie on the side, this is an indisputable fact, Bi Hao can kill Hamande, naturally can also kill them.

Moreover, in the final analysis, this city is indeed laid down by him, and because of him, Hwaseong has reduced the pressure, which is an indisputable fact.

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