At this time, although Wang Xuan and the other teachers were cultivating, they could also hear this scolding and woke up from their cultivation.

Wang Xuan led the four principals and mentors to the front of Nanjiang City.

“I don’t know what you are saying when you come to Nanjiang City, and put up such a big battle?”

Wang Xuan asked knowingly, he had long thought that people from the military department would come here to make trouble, but he didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

Just as he was scanning the past, he found that Ge Long of the Magic Capital Academy was actually on the scene.

Ge Longyin laughed out loud and said arrogantly, “Wang Xuan, you are also too bold to ignore the government and the military department and establish yourself as king, is this a rebellion?” ”

This big hat was buttoned down, and even though he Bi Hao had a thousand truths, he couldn’t say it clearly at this time.

“Hurry up and call Bi Hao out, today my eldest brother Ge Xiong expropriated this city on behalf of the government and the military department.”

Wang Xuan knew that it was this old guy who made the ghost, and Ge Xiong’s name he had also heard of, that is, the iron-faced judge of the military department, who never bent the law for personal gain, and was also considered to be just and upright.

If it wasn’t for Ge Long’s instigation behind his back, how could he have caused Ge Xiongxing to move the public.

At that time, in the elite competition, Ge Long was humiliated by Bi Hao, not only injuring his students, but also suppressing his mentor on the spot.

After the competition, because of Bi Hao’s influence, he failed to enter the top four rankings, and it was inevitable that he would have some resentment towards Bi Hao.

But it was a bit too much to want to take revenge on Bi Hao and get them to hand over the entire city.

Wang Xuan looked at Ge Long with a cold face.

“Old fellow, are you going a little too far?” Earlier, with the approval of the military department, the four of us academy had gathered in the city, how could it have become a rebellion in your mouth? ”

Ge Long was suddenly choked up and said nothing, hurriedly looked at the big brother on the side, and whispered.

“These people are all so rampant under the influence of that Bi Hao, they don’t even pay attention to the face of the eldest brother, let alone the entire military department, and today this city must be taken back, otherwise it will be a big problem in the future.”

Although Ge Xiong knew that Bi Hao had made great efforts in the previous battle, what his brother said was not unreasonable.

If this Bi Hao really develops into a force, he will definitely not take the military department in his eyes in the future, and it is more likely to threaten the management of the government.

Since he had decided to come today, he could not return empty-handed, otherwise how would he manage the military in the future?

“Wang Xuan, I don’t think I’m angry with you when you’re the principal of Nanjiang Academy, taking back the city is the above meaning, we’re just following orders, if we stop it any more, don’t blame tens of thousands of iron horses of our army for stepping over your bodies.”

As they spoke, several Nine Star Martial Artists on the side revealed their realms.

After Wang Xuan saw it, the whole person trembled unconsciously.

Ten Nine Star Grand Masters, including three Nine Star Peak super beings, counting Ge Xiong, the Nine Star Peak, there were a total of four Nine Star Peak Peerless Strongmen, which made them lose any will to fight.

Jokingly, these four people alone can kill the people in their city, even if Bi Hao is strong, he may be able to kill the previous one on the spot, but against the previous two? What about three?

Not to mention that there are four nine-star peaks here, or three nine-star late, four nine-star mid-term.

Looking at the entire martial arts world, the only thing that can show this kind of strength is presumably the existence of the military department.

The two sides were deadlocked, just when Wang Xuan wanted to give up.

With a loud bang, a figure swept in from the air, followed by four figures.

Wang Xuan saw the tall and handsome back standing in front of him and breathed a long sigh of relief.

This back was too familiar to him, and for more than half a year, he had been paying attention to this person, and he never expected that one day he would look forward to the arrival of the other party like this.

It was really ironic to think that the dean of his hall, Nanjiang Academy, was actually expecting his own students to appear and do things for him.

“Who wants to take me from Nanjiang Chengchi and wants to bully others by virtue of the large number of people, it is simply a joke.”

Bi Hao took a step forward and stood in front of the academy tutor, and the four people behind him were Liu Xi.

Just now they had been waiting in front of Bi Hao’s door, and when they saw that the other party was breaking through the barrier, they did not dare to disturb it.

Fortunately, Bi Hao broke through the bottleneck in time, successfully promoted to the Seven Star Sect Master Realm, and achieved a golden body that was not bad, which immediately rushed over.

Ge Xiong carefully looked at Bi Hao, and unconsciously murmured in his mouth, “At the beginning of the Seven Stars, the realm of the Grandmaster?” Doesn’t that mean there are only six stars? ”

“You are Bi Hao?”

Even if the other party has the strength of seven stars, in front of his nine star peak, he is still weak like an ant.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he exerted spiritual power, he could make the other party explode and die in an instant, Gu Er’s face was full of arrogance, and he did not put Bi Hao in his eyes at all.

“You’re the one who wants to take back my city?”

Bi Hao was also arrogant, even more crazy than Ge Xiong, holding his arm and not even bothering to look at the other party.

“Be bold, my eldest brother is a general in the army, how can you be so rude?”


As soon as Ge Long finished saying these words, he felt a huge spiritual force that could not be resisted swept towards him, and he only felt a pain in his head, and he rolled his eyes and fainted.

“There’s no place for you to talk here!”

Bi Hao had now reached the realm of the Seven Star Sect Master, and his spiritual power was even more terrifying to the point of frightening.

His current spiritual strength had reached seventy thousand, and against a figure like Ge Long, he didn’t have to exert all his strength to make the other party faint.

An accident on Ge Long’s side instantly intensified the atmosphere on the field.

As if a firecracker had been ignited, the four Nine Star Intermediate Grand Masters beside Ge Xiong immediately attacked.

“Boy, you’re crazy, take your life!”

The four Nine-Star Grand Masters struck, and that momentum was not something that ordinary people could bear.

Bi Hao was naturally not afraid of the joint efforts of these four people, he had now stepped into the Sect Master, and his combat strength could single out several Nine Star Peaks, which was why he had impacted the realm so quickly.

Now facing the joint efforts of the four Nine Star Grand Masters, he didn’t pay attention to them at all.

But Zhang Xi behind them had become very unstable, although they were all reincarnations, and now they also had the power of a master.

But with one enemy and four they thought that it was impossible, even Bi Hao was not very optimistic, and they wanted to help Bi Hao at the moment.

“Well, just because you also want Lao Tzu’s life, kneel down for me!”

With a “boom”, all four of them fell to their knees and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Just when several Nine Star Peaks wanted to strike, Bi Hao shouted again.

“You kneel down to me too!”

The “boom” burst was like an ancient troll, rivaling the super spiritual power of all beings, and firmly pressed on those martial artists of the Nine Star Peak.

Even Ge Xiong’s calves were trembling on the ground.

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