Bi Hao was helpless, although he did not like the title of B God, but he could be shouted in unison by tens of thousands of people, and the momentum was shocking, and he was also excited when he said it.

“System, keep replenishing me with the Force, I’m going to kill seven in and seven out.”

Bi Hao felt his blood boiling, and in the shouts of tens of thousands of soldiers, he just wanted to fight.

“Host, your wealth value is insufficient, please recharge your money first!”

Hearing this system sound, Bi Hao almost didn’t fall from the sky.

“Nyima can’t overdraft first, so we’re also VIP customers.”

“I’m sorry host, can’t overdraw!”

In the cheers of the crowd, Bi Hao struggled with all the Force to fly to Ge Xiong’s side.

At this time, the awe on Ge Xiong’s face was completely different from the extremely contemptuous gaze under Nanjiang City that day.

“God B, cough… That Bi Hao, you are really the mainstay of our **, and I sincerely invite you to join the military department in the name of the general and immediately give you the rank of lieutenant general. ”

The soldiers had a look of envy, but there was absolutely no disrespect, in their hearts, Bi Hao showed great strength, and he deserved such treatment.

Fighting dozens of demon beasts with the strength of one person was not something that ordinary people could do, and even the ten nine-star strong men of the military department could not kill a single demon beast together.

Under the ardent expectation of dozens of soldiers, Bi Hao breathed heavily and waved his hand.

“I’m so laid-back that I can’t stand the constraints of the military, so you’d better dispel this idea.”

Although Bi Hao’s tone was still arrogant, Ge Xiong did not leak half a point of displeasure, at this time he only had regrets, deep regrets, like this kind of god man with great ability, it is a pity not to serve the country.

The battlefield suddenly became noisy again, and countless shouts of killing instantly passed into Bi Hao’s ears.

“You, come and help me take a break in the city.”

Bi Hao casually pointed to a soldier, and the excited one almost didn’t shed tears.

The little soldier walked solemnly to Bi Hao’s face, carefully helped Bi Hao up, and walked in the direction of the military headquarters.

At this time, Xiao Bing’s heart was extremely excited, this super strong man who had killed dozens of demon beasts in anger, and it was simply fortunate for him to be able to get in such close contact with such a strong person.

The dignity of the strong is the unchanging truth of this world.

The little soldier hesitated for a long time, and finally asked, “God B, can you give me an autograph in a moment, I will definitely hang it in my bedroom and pay homage to you every day with three incense sticks to show my admiration for you.” ”

Bi Hao was speechless in his heart, this Nyima is looking forward to his early return to the West, and also three incense offerings, why don’t you hang up a testamentary photo.

Although Bi Hao thought so in his heart, how could he, as a hero in the hearts of the military personnel and the lord of Nanjiang City, rebuke a small soldier.

“You can sign it, you will do something for me later, and I will satisfy you as much as you want.”

Hearing how much it was, the little soldier immediately became excited and agreed with his mouth.

“You say, I’ll do what you tell me to do.”

“After the battle is over, bring me all the booty, you can’t know less, this is a test for you, don’t let me down!”

Seeing that Bi Hao was so solemn, the little soldier immediately saluted a military salute.

“Yes, sir!”

Bi Hao was very satisfied, he had worked so hard to waste so many wealth points to kill the demon beast group, how could he be willing without fishing for some oil and water.

If there is too little booty, when he goes to knock on the military department, he does not believe that the other side dares to refute his face.

Bi Hao was reclining on the Taishi chair of the military headquarters, and he had no strength at all.

Just now the rise of his killing, did not pay attention to the wealth value at all, and now looking inside the viewing panel, there are only one hundred wealth points left.

Soon the fighting outside the city gradually subsided, and it was of course the marauders’ side that was defeated.

They fought against the strength of the Demon Beast Swarm to launch this war, but what they never expected was that the appearance of a person would turn this victorious battle into a losing situation.

And that person was Bi Hao, the god who killed Fusius in one move and exploded the demon beast group.

Because of his appearance, the Terran was allowed to hold the last position.

He is the hero of the Terran race, the nightmare of the Marauders.

It is also destined that from today onwards, Bi Hao will truly be loved by thousands of people and ascend to the peak of his existence.

The previous little soldier commanded a group of people with great might, collecting all kinds of booty, but all soldiers who found private treasures were dealt with by military law.

Ge Xiong naturally did not try to stop it, not to mention that Bi Hao was the person who reversed the situation of this battle, just to say that the other side’s amazing combat strength, a hundred Ge Xiong are not necessarily his opponents.

If you really provoke the other party to be displeased, and cut him with a knife, then it will be too late to regret it.

Old Bai laughed and led the cadets into the military headquarters, at this time this place had been occupied by Bi Haojiu and became Bi Hao’s exclusive camp.

There are also a large number of soldiers around to guard, which is also deliberately arranged by Ge Xiong.

Now Bi Hao was extremely weak, if someone really took advantage of this to poison the hand, then they would lose a super strong person, and such a responsibility he could not afford as a general.

“Little bunny cub, I didn’t expect you to be so perverted, perverted to the point of dishonesty.”

Old Bai’s voice was sharp, causing the surrounding soldiers to laugh.

How could they not have imagined that a powerful being like Bi Hao would be so sharpened by people.

“Old White, believe it or not, I recovered and beat you up.”

Seeing that Bi Hao was angry, Lao Bai immediately confessed and joked, and now Bi Hao is not something he can deal with, and at the moment he changed into a smiley face and flattered.

“Just kidding you, not to put it.”

Bi Hao lazily took care of the other party and took out a golden sword from the storage space.

“Take this one, I promised to give you a divine soldier before, and this ring jade treasure sword will be given to you.”

Lao Bai took the sword, not to mention how excited he was, now he was eager to come to some marauders and let him kill him to the fullest.

“If you really have you, I didn’t expect to really get a divine soldier for me, so I won’t say thank you, after all, you are my disciple, and it is normal to honor the teacher.”

Lao Bai pretended to be unpredictable, which made the soldiers guarding around them change their faces.

Just now, they only thought that these people were Bi Hao’s friends or subordinates, but they didn’t expect that they were Bi Hao’s teachers, which made them look at the past with more awe.

To be able to teach a disciple like Bi Hao to come out would be such a great sage power.

Lao Bai enjoyed this kind of gaze very much, smiled slightly at a few soldiers, and got a few soldiers to immediately salute the military, as if this was the only way to express their inner reverence.

Before long, all the booty was transported to Bi Hao’s face, and the old Bai Ha Lazi who was watching flowed out.

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