Fenil was very disappointed, he thought he could see the strongest killing move of the other party, but now he had no interest.

With a crisp “ding” sound, Fenil’s jade fan hit a thick layer of gold armor.

It was as thick as half a meter.

The Golden Armor Rhino Demon Core is launched, and the Golden Armor protects the defense.

This was the effect of the six nine-star demon cores, and the thickness was naturally stronger than ordinary.

Bi Hao was also completely blinded, Nima, and it seemed that he didn’t even have a hair hurt.

“Is this your killing move?” Too weak! ”

Weak? Fenil was very angry in his heart, he was actually despised by a Terran boy, and this Terran boy was not even in the realm of a king.

This made his calm and watery heart become extremely restless.

Bi Hao gritted his teeth, his face full of mockery, and punched out a punch.

Fenier didn’t care, just thinking of using the jade fan to block the opponent’s attack and deliver a fatal blow.

He had absolute confidence that when he launched the Realm Fan, the other party would definitely not be able to resist hard.

With a bang, Fenir was shot straight out like a cannonball.

Looking at the speed at which it was being knocked out, it seemed to be a few points faster than the speed of Bi Hao’s full flight.

The Tōkō Ape Demon Core is launched, with a 300% increase in strength.

Each Nine-Star Demon Core of the Giant Ape can increase the power attribute bonus by 50%, and if he has six, it is equivalent to increasing the strength increase by 300%.

This is a super perverted power blessing, and Fenil’s failure to die is already a big fate.

Fenier spat out a mouthful of blood, staring dead at the strangely dressed teenager, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but.

“It’s kind of interesting, so it’s my opponent!”

Fenier flew high into the air from the new, fused all the power of his realm into the jade fan, and slammed it against the strangely dressed teenager below.

“Fan of the Realm!”

Bi Hao now had absolute confidence in his defenses, and immediately wanted to resist the damage, stomping his feet violently and plunging deep into the dirt.

Immediately unleash the Golden Armor Rhinoceros’s Demon Core, placing hundreds of layers of Golden Armor around him.

Bi Hao felt so raw and uninspired, and shouted in his mouth: “Thousand Layer Golden Armor Technique!” ”

Countless golden armor appeared out of thin air under Bi Hao’s control, which was the unique elemental power attached to the Demon Core.

Now Bi Hao possessed the power of the three elements, and as long as he had the Force power, he could release countless golden armor.

In an instant, the golden armor covered the sky and formed a huge shield, blocking the opponent’s moves rawly.


Fenier took a cold breath, he didn’t expect the other party to have such a huge force.

Looking at this scale, at least hundreds of millions of forces can be done, who is this person?

Finil’s move from contempt to caution to the current plagiarism, all of this happened in just a few minutes.

This made Fenil think of running away.

Just kidding, your strongest moves can’t break the other side’s defenses, how to fight.

Moreover, looking at the boy’s appearance, it seems that he has not entered the stage of lack of force.

Bi Hao drank loudly, and as soon as his hands slapped the earth, the whole earth trembled.


Only to see the ground around Bi Hao, suddenly growing out of nowhere, as if a huge hand suddenly stretched out from under the ground, violently pushing Bi Hao into the air.

With a “hum” sound, the air swindled, and Bi Hao crashed towards Fenier like a cannonball.

“Human Cannon!”

In the process of Bi Hao’s flight, he covered his body with a thick layer of golden armor, which was really like a golden cannonball, and instantly came to Fenir’s body.

All this happened too quickly, and Fenier did not expect that just when he wanted to dodge, he hit Bi Hao with this heavy blow.

It flew out towards the sky, and finally turned into a point of light that did not know where it fell.

“Hmm, you still want to fight with Lao Tzu, you’re still too tender!”

Bi Hao scattered his armor and was in a very comfortable mood.

Although this armor does not look very beautiful, its combat power is so perverted that it has reversed out of the galaxy.

Even the King One Star was so vulnerable in front of him that he believed that Fenier would lose half his life if he didn’t die.

Just now, he had seen with his own eyes that the bones of the other party’s body were shattered, and if he could survive, it would be a miracle.

Bi Hao wandered towards Nanjiang City, completely unaware that at this time, Nanjiang City was ready to launch a war for him.

Wang Xuan received the news of Bi Hao’s duel with Wang Zhijing, and immediately gathered the elite to rush to Nanjiang City.

Similarly, Lao Bai and Liu Long also led their elites to prepare to support Bi Hao.

The current Bi Hao is not so simple as the lord of a city, he is the leader of the Haoran League, and the spiritual support of the people.

With Bi Hao present, their Haoran Alliance would be able to develop steadily, and without Bi Hao, the Haoran Alliance would collapse and disintegrate at the first time, and then these cities and pools would either be occupied by the plunderers or taken back by the military department.

Not to mention the abundant cultivation resources here.

Wang Xuan gathered a hundred Nine Star Masters in the fastest time and flew towards Bi Hao with the crowd.

Now that several mentors have entered the Nine Stars with the supply of rich resources, coupled with the entry of other colleges and some masters, a hundred Nine Stars is the limit they can come up with.

They only hoped that Bi Hao would survive a little longer, and then even if they sacrificed them all, they would have to keep Bi Hao from escaping.

When he returned to Earth, he didn’t believe that those marauders could still break into Earth and hunt down Bi Hao.

You must know that there are also many powerful people on the earth, but they just can’t escape from the world on weekdays.

A squad of one hundred people quickly crossed the border of Nanjiang City and found Bi Hao’s figure in a dense grassland.

Of course, Bi Hao also discovered the existence of these people, and immediately flew to the sky and asked curiously.

“How did you get here?”

Wang Xuan looked at Bi Hao anxiously, and saw that the other party did not seem to be injured, so he asked.

“Didn’t you come to duel with the King’s Realm?” How come you’re the only one? ”

“Oh, you said those two goods, I punched and don’t know where to fly.”

Everyone sweated heavily, make no mistake, that was the King’s Realm, with the super strong people in the Thunder Realm.

Just now, the soldiers had told them about the battle between Fenir and Mu Fengbai, and originally they came to rescue Bi Hao with the determination to die, but they never expected that the other side would be defeated by Bi Hao.

“Is what you say true?”

Wang Xuan asked in disbelief.

“This can still deceive you, Little King’s Realm, I will beat you up with my bare hands!”

The masters who followed behind him sighed for a while:

“Nima, worthy of being the God B, even the King Realm can beat and fly, I have decided, from now on God B is the strongest God of War in my mind, and no one can replace it!”

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