This time, the squad was under the full command of Wang Xuan and went directly into the deepest part of the Demon Beast Mountains.

The Demon Beast Mountains are a huge forest area, which is very vast and spans dozens of cities.

Usually, the demon hunting squad is only active in the outermost periphery, looking for some eight-star or nine-star demon beasts to hunt.

This time, the three most elite demon hunting squads disappeared without a trace, and there must be some kind of connection.

Wang Xuan led the crowd into this vast forest, surrounded by tall shrubs, and above the shrubs were many curious demon beasts, constantly spying on this Terran squad.

“Everyone pay attention to vigilance, this time our purpose is to find people, do not entangle with the magic beast more.”


At this time, an iron-backed porcupine came out of the woods, and two small eyes looked at Wang Xuan’s ten people unkindly.

Liu Qingyun slashed away with a sword qi, and the frightened iron-backed porcupine fled in a hurry, startling a burst of birdsong.

“Qingyun, you are too reckless, and if you do this, you will attract more demonic beasts.”

Wang Xuan scolded for a while, which made Liu Qingyun full of embarrassment, he just wanted to drive away the porcupine, and did not think so much.

In the middle of the dense forest, a group of masked strangers laughed involuntarily when they heard the birdsong.

“Here come the little ones again, brothers, work!”

A dozen masked freaks around them laughed and raised their weapons to kill Wang Xuan.

In this camp, the elite members of the three teams were all tied to the ground and fell into a coma.

Wang Xuan and his men carefully marched slowly toward the depths of the Demon Beast Mountains, and suddenly there was a cracking sound behind him, and a feather arrow quickly shot over.

Without saying a word, Wang Xuan drew out his long sword and slammed it away, sending the feather arrow flying.

In the next instant, countless feather arrows flew over, and Zhao Lei drank loudly, drawing his shield in his hand and charging forward to the front.

“A Thousand Dragons Talisman!”

With a “whoosh” sound, as if a dragon roared, the shield in front of Zhao Lei’s body flew out of two golden dragons at once, constantly rotating above the shield, increasing the defensive area of the shield by dozens of times at once.

This “Dragon Pattern Shield” was the two-star divine soldier that Bi Hao had sent to him, and with the elemental power of Zhao Lei’s earth system, its defensive power was simply terrifying to the point of frightening.

“Enemy attack, prepare for counterattack!”

Wang Xuan let out a loud roar and rushed up first.

Now that he had entered the late Nine Stars, he had also explored his own elemental power, which was the wind element.

The wind element blessed his feet, making him very fast, approaching one of the masked men in an instant.

“Wind rail, crack!”

Wang Xuan was holding a sword, and countless small whirlwinds above the sword body were like a cutting machine, instantly smashing the masked man to pieces.

At this moment, a big man behind him suddenly struck, and the timing was very clever, just when Wang Xuan did not accept the recruitment.

Seeing that Wang Xuan was about to hit the sword, suddenly there was a wave in the space, and a figure appeared.

Zhang Weaving held the crimson dagger in his hand and slammed into the masked man’s back heart.

“How can that be?”

Zhang Weaving looked at the masked man with disdain and said lightly, “If you want to kill our city lord, you must first ask the dagger in my hand whether you will agree.” ”

It turned out that in the instant just now, Zhang Weaving had launched the shadow escape, and had been following Wang Xuan’s side, and when he saw another person shooting, he did not hesitate to attack.

The other side was not so easy as they were, and the masked man’s strength was obviously very high, and it was inextricably linked to Lin Xiaoxiao.

“The dragon breaks a thousand guns!”

Lin Xiaoxiao roared and launched his strongest attack.

The next second, Lin Xiaoxiao’s figure gradually faded, and suddenly appeared in front of the masked man.

“How can it be so fast!”

The masked man’s face was puzzled, but what followed was Lin Xiaoxiao’s earth-shattering blow.

This move directly killed the five masked men on the spot, causing the other masked men to immediately retreat tens of meters.

The moment Lin Xiaoxiao disappeared just now, it was caused by the power of his own elemental, and the elemental power he possessed was very special, it was the super elemental power that controlled time.

This made her slow down her time in an instant, and in the eyes of outsiders, her movements naturally became very fast.

However, the consumption of this elemental power on the body was also extremely huge, and just after launching the time force, it had already emptied half of her Force power.

“I’ll do the rest!”

Wang Sisi was carrying a pair of fist sets in her hand, this one was also a divine soldier, which Bi Hao had given her before, and the name “Heavenly Fury Fist Set” could bless her strength and speed, allowing her to enter a state of rage in a short period of time.

Wang Sisi glowed red and rushed towards the remaining masked men.

On the other side, Chen Xi was also holding a double knife, and the body of the knife shone with a fiery electric glow, supporting Wang Sisi.

“Rift Wave Thunder God Chop!”

Chen Xi held a sharp slash of two knives, and two flashing sword qi instantly reached a masked person.

The masked man was also a master of the master, and at the moment he drew the heavy sword behind him and slammed it into the ground.

“The Realm of No Weights!”

With a “hum” sound, all the trees around the hundred meters collapsed, and Chen Xi’s sword qi that had been slashed over also turned into a cloud of smoke a meter before the masked man, disappearing without a trace.

“His elemental power turned out to be gravity, everyone be careful!”

Wang Xuan drank loudly and led the others to kill the general.

After repeated bitter struggles, the last ten-man squad successfully solved the other side and left a living mouth.

Wang Xuan removed the other person’s mask and asked, “What are you?” Why are you attacking us? ”

The man was so frightened that he kept waving his hands and speaking in language he couldn’t understand.

Wang Xuan was sad for a while, because he could hear from some words that these people were not human beings, but predators.

“Rather, the Marauders? Why are they attacking us? ”

Lao Bai was very confused and did not know what the marauders were doing.

“Take him with you and go back to town and ask a professional translator to inquire.”

Wang Xuan observed the terrain for a moment, pointed in one direction, and said, “They should have come from over there, Zhang We, you should go and investigate to see if there are any traps.” ”


Zhang Weaving made a sharp sword and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

After a while, Zhang Zhi ran back excitedly and said loudly, “City Lord, the Demon Hunting Squad is all on the side of the Marauders’ camp, and now there are only three people left on the side, so let’s hurry up and rescue the general.” ”

“Well, all of you attack the Marauders’ camp!”

After some fighting, the three marauders were easily captured, and ten people quickly withdrew from the Demon Beast Mountains with the Demon Hunting Squad.

But just as they were out of the Demon Beast Mountains, a young man with a sword on his back walked towards them.

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