However, Lin Xiaoxiao’s time power was not perfect, and he could only reluctantly put Bi Hao’s Yuan Shen in a state of thinking.

And this short period of time was still, and it also changed Bi Hao’s fate at once.

Liu Feng stared closely at the figure in the fog, and he felt from his breath that the other party seemed to have become stronger.

And this kind of strength even he was a little afraid.

After the dust and fog cleared, Bi Hao was dressed in a colorful outfit and said in a tone of hanging and exploding.

“Your boy dared to sneak up on me, I haven’t heard of your Grandpa B’s name, today I will represent the moon and completely destroy you!”

Willow Wind was speechless, and there was a woolen relationship with the moon when he hit it.

At the moment, he was no longer hiding, and he took out the magic weapon given by his master and threw it into the sky.

Holding out the Dao Dao Seal in his hand, he drank vigorously at Long Xuanding: “Collect the soul!” ”

Suddenly, the sky changed suddenly, and the sunny day, which was originally cloudless, was covered with thunderclouds at this moment.

Countless thunderbolts struck Long Xuanding, causing it to emit a fiery red glow.

Bi Hao only felt that his Yuan God was forcibly pulled by the Ding Furnace, and if it weren’t for his amazing combat strength now, I was afraid that he would be directly sealed in Dingzhong.

“You guys dare to use plug-ins and eat Lao Tzu’s punch!”

Bi Hao slapped the ground with both hands, and Liu Feng only felt that he was thrown by a large hand on the ground, and his heart was surprised.

But in an instant, he exuded momentum and slashed out a sword again.

“Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you, Sword of Chaos!”

A multicolored sword glow instantly reached Bi Hao’s body.

With the protection of the Divine Soldier, Bi Hao entered the Realm of the King, not afraid of the other party’s attack at all.

Immediately, he shouted at Sword Mang, “Thousand Layer Golden Armor Technique!” ”

The loud “Boom Boom” continued one after another, and one after another golden armor formed a thick shield, completely blocking the sword that came over.

But the multicolored sword light flew out of it with a breath and slammed into Bi Hao’s body.

Bi Hao only felt that the whole person was dizzy, and when he looked at Liu Feng, he found that the other party had become Wang Sisi.

“Bi Hao, save me!”

Wang Sisi flew backwards and rushed towards Bi Hao, and Bi Haomeng was stunned, knowing that he had been hit by a magic trick.

Then a loud pop shouted: “Broken! ”

Immediately, a soft sound like glass shattering appeared in his ears, and as he looked forward, the willow wind had reached his nearness.

“How come? How can you lift my chaotic control? ”

Liu Feng said incredulously while fighting with Bi Hao.

“You are a second commodity, my spiritual strength has already exceeded 100,000, and you still want to stun Lao Tzu with such a little spiritual attack, thinking beautiful!”

With a muffled sound of “boo”, Liu Feng was directly knocked out and flew out, crashing through several walls before stopping the castration.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Willow Wind looked at each other in disbelief.

“How can you have 100,000 spiritual powers, impossible, you must be trying to deceive me!”

Liu Feng let out a loud cry and spewed out a blood sword towards the giant in the sky.

The Blood Sword entered the Dingding, making the Dragon Xuanding in the sky become even more violent, constantly shaking in the sky.

“Go to the death, collect the soul!”

Liu Feng pointed at Bi Hao and drank again.

Bi Hao only felt that his Yuanshen was being dragged out of his body little by little, and although the speed was very slow, he was no longer able to resist this castration.

“Your uncle’s, dare to play with Lao Tzu, field, open!”

Bi Hao could only use his own realm to enhance his strength, thus incorporating the Yuan God into his flesh.

In an instant, a cloud of white mist-like things wrapped around Bi Hao’s Yuan God, only enveloping him within a meter of him.

“Hahaha, really laugh at me, like your waste wood field is also worthy of being called B God, it is simply laughing off the teeth, the field of fog, the field of the most waste wood, hahaha!”

Seeing Liu Feng laughing there, Bi Hao didn’t care about anything else, and immediately shouted at the system: “System, strengthen my field a hundred times.” ”

“Good host, strengthen the devouring field a hundred times, strengthen success.”

With a “hum” sound, Bi Hao’s body was covered with white mist for a hundred meters, and a huge amount of energy frantically poured into his fog.

Liu Feng, who was laughing wildly, suddenly stopped smiling and looked at Bi Hao in disbelief.

“You… How could you, impossible, how could the realm of fog devour spiritual power, could you? ”

Liu Feng showed a look of disbelief, that kind of field is only his master, is this person related to his own master?

Bi Haoyuan returned instantly, looking at Liu Feng with an evil smile.

“If you want to compare with me to plug-in, Lao Tzu’s is called perverted, you can die with peace of mind!”

Bi Hao drank loudly, and the whole earth trembled.

With a bang, Bi Hao flew into the air like a cannonball, merging his realm power into the Longyuan dagger.

This was the same move he had used when he saw Finil’s battle, and he had learned to do it the way the other side did.

I saw that the blade that was originally covered with black flames suddenly turned white.

Bi Haomeng slashed in the direction of the willow wind, and shouted in his mouth: “Destroy the heavens, devour the silence and destroy the chop!” ”

A white sword qi instantly expanded, and that sword qi enveloped the entire Nanjiang City.

Bi Hao was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly controlled the rapid shrinkage of the sword qi, which failed to level his city with one sword.

With a “boom”, the area where Liu Feng was located completely turned into nothingness, and the only thing that could prove his existence was the white sword.

Obviously, it was a very powerful divine soldier.

Bi Hao was overjoyed, and just when he wanted to go down and harvest the booty, he heard a “click”, and the entire sword turned into powder.

This made Bi Hao extremely distressed, thinking that a blow in his realm had actually destroyed all the divine soldiers, and it seemed that he would have to take a leisurely point in the future.

With the blessing of the Divine Soldier, he is a rare type of Divine Soldier, even if he only has one star, he can also be used for sacrifice and inlay.

After all, his current shape is really not very beautiful, and in the future he will have to get a gorgeous suit, so that standing in front of the Ten Thousand Armies will look heroic.

Soon a group of patrolling soldiers rushed in the direction of this side.

Bi Hao hurriedly scattered his equipment, for no other reason, just because it was too ugly.

Once Bi Hao stood in front of the mirror wearing this divine soldier and almost didn’t throw up his own eyes, which was completely inconsistent with the brilliant and perfect image of his B god.

With a crisp sound, the furnace in the air fell to the ground, and Bi Hao walked over excitedly, and without thinking about it, he retracted the storage space.

This is followed by a system prompt that sounds.

“Warning, this thing is a sixth-level Divine Soldier, and it cannot be erased by establishing a Divine Soul Contract with the host!”

Bi Haomeng was shocked, and took out the Ding Furnace from the storage space and examined it carefully.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from inside the furnace, and he was still on the ground in fright, looking at the other party warily.

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