Bi Hao learned some things about the other space through Zhong Yiyi, and also made some arrangements for this matter.

From this point of view, Bi Hao had to prepare in advance before the temple attacked.

These days, Bi Hao has been stationed in a different space to adjust his armaments.

Preparing for the next time the Temple came to seek revenge, and Bi Hao also wanted to develop more alliances and confront the Temple.

Otherwise, it is his such strength, and it is still not enough to take it out.

Now that Bi Hao counted the power of the Taihua Gate and the power of the Lingyun Gate, only the ten Heavenly Beings could finally come up with it.

And according to Zhong Yiyi, the power of the temple is very terrifying throughout the universe.

Not to mention the ten Heavenly Realm warriors, even twenty would not be enough for them to slaughter.

You must know that the celestial beings of the temple are all above the five stars of the heavenly beings.

The gap between the five stars was like the gap between the seven-star master and the six-star warrior, and that gap was like a heavenly abyss, which could not be made up by the Force.

The Lingyun Gate was able to become a great faction and stand tall above the entire universe, also because of his emperor-level master brother.

If it weren’t for the existence of that person, the Lingyun Gate would not be able to become a great sect, and at most it would be one line higher than the Taihua Gate.

Zhong Yiyi was also worried about Bi Hao’s comfort, after all, they were now in an alliance posture, and their future fate was bound to be tied together.

Moreover, her own master brother was so optimistic about Bi Hao, so she had to help Bi Hao through this difficult time no matter what.

Since Zhong Yiyi came to the Alien Space, he had not been going back, and had been secretly investigating the movements of the temple through his own channels.

First-line forces like them have a very large number of spies, distributed among the major forces.

Some of them were of high status, some were just the next people in charge of cleaning, but the existence of these people helped Lingyun Gate to gather intelligence more effectively.

Of course, other big forces also had spies mixed in with the Lingyun Gate, but Zhong Yiyi hadn’t found out yet.

Hidden as deep as a spy like this, he will not reveal himself unless he has to.

Zhong Yiyi waited for a week before he received information from the Temple’s side, saying that the Dark Lord, the enemy of the Temple, was brewing a war, and now the Temple was tired of coping, so he would not find trouble on Bi Hao’s side for the time being.

The Dark Lord was an extremely mysterious and powerful force, and the reason why they called this force so was because each of them was a strength of five stars or more of the Heavenly Lord, and no one knew how many people they had in total.

It is only known that each of them claims to be the master of the darkness, and they do not seem to be the boss, and everyone is very arrogant and often acts alone.

It is very similar to the assassins of the Black Church, but its strength is much higher than that of the Black Church.

In short, it was this gang of murderous maniacs walking in the darkness, madly retaliating against the Temple, and the Temple had also sent many archangels to surround and suppress them.

But without exception, all of them were escaped by the other side, and they have not been able to catch any of the Dark Lord’s people.

Not long ago, the Lord of the Temple, the Great Light Pope Ina, received a letter of challenge from the Dark Lord.

The details are as follows: Dear Your Holiness, we will launch the fiercest offensive when darkness envelops the whole earth, and may you survive under the protection of the light, hahaha.

When Pope Ina saw the challenge, he burned it in anger and ordered all archangels to be put on combat readiness.

The continent where the temple inhabits is called the continent of Turnercott, and it is the brightest place in the entire universe.

The continent is shrouded in light throughout the day, and only when the planet alternates with neighboring planets does a moment of darkness occur.

And this darkness lasts only four hours, only once every hundred years, and is called the Day of Annihilation by the people of this continent.

The Dark Lord’s chosen to attack the Temple at this time was undoubtedly the best time, because the Archangels of the Temple, many energies came with the power of light and faith.

On the Day of Annihilation, the power of faith was almost completely isolated, so at that time, the power of the temple was the weakest.

Everyone was equivalent to falling into a big realm, but the temple was crowded and not afraid of the Dark Lord’s attack, and this celestial phenomenon was only four hours.

As long as they fended off the Dark Lord’s attack for these four hours, they would retreat, and it would be time for the Temple to fight back.

Pope Ina arranged everything to keep these madmen in this battle once and for all, and to relieve the temple of an endless problem.

Bi Hao was naturally very happy to learn of the trouble of the temple in the other space, and he could use this time to win over the next alliance.

He believed that if he were to pull in a great force like the Lingyun Gate, then their Haoran Alliance would become the strongest existence in the universe.

Ask the two emperor-level seaters, how many forces dare to come and die.

So Bi Hao shifted his target to another great force, Xuanwu Sect.

The Xuanwu Sect advocated martial arts, and the suzerainty of the Xuanwu Sect was also a super powerful person of the emperor level.

The great man who had previously coaxed him to go to the Xuanwu Sect in the illusion where the God of War lived was called the Deputy Alliance Lord who had no trace of the election, Split Heaven.

The Split Sky was a man of great strength and strength, a powerful man of the Nine Stars of Heavenly Dignity, and his brother was the suzerainty of the Xuanwu Sect.

It is said that the world has reached the realm of the emperor with the strength of his flesh, and he can be called the first person under the god of war.

If it weren’t for the fact that the temple had a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm in addition to the Pope being an Imperial Realm, then his Xuanwu Sect could be called the first major sect in the universe.

Even so, the Xuanwu Sect is the existence of the top four forces in the universe.

Bi Hao informed the emissaries on the earth to inform the head of the Xuanwu Sect, and he would visit the Xuanwu Sect in a few days.

These days, Bi Hao’s topic has not diminished throughout the universe, and everyone is paying attention to his movements.

As for his ambiguous relationship with the Lingyun Gate, it was also rumored by many people that he had joined his Lingyun Gate, and just when many big forces were preparing to carry out assassination work, they received the news that Bi Hao had gone to Xuanwu Sect.

This made many forces wonder, since Bi Hao was so ambiguous with the Lingyun Gate, why did he continue to visit other sects, was the other party trying to explore the secrets of other sects, and was he also preparing for the future domination of the universe?

None of these big and small forces were fools, and they could all guess the meaning of it, but Bi Hao didn’t think much about it, just thinking about grabbing the big thick leg of the Xuanwu Sect into his own bowl.

The deputy suzerainty of the Xuanwu Sect was also stunned when he received this news, and he immediately hesitated whether to let Bi Hao come to his own sect.

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