With a wave of the Pope’s hand, a leisurely white gas floated out of the incomparably delicate sunflower, which vaporized into the shape of a little girl, lazily stretching her waist.

When the world saw such a miracle, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Chemistry? Did you realize the art of chemistry? Don’t you only have the strength of the Great Emperor Heavenly Order, how can you feel that level of magic? ”

A series of questions came out, making Pope Ina smile.

Pope Ina put down the watering pot in his hand, took the translucent girl with one hand, and walked to the world.

“Tell this uncle, what’s your name?”

Seeing Pope Ina’s gentle smile, the little girl felt an incomparable warmth.

“My name is Xiangyang, it was Father Ina who woke me up, and I am also his daughter.”

Pope Ina was satisfied, released his hand and said, “Xiangyang, go back and rest first, tomorrow I will come to see you.” ”

“All right, Father!”

The girl who called Xiangyang turned into a wisp of green smoke and returned to the flower, and seemed to be very happy, and the sunflower was windless and automatically swayed.

“This… Is this enlightenment? Not creation? ”

In the previous life, I thought that this kind of thing was created out of thin air by Pope Ina, but I did not expect that this thing could not only move, but also have its own spiritual wisdom, that is, the enlightenment technique that was higher than the creation technique.

“Brother Qi Tian’s knowledge is extraordinary, and he can see through the mystery at a glance.”

Pope Ina sat down with a gesture of invitation and made him do it on the couch.

In the whole universe, the person he couldn’t see through was the person in front of him.

This man was the Lord of the Temple, who called himself Pope, and who was also affectionately known as the Father of the World, a man whose people were all His people.

And Ina was gentle, never lost his temper, and never really shot once, everyone only knew that he was a strong person in the Heavenly Rank of the Great Emperor Realm, and the others knew nothing.

Ben thought of coming this time, selling the Temple’s affection and telling the other party about the Dark Lord, but now it seems that he is completely blind.

According to the current degree of the other party, it was at least the Great Emperor Realm of the Fourth Heavenly Order, and even had a fight with that guy, how could a strong person of this strength lose to a force like the Lord of the Temple.

The world could not help but lament, it seems that the largest force in the universe must be the temple of doubt.

“Ask Brother Heaven, do you want to tell me anything you came here today?”

Shi Qingtian frowned suddenly, did the other party still feel the art of mind reading? But there is nothing to think about, like this kind of super strong person who can enlighten the spirit, what is mind reading, and he does not want to hide anything at the moment, so he says his thoughts.

“Pope Ina, I have come here to tell you that the Lord of Darkness is not as simple as it seems, and that a thousand years ago, I had a hand in a man of the Lord of Darkness, and that person was never under me, so I remind you to be careful.”

Pope Ina smiled and snapped his fingers, and a dark man with his whole body drawn into the black mist, revealing only a pair of eyes, appeared to his side in an instant.

Fortunately, it was just an image, otherwise the world would definitely use all his strength to deal with it carefully.

“You’re talking about this man?”

Shi Qingtian’s face was full of surprise, and he nodded his head and said, “Yes, he is the person who fought with me a thousand years ago, and that pair of eyes I will never forget.” ”

Immediately the Pope waved away the scene beside him, and said slowly, “This person is the fourth elder of the Dark Lord, and his strength can only be considered medium.” ”


This sentence shocked the world and stood up directly.

Such a strong strength can only be considered medium among the Dark Lords? How terrifying would the full power of the Dark Lord be?

So since Pope Ina knew the strength of the other side, why did he make a posture of confronting, didn’t he let his children die?

Seeing the puzzled look on the face of the world, Pope Ina asked, “Do you know the origin of this Dark Lord?” ”

Shi Wentian shook his head hurriedly, he only knew that this was a very terrifying organization, and all the people in it called themselves masters of darkness and had extremely strong strength, and the rest knew nothing.

Pope Ina explained: “This Lord of Darkness is the union of all the dark people in the universe, so you may not understand, so I will put it another way, where did the disciples of the God of War flee?” Do you know where the Great Master of Prometheus who escaped from the Heavenly Dome Dungeon has gone? Where is Shangguan Feihong, the long-disappeared leader on Tianji Mountain outside the Linlin Domain? ”

Hearing these names that shocked the whole universe, Shi Qiantian couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart and said the answer he didn’t want to get.

“Did all these people join this organization?”

Pope Ina nodded and said, “That’s right, all of them have entered this organization, and the one you fought against a thousand years ago should be the long-disappeared leader of the Imperial Dragon Gate, Shangguan Feihong.” ”

“But how is this possible, the person who fought with me did not use any of the Yellow Dragon Gate moves.”

Hearing Shi Qingtian say this, Pope Ina smiled faintly and said, “This is the strength of the Lord of Darkness, he can fuse all the exercises into one practice, that is, the Dark Ten Thousand Extinction Dafa, this practice is like a furnace, all the Fa is melted, and finally transformed into that kind of practice.” ”

Shi Wentian really wanted to believe the words of the other party, but this was too unbelievable, and it was such a powerful practice that could melt the Ten Thousand Laws.

Shi Wentian was thinking about it when he heard Pope Ina sigh, “Unfortunately, this kind of practice is powerful, and it can’t dissolve the God of War’s Technique, the Overlord Realm and the Immortal Realm, these two super abilities cannot be melted by this practice, so the disciple of the God of War Lord can only fight with his own realm.” ”

“Have you seen that person?”

Shi Wentian happened to experience the events of that year, and he was also extremely concerned about the news of the defection of the God of War disciple, but he did not get any news, but he did not expect that the Pope of Ina knew.

“Well, and not long ago, that person was delusional and wanted to assassinate the Emperor, and was injured by my slap, and he should still be recuperating.”

Shi Qingtian calmed down and asked, “What is the realm of that disciple of the God of War who defected?” ”

“The Fourth Stage of the Great Emperor Realm Heavenly Order!”

With a “hum” sound, Shi Qingtian only felt that his brain exploded, and he was even one realm higher than himself, so to speak, this Pope Lord did not want to have the same realm as the God of War, that was the realm of the first person in the universe.

Pope Ina seemed to see through the other person’s mind and waved his hand and said, “I am only the fourth stage of the Great Emperor Realm Heavenly Order.” ”

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