Just seeing the scene in front of her, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes in disbelief.

Bi Hao, who faced the strong man’s sandbag-sized fist, had no intention of dodging at all, raised his arm and punched it up, and after the two sides collided, they saw that the big man’s face was distorted.

The crisp sound of broken bones broke the air with the participation of the big man killing pigs, and the poignant sound made some people around them shiver, followed by a series of inhaling cold air.

“You are actually also forging the body realm, and you are also forging the body realm double!”

The big man dragging his arm looked at Bi Hao with a look of horror, from the collision of the previous punch, he also knew Bi Hao’s situation, it was actually a forging body, and the most important thing was that this person was still above himself.

Don’t look at the gap that there is only one weight, that is also a world of difference, at least in terms of combat strength, Bi Hao is crushing himself.

“Today is a hard stubble, this is not something we can solve to go back and inform the boss in a good clean up this bastard, let’s go!”

Knowing that he was kicking the iron plate this time, the big man no longer hesitated, and a few people said a word to Yu Lun and prepared to open.

“Did I let you go?”

Before they could turn around and leave Bi Hao’s voice, it made their movements under their feet freeze, and then Yu Lun’s face looked at Bi Hao with a somewhat gloomy face.

“We’re already going to let you go, what else do you want to do!”

Even a person like Yu Lun’s face was a little embarrassed when he said this sentence, obviously he was not Bi Hao’s opponent and now he actually said that he was letting the other party go, which immediately caused everyone to laugh.

And Bi Hao was also defeated by Yu Lun’s brazenness, but compared to shameless, he really hadn’t lost anyone.

“Although you let me go, I didn’t say let you go, you said that your reality slandered my innocence and seriously affected my weak and helpless soul, and then beat me up.

Saying that Bi Hao was still pretending to be innocent, that somewhat despicable expression caused Feng Ling to cover her mouth and laugh secretly, she really did not find this man so interesting.

And several people in Qilun didn’t understand what Bi Hao meant and were stunned.

“I’m not a bad talker, as long as you give me a little mental compensation, I can let you go, otherwise I will get the words, hehehehe…”

After saying that, Bi Hao smiled playfully and badly, and as for the meaning of this smile, it was already very obvious, that is, if you did not agree, you would take care of you

After understanding Bi Hao’s meaning, Yu Lun’s face was even more unlucky, and today was really unlucky, but after a simple thought, Yu Lun compromised to stay, leaving Qingshan in the fear of no firewood, a field he will definitely find back.

Thinking of finding a pink delicate bag from his arms and throwing it in Bi Hao’s arms, this money bag was the same one that Feng Ling had stolen before.

Opening the money bag and looking at at at the hundreds of gold coins inside, Bi Hao didn’t know whether these were more or less here, but just took out a gold coin from it and put it in his pocket to count as interest, and the rest was returned to Feng Ling.

And Ji Lun was also a pain in the flesh when he saw so many gold coins in the money bag, but there was no way to make Bi Hao’s combat effectiveness better.

“Boy, we don’t change the green mountains and the long streams of green water, and one day I will make you pay the price!” Putting down a harsh word, Yu Lun helped the big man turn around and walk toward the outside.

But he should never have threatened Bi Hao, who had originally planned to let go of a few people, and Bi Hao immediately changed his mind.

“I see that a few of you are really not afraid of death, and if you dare to take a step forward, I guarantee that you will lie down and leave!”

An air of slaughter emanated from Bi Hao’s body, he was not a good person and even the people who died at his hands were almost impossible to count, even in this new world, Bi Hao would still not hesitate to strike.

And several people immediately felt a cold wind blowing behind them, as if they were stared at by the God of Death, so that they all forgot the movement under their feet and stood in the same place in a daze.

“Take off all the previous things on your body and take off your eggs!”

At this time, Bi Hao gave people a feeling that it was difficult to reach on high, and in that instant, Yu Lun was ready to undress, because in his heart, if he did not do it, the end would be very ugly.

Just the face of Yu Lun, who had just returned to God, immediately leaked a look of shame and indignation, and his skills were not as good as people, and he even changed things back, but this was indeed a bit too much to let himself run naked.

“Be a person and stay on the line to see each other in the future, I advise you to do things badly and too much!” He almost gritted his teeth and said these words, and even the faces of several people around him were full of anger.

If they did strip naked and leave here, they would have no face to stay here in the future, and this humiliation would be even more difficult to accept than killing them.

And Bi Hao, no matter what they were thinking at this moment, the words he said never took back.

“Give you ten breaths of time to consider, and if you still have clothes on you after ten breaths, I don’t mind helping you personally!”

Looking at Bi Hao’s expression and tone was not a joke at all, which made several people in Yu Lun even more unbearable, they looked at each other, there were five of them here, and two of them were still forging bodies, and if they fought, maybe there was really hope.

“Even if you die today, you have to pull this bastard on your back!”

Several people were all in the same heart, after a short period of communication, they all nodded their heads and shot at Bi Hao at the same time, and the five people attacked Bi Hao in different positions and directions, which could not be avoided by normal people.

Feng Ling was also very worried when he saw Bi Hao’s situation at this time, to tell the truth, if he was standing in Bi Hao’s position, there would definitely be no way to hide from it, at least he would be hit by two of them.

“Be careful!”

During the conversation, Feng Ling was already rushing to Bi Hao’s side to resist the attack for the other party, and she was also forging a body triple, even if she was hit by these people, there was no danger.

However, before he could finish speaking, the whole person was already frozen in place again, and the shock on his face had not dissipated before a bitter smile appeared, and Bi Hao’s eyes seemed to be looking at monsters.

It turned out that when the attack of the four people came, Bi Hao easily dodged it in a posture that no one could think of or do. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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