Although the python was terrible, in front of Bi Hao, it was not. Although such a monster showed supreme deterrence in front of everyone, it was not a dimensional one with Bi Hao.

With just one look, he frightened off the giant snake.

After solving the problem, Bi Hao and his party smoothly came to the middle street of the Rus country, with golden square bricks, strange buildings, and people dressed in different clothes. All of this is highlighting the prosperity of a very advanced national capital.

Bi Hao, Wind Chimes and Xu Hu all changed into clean and elegant clothes, and they walked through the central street, feeling that their eyes were very sharp.

“Brother, how many floors do you say this building has?” I have lost sight of counting, but I have not yet counted one by one. ”

The wind chime wrapped its arms around Bi Hao’s arm and looked up under a high-rise building.

Bi Hao also sighed and said, “There must be more than thirty floors to talk about, people can’t understand how this building was built.” ”

Immediately after them, some unhappy Xu Hu opened his mouth and said, “I don’t know how much material and manpower it will take to build such a building.” ”

The wind chime turned back and smiled at Xu Humeizi: “Big Brother Xu Hu, don’t always think about these unhappy things.” Today we are difficult to come up with, but don’t lose the momentum. ”

Xu Hu stared at the wind chime’s small hand that was holding Bi Hao’s arm deadly, and there was really no way to be happy in his heart, but his face still had to be piled up with smiles.

Bi Hao felt very funny, and he felt more and more that Xu Hu was interested in wind chimes.

“I shouldn’t have come out today, I should have gone to the court with no trace.” Bi Hao thought in his heart, “But Xu Hu is not willing to move much, and he can’t find anyone else at once.” ”

Bi Hao was elusive, and a voice suddenly sounded in his ear: “Bi Hao Xiaoyou, you don’t want to make a light bulb here, come up and accompany me as an old man to drink a little bar.” ”

Bi Hao argued a little, and he heard that this was the voice of the old man with purple powder. He looked around and saw a two-story top building directly opposite the tall building. Next to a window edge on the second floor, purple dust was waving at him.

Bi Hao pointed directly at the opposite side, and then said to the wind chime, “I’ll go talk to him about something, and you and Xu Hu will walk around the street.” ”

The wind chime grabbed his arm: “Brother, take me, I’m so bored.” ”

Bi Hao arched his waist and scraped her little nose: “How about a person?” It is not that you Xu Hu is accompanying you. Looking for my guarantee just to see my equipment, you have seen these things, talking to the old man, isn’t it more idle and painful? ”

The wind chime tilted her head and thought, “Yes, that old man is strange, and my eyes look like I want to eat people.” ”

“Yes, you and Xu Hu don’t go far around, there is a small hotel next to it, you can go and eat something.” Bi Hao pulled his long arm out of the wind chime’s arms and pushed her to Xu Hu.

“Xu Hu, you must take good care of my sister, and you can’t let others bully her.” Bi Hao smiled and instructed.

Xu Hu straightened his waist and said, “Relax your heart, who dares to bully the wind chime girl, except for the deviation to kill me.” ”

The wind chime covered his small mouth with a smile and said in his heart, “I still use you to defend, ordinary people are not my opponents.” ”

But why would she be so bored to say it, but instead thanked Xu Hu and said, “Thank you so much Brother Xu Hu.” ”

Xu Hu stared at the two small laughing holes of the wind chimes, his heart melted, and he didn’t know how to speak at once.

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