Bi Hao immediately asked the system.

“Can you detect her current location?”

The system starts working again.


“It cannot be detected, this region is not included in the system.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao’s heart became more and more panicked, he looked around, his brow frowned, and without saying a word, he immediately strode in the direction where the wind chime was walking.

Hopefully, nothing happens to her until he finds her.

However, Bi Hao underestimated here.

He had been looking for the evening, and he hadn’t even encountered the wind chimes, and he didn’t know if he was chasing her in the wrong direction, hadn’t met her, or if she was too fast, so he hadn’t caught up with her yet.

Because it was already night, Bi Hao was not good at catching up in the night, it was too dangerous.

He could only stop.

The night here was a little cold, Bi Hao was hungry and cold, he could only build a bunch of fire, his practical use was not used to hitting stones to make fire, but he could still make a fire.

At this moment, he was roasting pheasant.

This is what Bi Hao just called, not far away is a lake, he has washed the hair by the lake, and now he is baking, and it is about to be baked.

Bi Hao smelled the fragrant food, and his heart was very hungry.

The only regret is that there is no seasoning, the next time you pass through the bustling market, you must remember to prepare some of these spices on your body, and the next time you come to this deserted place, you can also be in an emergency.

The fire crackled.

Bi Hao was alone in roasting pheasants, and he felt a little lonely, and he asked the system to himself.

“System, can you detect a person’s future?”

This was because, after Bi Hao was idle, he still remembered the monk’s words.

The system listens and starts booting.

“The system is detecting…”


Seeing this, Bi Hao smiled bitterly, this system is equivalent to a weapon space, he wants a space to carry weapons to detect the future, it is simply impossible.

Bi Hao laughed self-deprecatingly.

“Forget it, I know you can’t detect it, I’ll just say it.”

“Start detecting emotional changes.”

“Host, your mood is low, you’re in a low state.”

Seeing that the system could even detect this, Bi Hao was quite shocked.

He was a little surprised.

“Can you detect this?”

“Answer: Yes!”

Seeing this, Bi Hao asked it.

“So what else can you detect?”

“Answer: Predict the danger!”

Then, the system starts to sound the alarm.

“Host, there are dangerous things starting to come close to you, be careful! Be careful! ”

Upon hearing this, Bi Hao was shocked, and he immediately stood up and looked around vigilantly, because at this time, the system was still in a state of collapse, except for some weak chicken items such as normal access and answers, and the call of weapons, which was a truly useful project, could not be mobilized at all.

Therefore, Bi Hao was unarmed in his hands, so he naturally had to be careful and vigilant.

Just then, the wind chimes suddenly appeared.

“Bi Hao.”

Hearing this, Bi Hao looked at her and saw her coming out of a tree, and the moment he saw her, Bi Hao was shocked, and then immediately surprised.

“Wind chimes?”

He looked at her with great surprise.

“I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

The wind chime smiled, and she walked in.

“I just saw the fire here from a distance, and I guessed it was you, and when I saw it, it was you.”

After the system was silent for a while, the alarm began to appear.

“Be careful! Be careful! Dangerous objects are approaching! ”

Seeing that it was wordy, Bi Hao was annoyed and immediately issued an order.

“Exit the system!”


“The system is out!”

Then, at last, it was quiet.

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