Bi Hao looked at his own reflection in the lake.

He found that his face was normal.

Then, that is to say, this wind chime in front of her, she is pretending, but Bi Hao is sure that she does not know how she did it.

After he knew that it was a dummy, he did not dare to expose the wind chimes on the spot.

Because, the system is broken, he can’t call up the weapon at all.

And this fake wind chime, although deliberately close to herself, she did not seem to be ready to attack herself.

Can drag on for a while is a moment.

Bi Hao decided to pretend not to see, he continued to wash his hands and began to probe her mouth.

“Impossible, right? If you can get in, you can certainly go out. ”

However, the wind chimes who continued to wash their hands shook their heads slightly, she said.

“You don’t know about here, I said, I can’t go out, I don’t know how you brought me here, since ancient times, into this black mountain forest, no one can come out, you don’t know how big this is, there are 108,000 miles here, even if you fly with your sword, you don’t stop at all, you have to fly for a year, but you can’t stop for a moment, right?” Not to mention, you can’t fly with your sword right now. ”

She did know a lot.

Bi Hao continued to accompany her to act, and he asked faintly.

“What then?”

Beside him, the sound of wind chimes is very light.

“Quite simply, never go out, give me your flesh!”

Saying that, the wind chime immediately attacked.

Bi Hao was shocked, and quickly stepped back to stand up, only to see that when the wind chime just grabbed it, her hand had already revealed the fox’s hairy claws, and the whole hair was a hairy claw.

Looking at her like this, Bi Hao was shocked, and he hid aside and pressed to ask.

“What happened to you with the wind chimes?”

Since things had come to this point, the fox was not ready to pretend, she smiled coldly, and immediately transformed into her original form, which was a demon beast with a human form, but its body and face were like foxes.

She smiled coldly, her lips furtively red.

“That stupid girl, she broke into our territory by mistake, and now she is being tied up in our territory, and we know everything about her and you through mind reading, so I came to you in my incarnation, and we need your flesh.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao was shocked and frightened in his heart, and he shouted quickly in his mind.

“System! System! ”

Then, the system’s response sound came.

“The system is turning on, 10% … 15%…… 75%…… 100%, the system is turned on and enters the standby page. ”

Seeing this, Bi Hao asked urgently.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“In system detection, wait…”

In just a second or two, the system answered.

“This is a system world of cultivating immortals, the so-called cultivation of immortals, that is, all flowers and trees can be transformed into human form through cultivation, and this demon beast in front of her, its body is a fox, has gone through five hundred years of cultivation, she wants to eat the cultivator’s true Dan to improve her own cultivation, it eats your true Dan, refines your strength, she can suddenly improve five hundred years of cultivation, directly jump to a thousand years of cultivation.”

No wonder she was deliberately close to herself.

Bi Hao’s heart was very anxious, and he immediately asked.

“So what do I do?”

The system answers.

“Emergency escape mode can be turned on again.”

This emergency escape mode seemed to be able to be opened infinitely, and Bi Hao originally wanted to escape, but he thought of the wind chime, and the wind chimes were still in the hands of this group of fox monsters.

He was in a hurry.

“What about wind chimes?”

The system answers.

“You can only give it up!”

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