The wind chime was still in a coma and could not wake up for a while, Bi Hao checked it for her, the health detected by the system for her was 40%, and it had been stopped here.

Although her health has increased, she still has a risky look.

Bi Hao examined the wound for her while asking the fox woman’s side.

“How are you?” Your tail doesn’t matter, right? ”

As he spoke, Bi Hao’s heart moved, and he meditated in his heart.

“The system, check the situation of the opponent for me.”

“The system is running…”

“The system starts checking.”

In the process of the system running, the fox woman also answered at this time.

“I’m fine, but I just broke two tails and lost a thousand years of True Qi, and I can’t die, it’s a serious injury, and I need to take a good rest.”

The system also answers at this time.

“Ten Thousand Year Demon Fox, 87% health.”

It seems that she is indeed fine.

After Bi Hao made sure that she was okay, he didn’t bother to pay attention to the fox woman, he checked the wind chimes and found that her injuries were really serious, and the five deep claw marks scratched the flesh and blood in front of the heart, looking terrifying.

He really couldn’t imagine how much pain the wind chime’s Zhendan would have to go through when he was caught.

It was also because of this that although the fox woman was beautiful, Bi Hao did not dare to underestimate her at all, because the fox was cunning, and what she said was not necessarily true, and at the beginning, she did have the intention of taking his true Dan.

Bi Hao looked at the wind chimes, and he frowned.

“She can’t do this, she has to find a way to heal her wounds as soon as possible.”

Hearsay, fox woman seems.

She looked at the half-dead wind chime, and did not say a word, she had damaged herself for a thousand years, plus a tail, which could only save her 40% of her life.

If you want to repair yourself and the tail to save her, then, the wind chime is saved, she is a serious injury, this single transaction is not worth it.

The fox woman said.

“It’s not impossible to save her, you can save her besides me.”


Bi Hao looked over and he was shocked.

The fox woman nodded.

“Well, I said that this world is eternal, I saved her, I paid so much, if you want to save her, you must also pay so much.” 」

Bi Hao frowned.

“How can I save her?”

The fox woman said.

“Tell me first, how did you get in?” This black mountain wild forest, under normal circumstances, very few people will break in, I am curious, how did you follow her in? ”

These ancients may not know about the system.

Bi Hao silently asked the system in his heart.

“How’s it going? System, want to tell her? ”

The system answers.

“Beyond the cognition set by the system, there is no answer!” Can’t answer! ”

As soon as he heard it, Bi Hao was depressed.

He knew that every time it came to a critical time, the system would crash, and sure enough, with such a difficult answer, Bi Hao felt that he still had to rely on himself.

He looked at the fox woman and said.

“I entered by mistake, and you may not know that in our outside world, in the immortal arts we cultivate, there is a kind of teleportation power.”

Anyway, she was locked up in the wild forest of the Black Mountain for a long time, casually fooling her, and it is estimated that she will not understand.

People like her, no, demons, would never understand the power of science and technology, and the power of science and technology, for these cultivators, may be a higher level of cultivation techniques.

The fox woman listened, the kind that half understood.

How Bi Hao came in, she didn’t know, but how Bi Hao came out, she knew, because she came out with him.

That kind of teleportation power can really go far away in the blink of an eye.

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