On the other side, the monk smiled coldly.

“Leave me alone, in short, you have to die today.”

“It seems that you are not ready to tell me.”

Bi Hao muttered to himself, and his voice was very low.

He looked at the monk and thought to himself: Just so you can try the knife with him, and now that the weapon has been unsealed, Bi Hao is curious about what the value of his strength is in this world.

For a moment, the two looked at each other.

In the confrontation, the monk rushed over, seeing this, Bi Hao also rushed over in an instant, and then, the figures of the two were intertwined, and they were already fighting.

Now, the fox woman had fled with the wind chime first, and Bi Hao had no burden, so he was not worried at all, and he could fight with confidence.

At most, when you can’t beat it, use the system’s emergency escape mode to escape here.

Weapons collide, crashing out with a strong sound.

Bi Hao was separated from the monk during the fight, he looked at the monk and frowned slightly, the strength of this monk seemed to be quite strong.

If you have to decide with him to win or lose, Bi Hao feels that there will definitely be a difference between victory and defeat.

However, he felt that it would take a certain amount of time.

Now, the two were basically on a par with each other, neither of them would let anyone do the same, Bi Hao thought, not necessarily to kill this monk, his main task now was to deal with the wind chimes first.

Bi Hao said to him.

“Hey, old Taoist, I don’t fight with you, I’ll keep you useful, see you later, now, I still have business, go first.”

Seeing this, the monk smiled coldly.

“Do you think I’ll let you go?” Today. ”

As soon as he heard it, Bi Hao smiled.

“Do you think you can catch me?” Today. ”

Saying that, Bi Hao disappeared out of thin air like this, and as soon as the monk saw it, he knew that Bi Hao had taken teleportation power again, and he rushed over at once, but it was still too late, Bi Hao had already disappeared into the air.

Looking at the emptiness around him, the monk frowned.

“He must not be spared.”

The night was deep and the surroundings were quiet.

At this moment, Bi Hao appeared in an unfamiliar environment, and he suddenly appeared.

Looking at everything strange around him, Bi Hao frowned, there were that kind of trees all around, looking at the deserted, Bi Hao didn’t know where this was.

He could only ask about the system.

“Hey, system, where is this?”

The system starts answering.


“After the test, Mojiazhuang is fifty miles away.”

Seeing this, Bi Hao nodded subconsciously.


Then, he was so frightened that he almost wanted to roll his eyes.

“What is Mojiazhuang?”

The system starts there again and then answers.

“Look at the map.”

Then, in Bi Hao’s mind, a continental map of this world clearly appeared in front of Bi Hao’s eyes.

He was stunned, and said that this was the first time he had seen a full map of the world.

Moreover, the map displayed in front of him was not the whole kind, but a red dot, and then, the location pointed out by the red dot was the location where Bi Hao stood.

Then, the rest of the map looks diffuse with this red dot.

If you want to see the distance, you need to use your mind to point to that place in order to see the clear, otherwise, you can only see the approximate thing.

Bi Hao thought about it, and he went to look for the Black Mountain Wild Forest.

Then, Bi Hao found that this place was actually very far away from the black mountain wild forest, and this place was so far away from the location just now.

It seemed that for the time being, there was no need to worry that the monk would catch up.

It was a new environment, at least, before that, Bi Hao had never been there, he had just arrived on this continent, and he hadn’t been to many places.

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