Black cat helpless belly, who knew that you are so powerful, if you had known that you were so powerful, do you think I would still fight with you? You think I’m an idiot.

Thinking like this, the black cat turned over his belly and let Bi Hao rub the snow black and white belly.

Although the hair on its back is black, but the stomach is really white, Bi Hao rubbed it, feeling that this feels really good, this cat can really make people feel comfortable, but when he thinks of the wind chime, his mood is not good.

I don’t know what the situation is now after the wind chime was taken away by the fox demon.

However, when it was taken away by the fox demon, the health of the wind chime was very stable, although it would not wake up immediately, but it should not die quickly, that is, I did not know whether the fox demon would do anything to the wind chime.

Now the top priority is still to find the wind chime, thinking like this, Bi Hao suddenly felt that his spirit was a little tired, he yawned, he had a tiger in front of him and a chaser in front of him.

Heck, the road to saving your friends is really difficult.

At that moment, Bi Hao found a place to lie down at will, ready to sleep for a night before setting off.

In the same way, if a person does not sleep, his mental exhaustion can be much worse than physical torture.

He was thinking like this, when suddenly a voice came from the system.

“Host, please leave this house immediately, there is danger!”

The sudden warning sound made Bi Hao a little overwhelmed, and when he entered this house, the system said that there was only 14% danger in this house, and 63% danger outside, how could he suddenly let him leave this house quickly, what does it mean? Is it difficult for the system’s ability to predict the future to fail again?

But the system didn’t seem to have any intention of explaining it to him, just issued one warning after another.

“Host, please leave this house immediately, there is danger!”

“Host, please leave this house immediately, there is danger!”

“Host, please leave this house immediately, there is danger!”

What is called an important thing to say three times, Bi Hao can be regarded as having seen it.

At the moment, he could only sit up helplessly and pick up the back of the black cat, the black cat was still sleeping, and as a result, he was woken up in a daze, and he wanted to be angry, but what he saw was Bi Hao and sadly closed his mouth, this man could not afford it, and could only obediently be a pet.

Moreover, Bi Hao was quite good to it, those people caught the demon beast, if he wanted to make the demon beast his pet, he would definitely let the demon beast sign some very unequal treaties, but Bi Hao did not.

Saying that let him be a pet, it is just to let him be a pet, there is no excessive demand, at most, it is to shake its head, so that the owner, the black cat suddenly felt from the heart for the first time that human beings also have good people, and maybe follow this master’s own life in the future.

So it snorted and continued to sleep, anyway, now it was carried in his hands, he didn’t need to do anything, since the master said that there was danger, then hurry up.

It’s just that this place has always been its own lair, how can it suddenly be dangerous, the black cat is a little confused.

But it was too sleepy to fall asleep, it had been beaten by Bi Hao fiercely before, the physical strength was consumed a lot, it needed to sleep to replenish its mental strength, and now it saw that Bi Hao did not speak and it fell into a deep sleep again.

Bi Hao was helpless as he walked.

I didn’t expect that this black cat actually had the special attribute of a pig, how could it be so lazy?

He looked depressed.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind him.

“Stinky boy, Lao Tzu has finally found you.” Bi Hao turned his head in surprise, only to find that the person in front of him was actually an old Daoist leader of the Immortal Wind Dao Bone.

It’s just that the old Daoist leader is looking at him with gritted teeth and teeth at the moment, and his eyes are not good.

At this moment, the system’s early warning suddenly sounded the alarm bell —

“This man is dangerous, please stay away from him as soon as possible!”

“Do you think I can still run away?” Bi Hao said with some helplessness.

Fang Cai just wanted to use the method of instantaneous movement of space to leave this old Dao Chief, but he didn’t expect that the space around him was actually blocked, and the old Dao Commander in front of him could seal the space with his bare hands, it must be a big man who turned the clouds and rain, he couldn’t afford it at the moment, after all, he hadn’t explored the things in the system completely.

“Stinky boy, do you know how much trouble you have caused me?”

Bi Hao grinned, he really didn’t know what trouble he had caused, after all, he didn’t know this Dao Leader at all.

However, looking at the strangeness in Bi Hao’s eyes, the Dao Commander suddenly smiled coldly and said, “The stinky boy still pretends not to know me, your father entrusted me to come to you, and now you have turned my Mount Meru upside down, how do you say this account we calculate.” ”

Bi Hao pointed at himself in a stunned manner and said, “I tossed your Mount Meru upside down, do we know?” ”

The old Dao Elder was furious, “Still pretending not to know me, the stinky boy is with me, take you to your father’s side today, see how your father should compensate me, this old boy has been pressing me before, and now finally let me find the opportunity to step on him well!” ”

In the last sentence, the Dao Commander smiled particularly darkly.

But Bi Hao suddenly felt that this old Daoist was afraid that there was no problem with his sanity, and he didn’t know him at all, not to mention that the so-called Mount Meru had never heard of it.

So at that moment he frowned slightly and said, “This Dao Chief, you are afraid that you are not the wrong person, I don’t seem to know you.” ”

At this moment, the system was interpreting this Dao Leader for him.

But after a long minute, the system suddenly heard a very deflated sound.

“The level of the system is not enough, it is impossible to interpret the person in front of you!”

I don’t know why, since the system was updated, Bi Hao can hear the tone of the system, and now the system actually let him hear a feeling of despondency, Bi Hao can’t help but think, the current system can do is really humane, such a communication, it is almost like a face-to-face friend talking.

“You don’t know me, what’s the situation?” The old Daoist in front of him finally believed Bi Hao’s words, because Bi Hao’s expression was very natural and did not look like he was deceiving people at all, he frowned slightly and said, “I am your father’s old friend, you are the son of the head of Mount Emei, how can you not know me.” ”

“It may be that I look more like that guy, but I’m really not the person you’re looking for, my name is Bi Hao.” Bi Hao shook his head and said.

The old Daoist was first half-convinced, and then shook his head violently and said, “Impossible! The smell on your body is exactly the same as that boy, have you suffered some dark wounds and amnesia, completely do not remember what happened before, you tell me, have you ever had amnesia? ”

Bi Hao was slightly stunned.

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