The old Daoist Elder narrowed his eyes slightly, “A person who can’t even deal with a Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon is not worthy to be your friend.” ”

“They are many and powerful, not to mention the weak and weak, as long as they are really good to me, they are my friends.” Bi Hao could not see others slandering his friend, and he did not want to show weakness.

Although the temper of the wind chime stinks a little, it is still a true good friend to himself.

The old Daoist did not expect Bi Hao to be so unkind, and suddenly he began to laugh and said, “You boy, you boy, in the past your father worked hard to let you make a few friends, but you said that people’s strength is too poor to be your friend, and now for a rookie, you even have to personally save her, hehe, it seems that after the amnesia, you are much cuter than before.” ”

Lao Tzu did not have amnesia at all, and Lao Tzu’s character was originally better than that of the original owner.

Bi Hao said a word, but at the moment it was not easy for him to find the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon alone, so he began to hit the iron while it was hot and said, “Anyway, you are fine, it is better to help me catch the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon, and when the time comes, I will go back with you, but it is also a matter of my thoughts.” ”

Mount Emei certainly could not take the wind chimes with him, and if this man said something, then he would become the target of everyone.

What’s more, the background of the wind chime is also very mysterious, and taking her to Mount Emei does not know whether it will cause any trouble, so in order to avoid unexpected things, it is still not to bring that.

The old man twisted his beard and smiled meaningfully, “Although you little boy has lost his memory, this character is still so cunning, thinking of letting the old man take my hand and help you solve the ten-thousand-year-old fox demon, but you have to promise me a condition.” ”

Looking at the proud look on the old Daoist’s face, Bi Hao said wordlessly, “The Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon doesn’t need you to solve it, but you have to help me save my friend.” “At the moment, the system can’t be counted on, maybe only those big guys in this cultivation world know how to save the wind chimes, and this Dao Commander can’t even interpret the system, it must be a very good big person, maybe there is a way to save people.”

“Help save people…” The old Daoist touched his chin and squinted his eyes and began to laugh, “After being poached by the fox demon and stealing Zhendan, he can only become a mortal after he lives.” ”

Hearing these words, Bi Hao couldn’t bear it. Wind chimes have always been arrogant and arrogant, but when they woke up, they found themselves becoming mortal, and that sense of loss in the sky and the world would make her mentality collapse?

This was something Bi Hao didn’t want to see, so he frowned, “Can’t there be a way to preserve strength?” ”

“How to preserve strength?” The old Daoist suddenly smiled and said, “Of course! But this method can be very cruel. ”

“What’s the solution?” Bi Hao asked.

“Didn’t that fox demon eat her true Dan?” Just dig out that fox demon Zhendan and let her eat it. The old man smiled and squinted.

“This is not too cruel, anyway, it is just digging up the real Dan, and one report is just another report.” Bi Hao thought in his heart that this True Dan should be able to cultivate again, not to mention that he didn’t want the life of that Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon, which was not bad.

But I didn’t expect that his words actually made the black cat in his hand cold hair rise.

Bi Hao wondered, could it be that digging up Zhendan was so terrifying to the Demon Clan?

As a result, the old Daoist smiled and said, “My so-called digging is not a simple digging out as you understand, the true Dan of the demon tribe is different from our human race, their true dan is distributed in the form of essence, only when they need the true dan, they will forcibly condense, because the physical constitution of the demon clan is special, if they want to let the true dan condense in the body for a long time, there is no way to do it, unlike our human race who is born with a dan tian that can store our true dan.” ”

“So…” Bi Hao had a vague guess in his mind.

“Therefore, if you want to get the true Dan of the Demon Clan, you can only use a special spell to make them suffer extreme pain when they are not dead and breathable, and their bodies will automatically condense the True Dan, and then they can get the True Dan, so the True Dan of the Demon Clan is very rare, because the process of taking it out is too cruel and too inconvenient.” Although the old Daoist was smiling, the words he said were very sad.

At this time, the black cat was already trembling, and it could be seen that it was also afraid of this way as a demon beast.

“So, will the demon beast that took the True Dan die?” Bi Hao asked.

“Without True Dan, these demon beasts would be dead, after all, they had suffered such strong inhuman torture when they were taken from Dan, and of course it was not a special case of not surviving, but they would also die after a year or two.”

“That’s the way it is.” Bi Hao nodded.

It can be seen that the current plane is also full of forest guidelines of the weak and the strong, and natural selection.

“So you still want to take out her true Dan now?” The old master continued to ask.

“I will not deliberately kill any demon beast, but if I die myself, then it is up to me to take it, and I must take it.” Bi Hao’s tone was firm.

If the fox demon hadn’t done anything to the wind chime before, he wouldn’t be doing it now, but since the fox demon had done something to the wind chime, even if it finally made compensation, it wouldn’t help, then this matter must be done with her life to pay a satisfactory end.

The old Daoist seemed to be very satisfied with Bi Hao’s decisiveness in killing, and nodded his head lightly, “It is worthy of your father’s own son, this style of work is exactly the same as his young style.” ”

Bi Hao was a little helpless.

What was exactly the same style as when he was young, he didn’t know the Emei Sect Mountain Lord at all.

“Then let’s go find that Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon.” Bi Hao spoke.

He asked the system to start searching, but the system’s search took a long time, and during this time it could only wander aimlessly.

As a result, the old Daoist only smiled slightly and said, “I brought you the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon you want.” ”

As he said that, he grabbed at the sky casually, and saw that the space was torn apart in an instant, and the monstrous power made people breathless, and then the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon was grabbed out of the gap in the space gap by the old Dao Commander along with the wind chime.

When the Ten Thousand Year Fox Demon was about to be caught, she was still confused, she looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, but when she saw Bi Hao, her eyes showed a look of surprise and said, “Bi Hao, you have finally come, she is almost unable to hold on!” ”

Bi Hao lowered his head to look at it, and saw that the wind chime’s face was pale, and at this time, the system had also begun to warn, “The health of the wind chime is less than 10%!” Less than 10%! Less than 10%! ”

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