The old Daoist’s tone became more and more fierce, Bi Hao understood it, but he also sighed slightly in his heart, he did not have the memory of the original lord, and he did not know how many cruel things the original lord had done, which could make so many people hate him.

“Then if you want to kill you, you must listen to your honor, anyway, now that I am in front of you, I can’t resist.” Bi Hao communicated with the system, and the system told Bi Hao that the old Daoist in front of him had no way to interpret it, so there was no way to fight it.

However, the system immediately proposed a method, “The host may wish to try to cultivate, since the host’s dark information and the original host’s dark information are the same, then the host should also have the host’s cultivation talent, and when the host cultivates to this old man’s level, it should be able to properly defeat this old man, after all, there is a systematic blessing.” ”

“If you can survive, let’s talk about it.” Bi Hao was not too worried, after all, the space around him was not sealed by the old man at the moment.

“Don’t you know if your teleportation Dafa can be used in this space?” Bi Hao continued to ask.

After testing, the system said, “There is a mountain protection array in the Emei Gate Sect mountain in front of you, and this mountain protection array seems to be able to prevent this old man from sealing the space.” ”

Bi Hao nodded and said, “Since that’s the case, it couldn’t be better.” ”

Since the teleportation method can be used, there is no need to worry that you will be trapped in this place, even if the old man wants to catch up, he can use the teleportation method to leave later, so there is nothing too much to worry about.

At this time, the old Daoist priest had already looked at Bi Hao with a fierce face and said, “It seems that your people are still partial to you, so don’t blame me for being cruel and fierce.” ”

So the old Daoist priest raised his hand, and his hand was quickly filled with thunder and lightning, and it was crackling.

“Eat me a Ben Thunder Palm——” Just as he was saying that Ben Thunder Palm, he was about to shoot at Bi Hao, Bi Hao urged the system to send out the Teleportation Dafa, and as a result, the teleportation had not yet started, and there was an extra figure of Wei An in front of him.

“Li Xiuyuan, are you so inflated now?” Even my son you want to do it? The figure of this great shore spoke thickly and powerfully, and it could be heard that he was a big man who cultivated very deeply.

However, listening to him, Bi Hao knew that this man was the original lord’s biological father, the lord of Mount Emei.

The Emei Gate Master looked at Bi Hao and showed a gentle expression, and Bi Hao could see his face clearly.

A middle-aged man with a very handsome and gentle appearance, somewhat similar to Bi Hao’s face, his eyes at the moment were very soft, and it could be seen that he was very patient with his son.

The old Daoist priest said with an angry face, “Your son has done so many inferior things to me on Mount Meru, and now you still want to protect him, it is simply delusional, Bi Xiuzhen, don’t think that your cultivation overwhelms me, you can properly protect your son, today I just fought this old life and don’t want me to kill your son at my hands!” ”

“Didn’t you just let your daughter mess with a few demon beasts for a while?” The middle-aged man known as Bi Xiuzhen said with a calm look, “If it wasn’t for your daughter who wanted to drug my son, how could my son do such a vicious thing to her?” ”

Bi Hao’s scalp tingled.

Dare to feel that there are so many doorways here.

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