Then, the sound of the system sounded again:

“So their minds were all alive, but all the faults in the mountains were pushed to the son of this door master, and the door master loved his son and did not punish him.”

Bi Hao understood now.

After the master brother learned that Bi Hao had lost his memory, the master brother had his mind come alive again, thinking of recruiting Bi Hao back, after all, there was one more genius on Mount Emei, which was still of great benefit to the development of the entire Mount Emei, but he did not expect that this old Daoist priest actually said all the things, and it was better that the door master actually rushed back at this moment, and now their affairs were all exposed, how to be good next.

Looking at the disciples behind the door master who were sincerely afraid at this moment, Bi Hao was suddenly in a very good mood.

Let you only know how to bully people, even the son of the door master dares to bully, and one day he will raise his eyebrows, but then he feels worthless for the son of the door master.

Although it was time to raise his eyebrows, but the owner of the garden was indeed dead, and the death was extremely miserable, such a genius fell, Bi Hao’s heart was still not worth it.

The old Daoist priest’s eyes were extremely ugly now.

“Without further ado, now you have no other way out but to hand over your son.” He said loudly.

“No other way out? You’re afraid you’re underestimating me. Bi Xiuzhen smiled lightly, “Just by you, 10 more is not enough to threaten me, Li Xiuyuan don’t think that now that the two of us are the first and second bearers of the mainland, you think you can catch up with me through hard work, after all, there is still a big difference between genius and mediocrity.” ”

“You—” The old Taoist gritted his teeth in hatred.

In fact, the age difference between him and Bi Xiuzhen is not too much, but Bi Xiuzhen looks young and promising, while he is an old dragon clock.

This was entirely due to his selfish mentality, and he wanted to look like an old dragon clock, so that others could feel at a glance that their cultivation was higher than Bi Xiu’s.

Although this idea is ridiculous, it also shows from the side that the old Taoist master’s idea of defeating Bi Xiuzhen is all the time.

And he and Bi Xiuzhen had been enemies of cultivation since childhood.

Bi Xiu was really a real genius, and he had never encountered a bottleneck in cultivation since he was a child.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always stepped on the bottom of his feet, and Li Xiuyuan does not know when he can no longer catch up with Bi Xiuzhen’s footsteps.

From the initial confrontation between the two people, to the later hopeless, and finally to being completely trampled under his feet, Li Xiuyuan’s cultivation path was not miserable.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been taught by the elders at the head of the family, looking at what level and what level Bi Xiuzhen has reached, which has brought a lot of pressure to his psychology, he has been working hard to move forward, but he has never surpassed this man.

This man was a magic obstacle in his heart, and even so, he and Bi Xiuzhen still maintained a superficial friendship relationship.

Although the two men have been secretly fighting in private, the superficial relationship is still very harmonious, until Bi Xiuzhen’s son is born.

Bishua’s son is simply a pervert!

What is this? Is it true that talent will also be multiplied…

Cultivation at birth is already more advanced than those who have been cultivating for hundreds of years.

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